3,279 research outputs found

    Growth of self-similar graphs

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    Locally finite self-similar graphs with bounded geometry and without bounded geometry as well as non-locally finite self-similar graphs are characterized by the structure of their cell graphs. Geometric properties concerning the volume growth and distances in cell graphs are discussed. The length scaling factor ν\nu and the volume scaling factor μ\mu can be defined similarly to the corresponding parameters of continuous self-similar sets. There are different notions of growth dimensions of graphs. For a rather general class of self-similar graphs it is proved that all these dimensions coincide and that they can be calculated in the same way as the Hausdorff dimension of continuous self-similar fractals: dimX=logμlogν.\dim X=\frac{\log \mu}{\log \nu}.Comment: 14 pages, 3 figure

    Variations on Cops and Robbers

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    We consider several variants of the classical Cops and Robbers game. We treat the version where the robber can move R > 1 edges at a time, establishing a general upper bound of N / \alpha ^{(1-o(1))\sqrt{log_\alpha N}}, where \alpha = 1 + 1/R, thus generalizing the best known upper bound for the classical case R = 1 due to Lu and Peng. We also show that in this case, the cop number of an N-vertex graph can be as large as N^{1 - 1/(R-2)} for finite R, but linear in N if R is infinite. For R = 1, we study the directed graph version of the problem, and show that the cop number of any strongly connected digraph on N vertices is at most O(N(log log N)^2/log N). Our approach is based on expansion.Comment: 18 page

    A Multiscale Pyramid Transform for Graph Signals

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    Multiscale transforms designed to process analog and discrete-time signals and images cannot be directly applied to analyze high-dimensional data residing on the vertices of a weighted graph, as they do not capture the intrinsic geometric structure of the underlying graph data domain. In this paper, we adapt the Laplacian pyramid transform for signals on Euclidean domains so that it can be used to analyze high-dimensional data residing on the vertices of a weighted graph. Our approach is to study existing methods and develop new methods for the four fundamental operations of graph downsampling, graph reduction, and filtering and interpolation of signals on graphs. Equipped with appropriate notions of these operations, we leverage the basic multiscale constructs and intuitions from classical signal processing to generate a transform that yields both a multiresolution of graphs and an associated multiresolution of a graph signal on the underlying sequence of graphs.Comment: 16 pages, 13 figure

    Graph cluster randomization: network exposure to multiple universes

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    A/B testing is a standard approach for evaluating the effect of online experiments; the goal is to estimate the `average treatment effect' of a new feature or condition by exposing a sample of the overall population to it. A drawback with A/B testing is that it is poorly suited for experiments involving social interference, when the treatment of individuals spills over to neighboring individuals along an underlying social network. In this work, we propose a novel methodology using graph clustering to analyze average treatment effects under social interference. To begin, we characterize graph-theoretic conditions under which individuals can be considered to be `network exposed' to an experiment. We then show how graph cluster randomization admits an efficient exact algorithm to compute the probabilities for each vertex being network exposed under several of these exposure conditions. Using these probabilities as inverse weights, a Horvitz-Thompson estimator can then provide an effect estimate that is unbiased, provided that the exposure model has been properly specified. Given an estimator that is unbiased, we focus on minimizing the variance. First, we develop simple sufficient conditions for the variance of the estimator to be asymptotically small in n, the size of the graph. However, for general randomization schemes, this variance can be lower bounded by an exponential function of the degrees of a graph. In contrast, we show that if a graph satisfies a restricted-growth condition on the growth rate of neighborhoods, then there exists a natural clustering algorithm, based on vertex neighborhoods, for which the variance of the estimator can be upper bounded by a linear function of the degrees. Thus we show that proper cluster randomization can lead to exponentially lower estimator variance when experimentally measuring average treatment effects under interference.Comment: 9 pages, 2 figure

    Recent progress on the combinatorial diameter of polytopes and simplicial complexes

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    The Hirsch conjecture, posed in 1957, stated that the graph of a dd-dimensional polytope or polyhedron with nn facets cannot have diameter greater than ndn - d. The conjecture itself has been disproved, but what we know about the underlying question is quite scarce. Most notably, no polynomial upper bound is known for the diameters that were conjectured to be linear. In contrast, no polyhedron violating the conjecture by more than 25% is known. This paper reviews several recent attempts and progress on the question. Some work in the world of polyhedra or (more often) bounded polytopes, but some try to shed light on the question by generalizing it to simplicial complexes. In particular, we include here our recent and previously unpublished proof that the maximum diameter of arbitrary simplicial complexes is in nTheta(d)n^{Theta(d)} and we summarize the main ideas in the polymath 3 project, a web-based collective effort trying to prove an upper bound of type nd for the diameters of polyhedra and of more general objects (including, e. g., simplicial manifolds).Comment: 34 pages. This paper supersedes one cited as "On the maximum diameter of simplicial complexes and abstractions of them, in preparation