5 research outputs found

    Updates of Equilibrium Prop Match Gradients of Backprop Through Time in an RNN with Static Input

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    Equilibrium Propagation (EP) is a biologically inspired learning algorithm for convergent recurrent neural networks, i.e. RNNs that are fed by a static input x and settle to a steady state. Training convergent RNNs consists in adjusting the weights until the steady state of output neurons coincides with a target y. Convergent RNNs can also be trained with the more conventional Backpropagation Through Time (BPTT) algorithm. In its original formulation EP was described in the case of real-time neuronal dynamics, which is computationally costly. In this work, we introduce a discrete-time version of EP with simplified equations and with reduced simulation time, bringing EP closer to practical machine learning tasks. We first prove theoretically, as well as numerically that the neural and weight updates of EP, computed by forward-time dynamics, are step-by-step equal to the ones obtained by BPTT, with gradients computed backward in time. The equality is strict when the transition function of the dynamics derives from a primitive function and the steady state is maintained long enough. We then show for more standard discrete-time neural network dynamics that the same property is approximately respected and we subsequently demonstrate training with EP with equivalent performance to BPTT. In particular, we define the first convolutional architecture trained with EP achieving ~ 1% test error on MNIST, which is the lowest error reported with EP. These results can guide the development of deep neural networks trained with EP

    Contrastive Similarity Matching for Supervised Learning

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    We propose a novel biologically-plausible solution to the credit assignment problem motivated by observations in the ventral visual pathway and trained deep neural networks. In both, representations of objects in the same category become progressively more similar, while objects belonging to different categories become less similar. We use this observation to motivate a layer-specific learning goal in a deep network: each layer aims to learn a representational similarity matrix that interpolates between previous and later layers. We formulate this idea using a contrastive similarity matching objective function and derive from it deep neural networks with feedforward, lateral, and feedback connections, and neurons that exhibit biologically-plausible Hebbian and anti-Hebbian plasticity. Contrastive similarity matching can be interpreted as an energy-based learning algorithm, but with significant differences from others in how a contrastive function is constructed

    Scaling Equilibrium Propagation to Deep ConvNets by Drastically Reducing its Gradient Estimator Bias

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    Equilibrium Propagation (EP) is a biologically-inspired algorithm for convergent RNNs with a local learning rule that comes with strong theoretical guarantees. The parameter updates of the neural network during the credit assignment phase have been shown mathematically to approach the gradients provided by Backpropagation Through Time (BPTT) when the network is infinitesimally nudged toward its target. In practice, however, training a network with the gradient estimates provided by EP does not scale to visual tasks harder than MNIST. In this work, we show that a bias in the gradient estimate of EP, inherent in the use of finite nudging, is responsible for this phenomenon and that cancelling it allows training deep ConvNets by EP. We show that this bias can be greatly reduced by using symmetric nudging (a positive nudging and a negative one). We also generalize previous EP equations to the case of cross-entropy loss (by opposition to squared error). As a result of these advances, we are able to achieve a test error of 11.7% on CIFAR-10 by EP, which approaches the one achieved by BPTT and provides a major improvement with respect to the standard EP approach with same-sign nudging that gives 86% test error. We also apply these techniques to train an architecture with asymmetric forward and backward connections, yielding a 13.2% test error. These results highlight EP as a compelling biologically-plausible approach to compute error gradients in deep neural networks

    Equilibrium Propagation with Continual Weight Updates

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    Equilibrium Propagation (EP) is a learning algorithm that bridges Machine Learning and Neuroscience, by computing gradients closely matching those of Backpropagation Through Time (BPTT), but with a learning rule local in space. Given an input xx and associated target yy, EP proceeds in two phases: in the first phase neurons evolve freely towards a first steady state; in the second phase output neurons are nudged towards yy until they reach a second steady state. However, in existing implementations of EP, the learning rule is not local in time: the weight update is performed after the dynamics of the second phase have converged and requires information of the first phase that is no longer available physically. In this work, we propose a version of EP named Continual Equilibrium Propagation (C-EP) where neuron and synapse dynamics occur simultaneously throughout the second phase, so that the weight update becomes local in time. Such a learning rule local both in space and time opens the possibility of an extremely energy efficient hardware implementation of EP. We prove theoretically that, provided the learning rates are sufficiently small, at each time step of the second phase the dynamics of neurons and synapses follow the gradients of the loss given by BPTT (Theorem 1). We demonstrate training with C-EP on MNIST and generalize C-EP to neural networks where neurons are connected by asymmetric connections. We show through experiments that the more the network updates follows the gradients of BPTT, the best it performs in terms of training. These results bring EP a step closer to biology by better complying with hardware constraints while maintaining its intimate link with backpropagation

    Training End-to-End Analog Neural Networks with Equilibrium Propagation

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    We introduce a principled method to train end-to-end analog neural networks by stochastic gradient descent. In these analog neural networks, the weights to be adjusted are implemented by the conductances of programmable resistive devices such as memristors [Chua, 1971], and the nonlinear transfer functions (or `activation functions') are implemented by nonlinear components such as diodes. We show mathematically that a class of analog neural networks (called nonlinear resistive networks) are energy-based models: they possess an energy function as a consequence of Kirchhoff's laws governing electrical circuits. This property enables us to train them using the Equilibrium Propagation framework [Scellier and Bengio, 2017]. Our update rule for each conductance, which is local and relies solely on the voltage drop across the corresponding resistor, is shown to compute the gradient of the loss function. Our numerical simulations, which use the SPICE-based Spectre simulation framework to simulate the dynamics of electrical circuits, demonstrate training on the MNIST classification task, performing comparably or better than equivalent-size software-based neural networks. Our work can guide the development of a new generation of ultra-fast, compact and low-power neural networks supporting on-chip learning