3 research outputs found

    Don't Look Back: Robustifying Place Categorization for Viewpoint- and Condition-Invariant Place Recognition

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    When a human drives a car along a road for the first time, they later recognize where they are on the return journey typically without needing to look in their rear-view mirror or turn around to look back, despite significant viewpoint and appearance change. Such navigation capabilities are typically attributed to our semantic visual understanding of the environment [1] beyond geometry to recognizing the types of places we are passing through such as "passing a shop on the left" or "moving through a forested area". Humans are in effect using place categorization [2] to perform specific place recognition even when the viewpoint is 180 degrees reversed. Recent advances in deep neural networks have enabled high-performance semantic understanding of visual places and scenes, opening up the possibility of emulating what humans do. In this work, we develop a novel methodology for using the semantics-aware higher-order layers of deep neural networks for recognizing specific places from within a reference database. To further improve the robustness to appearance change, we develop a descriptor normalization scheme that builds on the success of normalization schemes for pure appearance-based techniques such as SeqSLAM [3]. Using two different datasets - one road-based, one pedestrian-based, we evaluate the performance of the system in performing place recognition on reverse traversals of a route with a limited field of view camera and no turn-back-and-look behaviours, and compare to existing state-of-the-art techniques and vanilla off-the-shelf features. The results demonstrate significant improvements over the existing state of the art, especially for extreme perceptual challenges that involve both great viewpoint change and environmental appearance change. We also provide experimental analyses of the contributions of the various system components.Comment: 9 pages, 11 figures, ICRA 201

    LoST? Appearance-Invariant Place Recognition for Opposite Viewpoints using Visual Semantics

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    Human visual scene understanding is so remarkable that we are able to recognize a revisited place when entering it from the opposite direction it was first visited, even in the presence of extreme variations in appearance. This capability is especially apparent during driving: a human driver can recognize where they are when travelling in the reverse direction along a route for the first time, without having to turn back and look. The difficulty of this problem exceeds any addressed in past appearance- and viewpoint-invariant visual place recognition (VPR) research, in part because large parts of the scene are not commonly observable from opposite directions. Consequently, as shown in this paper, the precision-recall performance of current state-of-the-art viewpoint- and appearance-invariant VPR techniques is orders of magnitude below what would be usable in a closed-loop system. Current engineered solutions predominantly rely on panoramic camera or LIDAR sensing setups; an eminently suitable engineering solution but one that is clearly very different to how humans navigate, which also has implications for how naturally humans could interact and communicate with the navigation system. In this paper we develop a suite of novel semantic- and appearance-based techniques to enable for the first time high performance place recognition in this challenging scenario. We first propose a novel Local Semantic Tensor (LoST) descriptor of images using the convolutional feature maps from a state-of-the-art dense semantic segmentation network. Then, to verify the spatial semantic arrangement of the top matching candidates, we develop a novel approach for mining semantically-salient keypoint correspondences.Comment: Accepted for Robotics: Science and Systems (RSS) 2018. Source code now available at https://github.com/oravus/lost