3 research outputs found

    A Note on Reverse Pinsker Inequalities

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    A simple method is shown to provide optimal variational bounds on ff-divergences with possible constraints on relative information extremums. Known results are refined or proved to be optimal as particular cases.Comment: To appear in the IEEE Transactions on Information Theor

    Beyond H\mathcal{H}-Divergence: Domain Adaptation Theory With Jensen-Shannon Divergence

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    We reveal the incoherence between the widely-adopted empirical domain adversarial training and its generally-assumed theoretical counterpart based on H\mathcal{H}-divergence. Concretely, we find that H\mathcal{H}-divergence is not equivalent to Jensen-Shannon divergence, the optimization objective in domain adversarial training. To this end, we establish a new theoretical framework by directly proving the upper and lower target risk bounds based on joint distributional Jensen-Shannon divergence. We further derive bi-directional upper bounds for marginal and conditional shifts. Our framework exhibits inherent flexibilities for different transfer learning problems, which is usable for various scenarios where H\mathcal{H}-divergence-based theory fails to adapt. From an algorithmic perspective, our theory enables a generic guideline unifying principles of semantic conditional matching, feature marginal matching, and label marginal shift correction. We employ algorithms for each principle and empirically validate the benefits of our framework on real datasets

    A Non-Parametric Subspace Analysis Approach with Application to Anomaly Detection Ensembles

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    Identifying anomalies in multi-dimensional datasets is an important task in many real-world applications. A special case arises when anomalies are occluded in a small set of attributes, typically referred to as a subspace, and not necessarily over the entire data space. In this paper, we propose a new subspace analysis approach named Agglomerative Attribute Grouping (AAG) that aims to address this challenge by searching for subspaces that are comprised of highly correlative attributes. Such correlations among attributes represent a systematic interaction among the attributes that can better reflect the behavior of normal observations and hence can be used to improve the identification of two particularly interesting types of abnormal data samples: anomalies that are occluded in relatively small subsets of the attributes and anomalies that represent a new data class. AAG relies on a novel multi-attribute measure, which is derived from information theory measures of partitions, for evaluating the "information distance" between groups of data attributes. To determine the set of subspaces to use, AAG applies a variation of the well-known agglomerative clustering algorithm with the proposed multi-attribute measure as the underlying distance function. Finally, the set of subspaces is used in an ensemble for anomaly detection. Extensive evaluation demonstrates that, in the vast majority of cases, the proposed AAG method (i) outperforms classical and state-of-the-art subspace analysis methods when used in anomaly detection ensembles, and (ii) generates fewer subspaces with a fewer number of attributes each (on average), thus resulting in a faster training time for the anomaly detection ensemble. Furthermore, in contrast to existing methods, the proposed AAG method does not require any tuning of parameters.Comment: 41 pages, 9 figure