1,734 research outputs found

    Fetal heart rate responses in chronic hypoxaemia with superimposed repeated hypoxaemia consistent with early labour: a controlled study in fetal sheep

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    Objective: Deceleration area (DA) and capacity (DC) of the fetal heart rate can help predict risk of intrapartum fetal compromise. However, their predictive value in higher risk pregnancies is unclear. We investigated whether they can predict the onset of hypotension during brief hypoxaemia repeated at a rate consistent with early labour in fetal sheep with pre-existing hypoxaemia. Design: Prospective, controlled study. Setting: Laboratory. Sample: Chronically instrumented, unanaesthetised near-term fetal sheep. Methods: One-minute complete umbilical cord occlusions (UCOs) were performed every 5 minutes in fetal sheep with baseline paO2 17 mmHg (normoxic, n = 11) for 4 hours or until arterial pressure fell <20 mmHg. Main outcome measures: DA, DC and arterial pressure. Results: Normoxic fetuses showed effective cardiovascular adaptation without hypotension and mild acidaemia (lowest arterial pressure 40.7 ± 2.8 mmHg, pH 7.35 ± 0.03). Hypoxaemic fetuses developed hypotension (lowest arterial pressure 20.8 ± 1.9 mmHg, P P = 0.04) and final (P = 0.012) 20 minutes of UCOs. DA was not different between groups. Conclusion: Chronically hypoxaemic fetuses had early onset of cardiovascular compromise during labour-like brief repeated UCOs. DA was unable to identify developing hypotension in this setting, while DC only showed modest differences between groups. These findings highlight that DA and DC thresholds need to be adjusted for antenatal risk factors, potentially limiting their clinical utility

    Intrapartum hypoxia and power spectral analysis of fetal heart rate variability

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    Reliable detection of intrapartum fetal acidosis is crucial for preventing morbidity. Hypoxia-related changes of fetal heart rate variability (FHRV) are controlled by the autonomic nervous system. Subtle changes in FHRV that cannot be identified by inspection can be detected and quantified by power spectral analysis. Sympathetic activity relates to low-frequency FHRV and parasympathetic activity to both low- and high-frequency FHRV. The aim was to study whether intra partum fetal acidosis can be detected by analyzing spectral powers of FHRV, and whether spectral powers associate with hypoxia-induced changes in the fetal electrocardiogram and with the pH of fetal blood samples taken intrapartum. The FHRV of 817 R-R interval recordings, collected as a part of European multicenter studies, were analyzed. Acidosis was defined as cord pH ≤ 7.05 or scalp pH ≤ 7.20, and metabolic acidosis as cord pH ≤ 7.05 and base deficit ≥ 12 mmol/l. Intrapartum hypoxia increased the spectral powers of FHRV. As fetal acidosis deepened, FHRV decreased: fetuses with significant birth acidosis had, after an initial increase, a drop in spectral powers near delivery, suggesting a breakdown of fetal compensation. Furthermore, a change in excess of 30% of the low-to-high frequency ratio of FHRV was associated with fetal metabolic acidosis. The results suggest that a decrease in the spectral powers of FHRV signals concern for fetal wellbeing. A single measure alone cannot be used to reveal fetal hypoxia since the spectral powers vary widely intra-individually. With technical developments, continuous assessment of intra-individual changes in spectral powers of FHRV might aid in the detection of fetal compromise due to hypoxia.Siirretty Doriast

    Pitfalls in Interpreting Umbilical Cord Blood Gases and Lactate at Birth

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    Acid-base status in umbilical cord blood is an objective measure of the fetus’ exposure to and ability to handle hypoxia. The objective of this thesis was to clarify some of the methodological pitfalls in interpreting umbilical cord blood gases and lactate values at birth. Study I pinpoints the methodological confounding in calculating base deficit (BD) with algorithms used in different brands of blood gas analyzers and reports the consequences for diagnosing metabolic acidosis (MA) at birth. Neonatal MA rates cannot be compared between maternity units or between scientific articles where different fetal compartments (blood or extracellular fluid) and different algorithms for calculating BD have been used. Study II addresses the issue of possible diagnostic discrepancies when acid-base parameter value decimals are rounded off. A drift of a dichotomy parameter value cut-off due to decimal rounding will result in a shift in distribution of negative and positive cases in a population sample. The findings warrant a discussion on standardization of round-off rule and the number of decimals for a specific analyte result. Study III demonstrates that delayed cord blood sampling with intact pulsations affects umbilical acid-base values and hematological parameters in both vaginal and cesarean deliveries. The changes were more marked after vaginal delivery. A change towards acidemia and lactemia can be explained by the hidden acidosis phenomenon, i.e. a surge into the central circulation of peripherally trapped acid metabolites when the newborn starts to breathe. Study IV shows that clinical characteristics have a significant influence on the distribution of veno-arterial and arterio-venous gradients (Δ values) in umbilical cord blood. Validation criteria based on fixed ΔpH and ΔpCO2 values may then exclude correct samples of clinical outliers. Lactate cannot be used for validation of umbilical cord blood samples. A negative ΔpO2 value indicates delayed cord blood sampling or mix-up of samples and is the only certain validation criterion

