219 research outputs found

    Update-Efficiency and Local Repairability Limits for Capacity Approaching Codes

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    Motivated by distributed storage applications, we investigate the degree to which capacity achieving encodings can be efficiently updated when a single information bit changes, and the degree to which such encodings can be efficiently (i.e., locally) repaired when single encoded bit is lost. Specifically, we first develop conditions under which optimum error-correction and update-efficiency are possible, and establish that the number of encoded bits that must change in response to a change in a single information bit must scale logarithmically in the block-length of the code if we are to achieve any nontrivial rate with vanishing probability of error over the binary erasure or binary symmetric channels. Moreover, we show there exist capacity-achieving codes with this scaling. With respect to local repairability, we develop tight upper and lower bounds on the number of remaining encoded bits that are needed to recover a single lost bit of the encoding. In particular, we show that if the code-rate is ϵ\epsilon less than the capacity, then for optimal codes, the maximum number of codeword symbols required to recover one lost symbol must scale as log1/ϵ\log1/\epsilon. Several variations on---and extensions of---these results are also developed.Comment: Accepted to appear in JSA

    Capacity of Locally Recoverable Codes

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    Motivated by applications in distributed storage, the notion of a locally recoverable code (LRC) was introduced a few years back. In an LRC, any coordinate of a codeword is recoverable by accessing only a small number of other coordinates. While different properties of LRCs have been well-studied, their performance on channels with random erasures or errors has been mostly unexplored. In this note, we analyze the performance of LRCs over such stochastic channels. In particular, for input-symmetric discrete memoryless channels, we give a tight characterization of the gap to Shannon capacity when LRCs are used over the channel.Comment: Invited paper to the Information Theory Workshop (ITW) 201

    Locally Encodable and Decodable Codes for Distributed Storage Systems

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    We consider the locality of encoding and decoding operations in distributed storage systems (DSS), and propose a new class of codes, called locally encodable and decodable codes (LEDC), that provides a higher degree of operational locality compared to currently known codes. For a given locality structure, we derive an upper bound on the global distance and demonstrate the existence of an optimal LEDC for sufficiently large field size. In addition, we also construct two families of optimal LEDC for fields with size linear in code length.Comment: 7 page

    Local recovery in data compression for general sources

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    Source coding is concerned with optimally compressing data, so that it can be reconstructed up to a specified distortion from its compressed representation. Usually, in fixed-length compression, a sequence of n symbols (from some alphabet) is encoded to a sequence of k symbols (bits). The decoder produces an estimate of the original sequence of n symbols from the encoded bits. The rate-distortion function characterizes the optimal possible rate of compression allowing a given distortion in reconstruction as n grows. This function depends on the source probability distribution. In a locally recoverable decoding, to reconstruct a single symbol, only a few compressed bits are accessed. In this paper we find the limits of local recovery for rates near the rate-distortion function. For a wide set of source distributions, we show that, it is possible to compress within ε of the rate-distortion function such the local recoverability grows as Ω(log(1/ε)); that is, in order to recover one source symbol, at least Ω(log(1/ε)) bits of the compressed symbols are queried. We also show order optimal impossibility results. Similar results are provided for lossless source coding as well.National Science Foundation (U.S.). (grant CCF 1318093)United States. Air Force. Office of Scientific Research ( FA9550-11-1-0183)National Science Foundation (U.S.). (grant CCF-1319828

    Optimal Locally Repairable Codes and Connections to Matroid Theory

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    Petabyte-scale distributed storage systems are currently transitioning to erasure codes to achieve higher storage efficiency. Classical codes like Reed-Solomon are highly sub-optimal for distributed environments due to their high overhead in single-failure events. Locally Repairable Codes (LRCs) form a new family of codes that are repair efficient. In particular, LRCs minimize the number of nodes participating in single node repairs during which they generate small network traffic. Two large-scale distributed storage systems have already implemented different types of LRCs: Windows Azure Storage and the Hadoop Distributed File System RAID used by Facebook. The fundamental bounds for LRCs, namely the best possible distance for a given code locality, were recently discovered, but few explicit constructions exist. In this work, we present an explicit and optimal LRCs that are simple to construct. Our construction is based on grouping Reed-Solomon (RS) coded symbols to obtain RS coded symbols over a larger finite field. We then partition these RS symbols in small groups, and re-encode them using a simple local code that offers low repair locality. For the analysis of the optimality of the code, we derive a new result on the matroid represented by the code generator matrix.Comment: Submitted for publication, a shorter version was presented at ISIT 201