6,338 research outputs found

    The Next Paradigm Shift in the Mobile Ecosystem: Mobile Social Computing and the Increasing Relevance of Users

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    Social computing has become the paradigm for the increasingly relevant role of users in the Internet world. In this paper, it is argued that mobile social computing will eventually cause an even bigger impact in the mobile ecosystem. We are already at the beginning of the "transference" of a significant part of Internet social computing usage to the mobile domain, where users are no longer passive consumers of content andapplications, but co-creators and even innovators of them. However, mobile social computing will go one step further in the contribution to the development of the mobile ecosystem, since it will put the many situations of users' daily activities at the centre stage. To prove this case, this paper gathers available data and evidence on the patterns of mobile social computing usage and discusses user innovation and user empowerment in the framework of the current mobile ecosystem.Mobile social computing, user innovation, mobile ecosystem.

    IFPI digital music report 2013: engine of a digital world

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    The global recorded music industry is on a path to recovery, fuelled by licensed digital music services and rapid expansion into new markets internationally. Recorded music is also helping drive a broader digital economy, according this report.Global recorded music industry revenues rose by an estimated 0.3 per cent to US$16.5 billion in 2012, the first year of industry growth since 1999. Digital revenues saw accelerating growth for the second year running, up 9 per cent, with most major digital revenue streams - downloads, subscription and advertising-supported - on the rise.The digital music business is globalising fast, as smartphones and new licensed services span new and emerging markets. In January 2011, the major international download and subscription services were present in 23 markets. Today, they are in more than 100.Licensed music services are demonstrably meeting consumers\u27 needs. New consumer research published today by Ipsos MediaCT, covering nine markets in four continents, shows that 62 per cent of internet users have used a licensed music service in the last six months. (A summary of the Ipsos MediaCT research is provided in annex)Canadian artist Carly Rae Jepsen topped the 2012 global singles chart with Call Me Maybe. British singer-songwriter Adele achieved phenomenal success with 21, the first album to top the global albums chart for two consecutive years since IFPI began reporting global best sellers in 2001.Despite the optimism, key barriers to further growth remain - the biggest being unfair competition from unlicensed music services. Governments have a key role to play in addressing this problem. The key priority remains to secure effective cooperation from intermediaries including advertisers, ISPs and search engines, who have a major influence on levels of copyright infringement

    Energy-efficient through-life smart design, manufacturing and operation of ships in an industry 4.0 environment

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    Energy efficiency is an important factor in the marine industry to help reduce manufacturing and operational costs as well as the impact on the environment. In the face of global competition and cost-effectiveness, ship builders and operators today require a major overhaul in the entire ship design, manufacturing and operation process to achieve these goals. This paper highlights smart design, manufacturing and operation as the way forward in an industry 4.0 (i4) era from designing for better energy efficiency to more intelligent ships and smart operation through-life. The paper (i) draws parallels between ship design, manufacturing and operation processes, (ii) identifies key challenges facing such a temporal (lifecycle) as opposed to spatial (mass) products, (iii) proposes a closed-loop ship lifecycle framework and (iv) outlines potential future directions in smart design, manufacturing and operation of ships in an industry 4.0 value chain so as to achieve more energy-efficient vessels. Through computational intelligence and cyber-physical integration, we envision that industry 4.0 can revolutionise ship design, manufacturing and operations in a smart product through-life process in the near future

    Innovative Asia: Advancing the Knowledge-Based Economy - The Next Policy Agenda

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    [Excerpt] This study by the Asian Development Bank (ADB) seeks to analyze the ways in which Asia’s middle- and low-income countries can tap knowledge-based economic development to maintain and strengthen the growth momentum and to move up global value chains. The ADB study uses the Knowledge Economy Index (KEI) rubric to benchmark the performance of developing economies in Asia against advanced economies of the world. It is clear that on all the four pillars of the knowledge economy—innovation, education and skills, ICT, and the economic incentive and institutional regime—developing economies in Asia significantly lag behind advanced nations. Policy makers in developing Asia need ensure appropriate investments and conducive policies across all the four pillars. The report traces the journey of the Republic of Korea, Singapore, and Finland as KBEs and the lessons developing economies can derive. However, going beyond this, the report also highlights a number of special advantages that Asia can effectively tap that will help them leapfrog to the knowledge frontier. The relative lack of legacy infrastructure in developing economies, particularly in information communication technology, could enable developing economies to leapfrog over certain technology cycles and access the latest technologies, such as moving to cloud computing solutions. Asia needs to effectively combine established wisdom from the experience of developed economies with contemporary knowledge and options that new technologies bring to strengthen KBE processes. An important dimension for developing economies in Asia to consider, given the rising inequality in the region, is making KBE processes inclusive. This report explores a number of opportunities in this direction