    An evaluation of electronic fetal monitoring with clinical validation of ST waveform analysis during labour

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    Dissatisfaction with the electronic recording of fetal heart rate and uterine contractions (the cardiotocogram or CTG) has resulted in a search for new techniques of monitoring the fetus during labour. It is important that each method has a sound physiological and pathophysiological basis, that a model for the interpretation of changes is elucidated and that each method is thoroughly evaluated before introduction into clinical practice. Analysis of the ST waveform of the fetal electrocardiogram (FECG) is the most advanced of the new techniques under investigation. Experimental studies have shown that elevation of the ST waveform occurs with a switch to myocardial anaerobic metabolism and a negative waveform occurs during direct myocardial ischaemia. Human observational studies have suggested that a combination of ST waveform and CTG analysis may improve the specificity of intrapartum monitoring and reduce unnecessary intervention. A high quality FECG signal is necessary for waveform analysis. The FECG can be recorded from a scalp electrode (FSE) during labour. The suitability of 5 commonly available FSEs for ECG waveform analysis was compared. Single spiral FSEs had the most favourable physical and electrical properties and produced the best quality signals in a randomised clinical trial of 50 fetuses in labour. Intervention rates and neonatal outcome in labours monitored with CTG alone were compared with those monitored with the combination of ST waveform analysis plus CTG (ST+CTG) in a randomised clinical trial of 2434 high risk labours in a large district general hospital over an 18 month period. There was a 46% reduction in operative intervention for fetal distress in the ST+CTG group (p<0.001, OR 1.96 [1.42-2.71]). There was a trend to less neonatal metabolic acidemia (p = 0.09, OR 2.63 [0.93-7.39]) and fewer low five minute Apgar scores (p = 0.12, OR 1.62 [0.92-2.85]) in the ST+CTG arm. All recordings were reviewed retrospectively, blind to outcome and the CTG classified as normal, intermediate or abnormal according to the trial protocol. There was no significant difference in the proportion of recordings in each category between the trial arms. Operative intervention in the ST+CTG arm was significantly reduced in recordings classified as normal and intermediate by the review (12/1043 ST+CTG arm versus 48/1066 CTG arm, p <0.001). Three patterns of ST+CTG change were identified. 1. Normal CTG, persistent stable ST waveform elevation. These fetuses had good outcome and a significantly higher mean pH (7.29) and lower base deficit (1.1 rnmol/1) at delivery. The raised ST waveform may reflect sympathoadrenal stimulation from the general arousal of labour or a response to mild but compensated hypoxaemia and is in keeping with experimental data. 2. CTG abnormal, progressive elevation in ST waveform. All cases occurred towards the end of second stage. These fetuses had a significantly lower mean pH (7.05) and higher base deficit (7.6 mmol/1) than all other groups. This combination identified fetuses who were developing a metabolic acidosis as a result of significant hypoxia. 3. Abnormal CTG and a negative ST waveform. All cases with persistently negative waveforms were depressed at birth, required resuscitation and had low arterial pHs (where available). This high risk group probably had depleted myocardial glycogen reserves and suffered direct myocardial hypoxia, as seen in animal studies. These findings indicate that ST waveform analysis can discriminate CTG change during labour, the combination can result in a reduction in unnecessary intervention and has the potential to more accurately identify fetuses at risk of neonatal morbidity. The term 'monitoring' implies a degree of automatic surveillance but this is not the case as CTG and ST+CTG records are subjectively interpreted, frequently by junior, inexperienced staff. The retrospective review of cases in the trial revealed significant errors in the use of fetal blood sampling and the interpretation of both CTG and ST+CTG recordings during the study. The feasibility of representing expert clinical knowledge in a decision support tool to provide consistent, accurate interpretation of the CTG was demonstrated in two clinical studies. The full potential of ST+CTG analysis may only be achieved with some degree of automatic data processing and interpretation. The randomised trial also demonstrated the lack of appropriate measures of neonatal outcome with which to judge the effectiveness of fetal monitoring. Analysis of cord artery and vein blood gas status at delivery can provide useful information about fetal oxygenation prior to delivery but currently the information is poorly used, if at all. Use of erroneous data, inappropriate measures of 'acidemia', failure to distinguish between respiratory and metabolic components and unphysiological expectations about relationships to other measures of neonatal outcome were some of the problems highlighted. The use of generic terminology such as 'birth asphyxia' or 'acidosis' which have varying definitions has caused much confusion and should be avoided. There is unlikely to be one 'gold standard' measure of neonatal condition at delivery

