3 research outputs found

    Upper Hessenberg and Toeplitz Bohemians

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    We also acknowledge the support of the Ontario Graduate Institution, The National Science & Engineering Research Council of Canada, the University of Alcala, the Rotman Institute of Philosophy, the Ontario Research Centre of Computer Algebra, and Western University. Part of this work was developed while R. M. Corless was visiting the University of Alcala, in the frame of the project Giner de los Rios. J.R. Sendra is member of the Research Group ASYNACS (Ref. CT-CE2019/683).A set of matrices with entries from a fixed finite population P is called “Bohemian”. The mnemonic comes from BOunded HEight Matrix of Integers, BOHEMI, and although the population P need not be solely made up of integers, it frequently is. In this paper we look at Bohemians, specifically those with population {−1,0,+1} and sometimes other populations, for instance {0,1,i,−1,−i}. More, we specialize the matrices to be upper Hessenberg Bohemian. We then study the characteristic polynomials of these matrices, and their height, that is the infinity norm of the vector of monomial basis coefficients. Focusing on only those matrices whose characteristic polynomials have maximal height allows us to explicitly identify these polynomials and give useful bounds on their height, and conjecture an accurate asymptotic formula. The lower bound for the maximal characteristic height is exponential in the order of the matrix; in contrast, the height of the matrices remains constant. We give theorems about the number of normal matrices and the number of stable matrices in these families.Agencia Estatal de Investigació

    Integer matrix factorisations, superalgebras and the quadratic form obstruction

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    We identify and analyse obstructions to factorisation of integer matrices into products NTNN^T N or N2N^2 of matrices with rational or integer entries. The obstructions arise as quadratic forms with integer coefficients and raise the question of the discrete range of such forms. They are obtained by considering matrix decompositions over a superalgebra. We further obtain a formula for the determinant of a square matrix in terms of adjugates of these matrix decompositions, as well as identifying a coLatin\it co-Latin symmetry space.Comment: 20 Page