    A systematic review of the energy and climate impacts of teleworking

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    Information and communication technologies (ICTs) increasingly enable employees to work from home and other locations (‘teleworking’). This study explores the extent to which teleworking reduces the need to travel to work and the consequent impacts on economy-wide energy consumption. Methods/Design: The paper provides a systematic review of the current state of knowledge of the energy impacts of teleworking. This includes the energy savings from reduced commuter travel and the indirect impacts on energy consumption associated with changes in non-work travel and home energy consumption. The aim is to identify the conditions under which teleworking leads to a net reduction in economy-wide energy consumption, and the circumstances where benefits may be outweighed by unintended impacts. The paper synthesises the results of 39 empirical studies, identified through a comprehensive search of 9,000 published articles. Review results/Synthesis: Twenty six of the 39 studies suggest that teleworking reduces energy use, and only eight studies suggest that teleworking increases, or has a neutral impact on energy use. However, differences in the methodology, scope and assumptions of the different studies make it difficult to estimate ‘average’ energy savings. The main source of savings is the reduced distance travelled for commuting, potentially with an additional contribution from lower office energy consumption. However, the more rigorous studies that include a wider range of impacts (e.g. non-work travel or home energy use) generally find smaller savings. Discussion: Despite the generally positive verdict on teleworking as an energy-saving practice, there are numerous uncertainties and ambiguities about its actual or potential benefits. These relate to the extent to which teleworking may lead to unpredictable increases in non-work travel and home energy use that may outweigh the gains from reduced work travel. The available evidence suggests that economy-wide energy savings are typically modest, and in many circumstances could be negative or non-existent

    Results of the German Software Industry Survey 2013

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    This is the second year that we execute the Software Industry Survey in Germany and publish a report with the main results. As formulated in 2012, our goal is to investigate the current state of the German software industry on a yearly basis. Conclusions are made based on grounded data and empirical findings. We hope that this type of research will contribute to the work of both, practitioners and researchers


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    For almost 15 years, since it has been released, Wi-Fi has been one of the dominant technologies in telecommunication world. However, because of its weaknesses related to security, interference and weak quality of service it has not been accepted as a viable business. Furthermore, it also operates in unlicensed spectrum bands which magnify these issues. On the other hand, technological innovations through new improvements in the world of Wi-Fi have made it one of the most popular indoor communication solutions for enterprises as well as in outdoor common meeting points. Therefore, it has become imperative to study this subject due to its popularity and several issues associated with this technology to create a viable business model for Anvia Oyj. In an attempt to contribute towards this field, present thesis provides a comprehensive theoretical framework that addresses WLAN technology from different aspects including Wi-Fi roaming as well as the description of business model segments. In order to strengthen enterprise WLAN business models, a comprehensive data was collected through different resources. First, an internal interview in Anvia Oyj based on its current enterprise WLAN business model was conducted. Secondly, two surveys were conducted in different enterprise WLAN customer segments; 32 interviews with small office home office (SOHO) enterprises and 10 interviews with SMEs/LEs and municipalities. Thirdly, a global enterprise WLAN market analysis was conducted through Internet resources. Based on these, analyzes, recommendations and business model enhancements are suggested in this thesis. The findings of this research will help Anvia Oyj to achieve better performance in enterprise WLAN business segment.fi=Opinnäytetyö kokotekstinä PDF-muodossa.|en=Thesis fulltext in PDF format.|sv=Lärdomsprov tillgängligt som fulltext i PDF-format

    Mobile gaming prospects: the challenges to become a serious industry

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    Mobile games are a main example of both a successful mobile application and the increasing range of platforms for the media and entertainment industries. Against this convergent background, the paper introduces the basic features of the mobile gaming market and its industrial ecosystem with main actors and activities. Its focus lies on the challenges ahead for its evolution into a potentially dominant game platform and on the possible disruptions along this road. The future role of context and the deep personal relationship with the mobile device are considered to further explore mobile games link with users’ perceptions, players’ strategies and pending techno-economic developments

    Structured Review of Research Methodologies Applied in Internet Banking

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    Internet banking has been studied for about last two decades. This study conducts a review of the research techniques used in internet banking domain for last fifteen years (2002 to 2017). The research papers were selected from various reputed databases and subjected to content analysis before inclusion. The study will enable the researchers and bankers to understand the rigor of analysis, choose appropriate research technique and further develop methodologies for conducting research in the field of internet banking. Keywords: Internet banking, sampling methods, survey instrument, data analysis technique

    電子政府サービスの品質評価 : ベトナムの事例

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