    A randomised clinical trial on cardiotocography plus fetal blood sampling versus cardiotocography plus ST-analysis of the fetal electrocardiogram (STAN®) for intrapartum monitoring

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Cardiotocography (CTG) is worldwide the method for fetal surveillance during labour. However, CTG alone shows many false positive test results and without fetal blood sampling (FBS), it results in an increase in operative deliveries without improvement of fetal outcome. FBS requires additional expertise, is invasive and has often to be repeated during labour. Two clinical trials have shown that a combination of CTG and ST-analysis of the fetal electrocardiogram (ECG) reduces the rates of metabolic acidosis and instrumental delivery. However, in both trials FBS was still performed in the ST-analysis arm, and it is therefore still unknown if the observed results were indeed due to the ST-analysis or to the use of FBS in combination with ST-analysis.</p> <p>Methods/Design</p> <p>We aim to evaluate the effectiveness of non-invasive monitoring (CTG + ST-analysis) as compared to normal care (CTG + FBS), in a multicentre randomised clinical trial setting. Secondary aims are: 1) to judge whether ST-analysis of fetal electrocardiogram can significantly decrease frequency of performance of FBS or even replace it; 2) perform a cost analysis to establish the economic impact of the two treatment options.</p> <p>Women in labour with a gestational age ≥ 36 weeks and an indication for CTG-monitoring can be included in the trial.</p> <p>Eligible women will be randomised for fetal surveillance with CTG and, if necessary, FBS or CTG combined with ST-analysis of the fetal ECG.</p> <p>The primary outcome of the study is the incidence of serious metabolic acidosis (defined as pH < 7.05 and Bd<sub>ecf </sub>> 12 mmol/L in the umbilical cord artery). Secondary outcome measures are: instrumental delivery, neonatal outcome (Apgar score, admission to a neonatal ward), incidence of performance of FBS in both arms and cost-effectiveness of both monitoring strategies across hospitals.</p> <p>The analysis will follow the intention to treat principle. The incidence of metabolic acidosis will be compared across both groups. Assuming a reduction of metabolic acidosis from 3.5% to 2.1 %, using a two-sided test with an alpha of 0.05 and a power of 0.80, in favour of CTG plus ST-analysis, about 5100 women have to be randomised. Furthermore, the cost-effectiveness of CTG and ST-analysis as compared to CTG and FBS will be studied.</p> <p>Discussion</p> <p>This study will provide data about the use of intrapartum ST-analysis with a strict protocol for performance of FBS to limit its incidence. We aim to clarify to what extent intrapartum ST-analysis can be used without the performance of FBS and in which cases FBS is still needed.</p> <p>Trial Registration Number</p> <p>ISRCTN95732366</p

    Machine learning on cardiotocography data to classify fetal outcomes: A scoping review

