4 research outputs found

    Avantages et inconvénients de la formation médicale continue virtuelle : une étude de la portée

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    Introduction: With the COVID-19 pandemic, most continuing medical education activities became virtual (VCME). The authors conducted a scoping review to synthesize the advantages and disadvantages of VCME to establish the impact of this approach on inequities that physicians face along the intersections of gender, race, and location of practice. Methods: Guided by the methodological framework of Arksey and O’Malley, the search included six databases and was limited to studies published between January 1991 to April 2021. Eligible studies included those related to accredited/non-accredited post-certification medical education, conferences, or meetings in a virtual setting focused on physicians. Numeric and inductive thematic analyses were performed.   Results: 282 studies were included in the review. Salient advantages identified were convenience, favourable learning formats, collaboration opportunities, effectiveness at improving knowledge and clinical practices, and cost-effectiveness. Prominent disadvantages included technological barriers, poor design, cost, lack of sufficient technological skill, and time. Analysis of the studies showed that VCME was most common in the general/family practice specialty, in suburban settings, and held by countries in the Global North. A minority of studies reported on gender (35%) and race (4%).  Discussion: Most studies report advantages of VCME, but disadvantages and barriers exist that are contextual to the location of practice and medical subspecialty. VCME events are largely organized by Global North countries with suboptimized accessibility for Global South attendees. A lack of reported data on gender and race reveals a limited understanding of how VCME affects vulnerable populations, prompting potential future considerations as it evolves. Introduction : Par suite de la pandĂ©mie de la COVID-19, la plupart des activitĂ©s de formation mĂ©dicale continue ont Ă©tĂ© offertes en ligne. Les auteurs ont effectuĂ© une revue de la portĂ©e visant Ă  synthĂ©tiser les avantages et les inconvĂ©nients de la formation mĂ©dicale continue en mode virtuel (FMCV) et Ă  examiner les effets de cette approche sur les inĂ©galitĂ©s qui affectent les mĂ©decins en fonction du sexe, de la race et du lieu d’exercice. MĂ©thodes : Suivant le cadre mĂ©thodologique d’Arksey et O’Malley, nous avons effectuĂ© une recherche dans six banques de donnĂ©es, que nous avons limitĂ©e aux Ă©tudes publiĂ©es entre janvier 1991 et avril 2021. Les Ă©tudes incluses Ă©taient celles relatives Ă  la formation mĂ©dicale post-certification, accrĂ©ditĂ©e ou non, aux confĂ©rences et aux rĂ©unions destinĂ©es aux mĂ©decins qui se sont dĂ©roulĂ©es dans un cadre virtuel. Une analyse numĂ©rique et une analyse thĂ©matique inductive ont Ă©tĂ© rĂ©alisĂ©es. RĂ©sultats : Au total, 282 articles ont Ă©tĂ© inclus dans l’étude. Les principaux avantages identifiĂ©s sont la commoditĂ©, les formats favorables Ă  l’apprentissage, les possibilitĂ©s de collaboration, l’efficacitĂ© pour l’amĂ©lioration des connaissances et des pratiques cliniques et le rapport coĂ»t-efficacitĂ©. Les principaux inconvĂ©nients sont les obstacles technologiques, les dĂ©fauts de conception, le coĂ»t, les compĂ©tences technologiques insuffisantes et le manque de temps. L’analyse des Ă©tudes a montrĂ© que la FMCV Ă©tait la plus courante dans la spĂ©cialitĂ© de la mĂ©decine gĂ©nĂ©rale/familiale, dans les banlieues et dans les pays du Nord. Quelques Ă©tudes considĂšrent les facteurs sexe (35 %) et race (4 %). Discussion : La plupart des Ă©tudes Ă©voquent les avantages de la FMCV, mais il existe des inconvĂ©nients et des obstacles liĂ©s au lieu d’exercice et Ă  la sous-spĂ©cialitĂ© mĂ©dicale. La plupart des activitĂ©s de FMCV sont organisĂ©es dans les pays du Nord et leur accessibilitĂ© n’est pas optimale pour les participants provenant des pays du Sud. Le manque de donnĂ©es sur le sexe et la race pose une limite Ă  notre comprĂ©hension de la façon dont la FMCV affecte les populations vulnĂ©rables. Ces facteurs seraient Ă  prendre en considĂ©ration dans les recherches futures sur le sujet et au fur et Ă  mesure que la FMCV Ă©volue.

    The effect of interactivity in an online course on behavior change and self-efficacy among health care professionals

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    Continuing Medical Education (CME) interventions continue to be an important factor in the lifelong learning of health care professionals. Online interventions have become increasingly popular since the inception of the Internet. Many CME courses (traditional and online) are evaluated solely on the knowledge gained and participant reactions. However, this study focused on the instructional design of an online CME course and how the design affected the self-efficacy of the learner and the amount of knowledge transferred to the professionals’ practice. Specifically, this study answered the following research questions: 1) How can one design online instruction that will foster a change in health care professionals’ behavior from the course and into medical practice? 2) How can one design online instruction that will increase health care professionals’ self-efficacy with the presented content? The researcher designed two online CME courses regarding the clinical diagnosis of Lyme disease. One course incorporated very few interactive, instructional elements, while the second course incorporated audio, video, and interactive elements. The researcher collected data using both quantitative and qualitative methods via pre-tests, post-tests, a final survey given to participants three weeks after completing the online course, and four interviews. The findings indicated that the knowledge, self-efficacy, and behavior did improve for the majority of participants. However, interactive, instructional elements were not found to be the sole reason for the increase of knowledge, self-efficacy, and change in behavior. The present study did confirm that the instructional design of online courses was important. These results suggest that future CME designers should continue to investigate elements within online courses to see which elements are found to be the most valuable for learners’ gain in knowledge, self-efficacy, and a change in behavior

    Creating a strategy of learning : engaging with mental health : lived experience through the use of media narratives

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    This commentary examines six of my publications, which collectively create an innovative strategy of learning. It is concerned with engaging mental health practitioners and learners more fully with service user lived experience through guided exposure to selected media narratives. The primary intention of this is to facilitate attitudinal change amongst health care professionals, promoting a greater sense of understanding and connectedness with those experiencing mental health difficulties. My learning strategy is concerned with the following elements: The media narrative Facilitation / guided learning Reflective practice Collaborative learning / co-production The media narrative as a learning resource is critically reviewed and gauged to have huge learning potential where facilitative input is offered at distinct stages of access: before, during and after. It is demonstrated that through engaging with this process over a succession of cycles the development of reflective and reflexive practitioners can be promoted. An essential part of my learning strategy concerns the ‘testing out’ of learning, undertaken through a collaborative inquiry process with service users in practice as well as classroom settings. This fosters empathic understanding, an essential component of professional practice. 9 My learning strategy contributes significantly to the existing knowledge and practice base concerning the educational use of media narratives, service user engagement and lived experience learning. It has much to offer in terms of promoting empathic understanding and emotional intelligence, developing reflective practitioners and creating closer working partnerships with service users. The impact from my work has been verified through widespread adoption of my teaching resources, complimentary reviews, numerous citations, and invitations to present at conferences and community workshops. Future directions involve furthering my collaborative engagement with service users and engaging in coproduction work, as well as facilitating narrative sharing amongst those with communicative restrictions, and extending the educative process beyond the healthcare arena, influencing attitudes through encouraging dialogue and reflection around mental health experience