2 research outputs found

    Software social como apoio à gestão do conhecimento organizacional: o uso do wiki

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    Knowledge is one of the most valuables assets for organizations nowadays. Managing this knowledge, allowing it to be developed and kept, is Organizational Knowledge Management's chief challenge. Currently there seems to be no doubt Information Technology is the most valuable tool in this enterprise. In this regard, many softwares were developed and implemented in an attempt to become instrumental for the organizations. It has been noted, though, most of then were not able to achieve it's goals, becoming mainly huge data repositories. Identifying softwares able to mitigate this situation can contribute to Knowledge Management. Following this trend, this research's objective is to map wiki, a valuable social software, supporting Organizational Knowledge Management processes, contributions to the knowledge's learning, storage, retrieval and sharing. The research's locus was the infrastructure department on the Information Technology sector from a major organization on Parana, starting from a comparative study of the wiki's features on the SECI model. The field research was instrumentalized by a pool, collecting data on the wiki usage between the infrastructure teams on the Information Technology sector, from witch the main results were a reference board, a consolidated diagnostic on the wiki's usage and the mapping of the delineating policies on the organizational knowledge's creation, sharing and diffusion.O conhecimento é um dos bens mais valiosos para as organizações atuais. Gerir este conhecimento de forma que o mesmo possa ser criado e mantido é o grande desafio da Gestão do Conhecimento Organizacional. Hodiernamente não se parece ter dúvidas de que a Tecnologia da Informação é a grande ferramenta de auxílio nessa empreitada. Neste sentido, vários softwares foram desenvolvidos e implementados na tentativa de servirem como instrumental para as organizações. Observa-se, no entanto, que, no mais das vezes, eles não conseguiram atingir seus objetivos, pois tornaram-se majoritariamente grandes repositórios de dados. A identificação de possíveis softwares que mitiguem tal realidade podem contribuir à uma melhor Gestão do Conhecimento. Neste viés, esta pesquisa tem como objetivo mapear as contribuições da ferramenta wiki, uma materialidade dos softwares sociais, apoiadora de processos de Gestão do Conhecimento Organizacional, relacionados ao aprendizado, ao armazenamento, à recuperação e ao compartilhamento do conhecimento. O locus da pesquisa foi a área de infraestrutura de Tecnologia de Informação (TI) de uma organização de grande porte do Paraná, partindo-se de um estudo comparativo entre as características do wiki com o modelo teórico SECI. A pesquisa de campo foi instrumentalizada por um questionário, coletando-se dados a respeito do uso do wiki em equipes da área de infraestrutura de TI, obtendo-se como principais resultados um quadro de referência, um diagnóstico consolidado do uso do wiki e o mapeamento de ações para delineamento de políticas institucionais de criação, compartilhamento e difusão do conhecimento organizacional

    Use of a Wiki as a Radiology Departmental Knowledge Management System

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    Information technology teams in health care are tasked with maintaining a variety of information systems with complex support requirements. In radiology, this includes picture archive and communication systems, radiology information systems, speech recognition systems, and other ancillary systems. Hospital information technology (IT) departments are required to provide 24 × 7 support for these mission-critical systems that directly support patient care in emergency and other critical care departments. The practical know-how to keep these systems operational and diagnose problems promptly is difficult to maintain around the clock. Specific details on infrequent failure modes or advanced troubleshooting strategies may reside with only a few senior staff members. Our goal was to reduce diagnosis and recovery times for issues with our mission-critical systems. We created a knowledge base for building and quickly disseminating technical expertise to our entire support staff. We used an open source, wiki-based, collaborative authoring system internally within our IT department to improve our ability to deliver a high level of service to our customers. In this paper, we describe our evaluation of the wiki and the ways in which we used it to organize our support knowledge. We found the wiki to be an effective tool for knowledge management and for improving our ability to provide mission-critical support for health care IT systems