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    Introduction: Uterine contractions during labour constrict maternal blood flow and oxygen delivery to the developing baby, causing transient hypoxia. While most babies are physiologically adapted to withstand such intrapartum hypoxia, those exposed to severe hypoxia or with poor physiological reserves may experience neurological injury or death during labour. Cardiotocography (CTG) monitoring was developed to identify babies at risk of hypoxia by detecting changes in fetal heart rate (FHR) patterns. CTG monitoring is in widespread use in intrapartum care for the detection of fetal hypoxia, but the clinical utility is limited by a relatively poor positive predictive value (PPV) of an abnormal CTG and significant inter and intra observer variability in CTG interpretation. Clinical risk and human factors may impact the quality of CTG interpretation. Misclassification of CTG traces may lead to both under-treatment (with the risk of fetal injury or death) or over-treatment (which may include unnecessary operative interventions that put both mother and baby at risk of complications). Machine learning (ML) has been applied to this problem since early 2000 and has shown potential to predict fetal hypoxia more accurately than visual interpretation of CTG alone. To consider how these tools might be translated for clinical practice, we conducted a review of ML techniques already applied to CTG classification and identified research gaps requiring investigation in order to progress towards clinical implementation. Materials and method: We used identified keywords to search databases for relevant publications on PubMed, EMBASE and IEEE Xplore. We used Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis for Scoping Reviews (PRISMA-ScR). Title, abstract and full text were screened according to the inclusion criteria. Results: We included 36 studies that used signal processing and ML techniques to classify CTG. Most studies used an open-access CTG database and predominantly used fetal metabolic acidosis as the benchmark for hypoxia with varying pH levels. Various methods were used to process and extract CTG signals and several ML algorithms were used to classify CTG. We identified significant concerns over the practicality of using varying pH levels as the CTG classification benchmark. Furthermore, studies needed to be more generalised as most used the same database with a low number of subjects for an ML study. Conclusion: ML studies demonstrate potential in predicting fetal hypoxia from CTG. However, more diverse datasets, standardisation of hypoxia benchmarks and enhancement of algorithms and features are needed for future clinical implementation.</p

    Computer-based intrapartum fetal monitoring and beyond: A review of the 2nd Workshop on Signal Processing and Monitoring in Labor (October 2017, Oxford, UK).

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    The second Signal Processing and Monitoring in Labor workshop gathered researchers who utilize promising new research strategies and initiatives to tackle the challenges of intrapartum fetal monitoring. The workshop included a series of lectures and discussions focusing on: new algorithms and techniques for cardiotocogoraphy (CTG) and electrocardiogram acquisition and analyses; the results of a CTG evaluation challenge comparing state-of-the-art computerized methods and visual interpretation for the detection of arterial cord pH <7.05 at birth; the lack of consensus about the role of intrapartum acidemia in the etiology of fetal brain injury; the differences between methods for CTG analysis "mimicking" expert clinicians and those derived from "data-driven" analyses; a critical review of the results from two randomized controlled trials testing the former in clinical practice; and relevant insights from modern physiology-based studies. We concluded that the automated algorithms performed comparably to each other and to clinical assessment of the CTG. However, the sensitivity and specificity urgently need to be improved (both computerized and visual assessment). Data-driven CTG evaluation requires further work with large multicenter datasets based on well-defined labor outcomes. And before first tests in the clinic, there are important lessons to be learnt from clinical trials that tested automated algorithms mimicking expert CTG interpretation. In addition, transabdominal fetal electrocardiogram monitoring provides reliable CTG traces and variability estimates; and fetal electrocardiogram waveform analysis is subject to promising new research. There is a clear need for close collaboration between computing and clinical experts. We believe that progress will be possible with multidisciplinary collaborative research

    Strengthening the Scientific Base for the Unambiguous Category II Fetal Heart Rate Tracing Algorithm.

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    Ph.D. Thesis. University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa 2017

    Fetal autonomic cardiac response during pregnancy and labour

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    Timely recognition of fetal distress, during pregnancy and labour, in order to intervene adequately is of major importance to avoid neonatal morbidity and mortality. As discussed in chapter 1, the cardiotocogram (CTG) might be a useful screening test for fetal monitoring but it has insufficient specificity and requires additional diagnostic tests in case of suspected fetal compromise to avoid unnecessary operative deliveries. Potential additional techniques used in clinical practice are fetal scalp blood sampling (FBS) and ST-waveform analysis of the fetal electrocardiogram (ECG; STAN®). However, publications on these techniques provide limited support for the use of these methods in the presence of a non-reassuring CTG for reducing caesarean sections. In addition, these techniques are invasive and can therefore only be used during labour at the term or the near term period. Consequently, it is of great clinical importance that additional methods are developed that contribute to more reliable assessment of fetal condition. Preferably, this information is obtained non-invasively. Valuable additional information on the fetal condition can possibly be obtained by spectral analysis of fetal heart rate variability (HRV). The fetal heart rate fluctuates under the control of the autonomic part of the central nervous system. The autonomic cardiac modulation is discussed in chapter 2. The sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems typically operate on partly different timescales. Time-frequency analysis (spectral analysis) of fetal beat-to-beat HRV can hence quantify sympathetic and parasympathetic modulation and characterise autonomic cardiac control . The low frequency (LF) component of HRV is associated with both sympathetic and parasympathetic modulation while the high frequency (HF) component is associated with parasympathetic modulation alone2. Spectral estimates of HRV might indirectly reflect fetal wellbeing and increase insight in the human fetal autonomic cardiac response. In chapter 3, technical details for retrieving fetal beat-to-beat heart rate and its spectral estimates are provided. In this thesis spectral analysis of fetal HRV is investigated. The first objective is to study the value of spectral analysis of fetal HRV as a tool to assess fetal wellbeing during labour at term. The second objective is to monitor spectral estimates of fetal HRV, non-invasively, during gestation to increase insight in the development of human fetal autonomic cardiac control. Since Akselrod reported the relation between autonomic nervous system modulation and LF and HF peaks in frequency domain1, frequency analysis of RR interval fluctuations is widely performed . For human adults, standards for HRV measurement and physiological interpretation have been developed2. Although HRV parameters are reported to be highly prognostic in human adults in case of cardiac disease, little research is done towards the value of these parameters in assessing fetal distress in the human fetus, as shown in chapter 4. In this chapter, the literature about time-frequency analysis of human fetal HRV is reviewed in order to determine the value of spectral estimates for fetal surveillance. Articles that described spectral analysis of human fetal HRV and compared the energy in spectral bands with fetal bloodgas values were included. Only six studies met our inclusion criteria. One study found an initial increase in LF power during the first stage of fetal compromise, which was thought to point to stress-induced sympathetic hyperactivity3. Five out of six studies showed a decrease in LF power in case of fetal distress , , , , ,. This decrease in LF power in case of severe fetal compromise was thought to be the result of immaturity or decompensation of the fetal autonomic nervous system. These findings support the hypothesis that spectral analysis of fetal HRV might be a promising method for fetal surveillance. All studies included in the literature review used absolute values of LF and HF power. Although absolute LF and HF power of HRV provide useful information on autonomic modulation, especially when considering fetal autonomic development, LF and HF power may also be measured in normalised units. Normalised LF (LFn) and normalised HF power (HFn) of HRV represent the relative value of each power component in proportion to the total power2. Adrenergic stimulation can cause a sympathetically-modulated increase in fetal heart rate . A negative correlation however exists between heart rate and HRV . As a result, the sympathetic stimulation can decrease the total power of HRV and even the absolute LF power. When normalising the absolute LF (and HF) with respect to the total power, a shift in activity from HFn to LFn might become visible, revealing the expected underlying sympathetic activity. Thus, because changes in total power influence absolute spectral estimates in the same direction, normalised values of LF and HF power seem more suitable for fetal monitoring. In other words, normalised spectral estimates detect relative changes that are no longer masked by changes in total power2. LFn and HFn power are calculated by dividing LF and HF power, respectively, by total power and represent the controlled and balanced behaviour of the two branches of the autonomic nervous system2. In chapter 5 we hypothesised that the autonomic cardiovascular control is functional in fetuses at term, and that LFn power increases in case of distress due to increased sympathetic modulation. During labour at term, ten acidaemic fetuses were compared with ten healthy fetuses. During the last 30 minutes of labour, acidaemic fetuses had significantly higher LFn power and lower HFn power than control fetuses, which points to increased sympathetic modulation. No differences in absolute LF or HF power were found between both groups. The observed differences in normalised spectral estimates of HRV were not observed earlier in labour. In conclusion, it seems that the autonomic nervous system of human fetuses at term responds adequately to severe stress during labour. Normalised spectral estimates of HRV might be able to discriminate between normal and abnormal fetal condition. Although we found significant differences in normalised spectral estimates between healthy and acidaemic fetuses, we wondered whether spectral power of HRV is also related to fetal distress in an earlier stage. The next step in chapter 6 was therefore, to investigate whether spectral estimates are related to fetal scalp blood pH during labour. Term fetuses during labour, in cephalic presentation, that underwent one or more scalp blood samples were studied. Beat-to-beat fetal heart rate segments, preceding the scalp blood measurement, were used to calculate spectral estimates. In total 39 FBS from 30 patients were studied. We found that normalised spectral estimates are related to fetal scalp blood pH while absolute spectral estimates are not related to fetal pH. It was further demonstrated that LFn power is negatively related and HFn power is positively related to fetal pH. These findings point to increased sympathetic and decreased parasympathetic cardiac modulation in human fetuses at term upon decrease of their pH value. This study confirms the hypothesis that normalised spectral values of fetal HRV are related to fetal distress in an early stage. Previous studies showed that absolute LF and HF power increase as pregnancy progresses, which is attributed to fetal autonomic maturation , . Since it is yet unclear how LFn and HFn evolve with progressing pregnancy, before using spectral analysis for fetal monitoring, it has to be determined whether gestational age has to be corrected for. In addition, fetal autonomic fluctuations, and thus spectral estimates of HRV, are influenced by fetal behavioural state . Since these states continue to change during labour , thorough understanding of the way in which these changes in state influence spectral power is necessary for the interpretation of spectral values during labour at term. Therefore, in chapter 7, we examined whether differences in spectral estimates exist between healthy near term and post term fetuses during labour. In case such differences do exist, they should be taken into consideration for fetal monitoring. The quiet and active sleep states were studied separately to determine the influence of fetal behavioural state on spectral estimates of HRV during labour around term. No significant differences in spectral estimates were found between near term and post term fetuses during active sleep. During quiet sleep, LFn power was lower and HF and HFn power were higher in post term compared to near term fetuses, no significant differences in LF power were observed between both groups. LF, HF and LFn power were higher and HFn power was lower during active sleep compared to quiet sleep in both groups. This seems to point to sympathetic predominance during the active state in fetuses around term. In addition, post term parasympathetic modulation during rest seems increased compared to near term. In conclusion, fetal behavioural state and gestational age cause a considerable variability in spectral estimates in fetuses during labour, around term, which should be taken into consideration when using spectral estimates for fetal monitoring. In chapters 4 to 6, spectral estimates of beat-to-beat fetal HRV were studied using fetal ECG recordings that were obtained directly from the fetal scalp during labour. However, the second objective of this thesis is to obtain spectral estimates non-invasively during gestation to increase insight in the development of human fetal autonomic cardiac control. The fetal ECG is also present on the maternal abdomen, although much smaller in amplitude and obscured by the maternal ECG and noise. Chapter 8 focused on non-invasive measurement of the fetal ECG from the maternal abdomen. These measurements allow for obtaining beat-to-beat fetal heart rate non-invasively. Therefore, this method can be used to obtain spectral estimates of fetal HRV throughout gestation. Although abdominal recording of the fetal ECG may offer valuable additional information, it is troubled by poor signal-to-noise ratios (SNR) during certain parts of pregnancy, e.g. during the immature period and during the vernix period. To increase the usability of abdominal fetal ECG recordings, an algorithm was developed that uses a priori knowledge on the physiology of the fetal heart to enhance the fetal ECG components in multi-lead abdominal fetal ECG recordings, before QRS-detection. Evaluation of the method on generated fetal ECG recordings with controlled SNR showed excellent results. The method for non-invasive fetal ECG and beat-to-beat heart rate detection presented in chapter 8 was used for analysis in chapter 9. The feasibility of this method in a longitudinal patient study was investigated. In addition, changes in spectral estimates of HRV during pregnancy were studied and related to fetal rest-activity state to study the development of fetal autonomic cardiac control. We found that approximately 3% of non-invasive fetal ECG recordings could be used for spectral analysis. Therefore, improvement of both equipment and algorithms is still needed to obtain more good-quality data. The percentage of successfully retrieved data depends on gestational age. Before 18 and between 30 and 34 weeks no good-quality beat-to-beat heart rate data were available. We found an increase in LF and HF power of fetal HRV with increasing gestational age, between 21 to 30 weeks of gestation. This increase in LF and HF power is probably due to increased sympathetic and parasympathetic modulation and might be a sign of autonomic development. Furthermore, we found sympathetic predominance during the active state compared to the quiet state in near term fetuses (34 to 41 weeks of gestation), comparable to the results observed during labour around term. During 34 to 41 weeks a (non-significant) decrease in LF and LFn power and a (non-significant) increase in HF and HFn power were observed. These non-significant changes in spectral estimates in near term fetuses might be associated with changes in fetal rest-activity state and increased parasympathetic modulation as pregnancy progresses. However, more research is needed to confirm this