2 research outputs found

    Unsupervised word sense disambiguation in dynamic semantic spaces

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    In this paper, we are mainly concerned with the ability to quickly and automatically distinguish word senses in dynamic semantic spaces in which new terms and new senses appear frequently. Such spaces are built '"on the fly" from constantly evolving data sets such as Wikipedia, repositories of patent grants and applications, or large sets of legal documents for Technology Assisted Review and e-discovery. This immediacy rules out supervision as well as the use of a priori training sets. We show that the various senses of a term can be automatically made apparent with a simple clustering algorithm, each sense being a vector in the semantic space. While we only consider here semantic spaces built by using random vectors, this algorithm should work with any kind of embedding, provided meaningful similarities between terms can be computed and do fulfill at least the two basic conditions that terms which close meanings have high similarities and terms with unrelated meanings have near-zero similarities.Comment: 7 pages, 1 table, 5 example

    Unsupervised detection of diachronic word sense evolution

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    Most words have several senses and connotations which evolve in time due to semantic shift, so that closely related words may gain different or even opposite meanings over the years. This evolution is very relevant to the study of language and of cultural changes, but the tools currently available for diachronic semantic analysis have significant, inherent limitations and are not suitable for real-time analysis. In this article, we demonstrate how the linearity of random vectors techniques enables building time series of congruent word embeddings (or semantic spaces) which can then be compared and combined linearly without loss of precision over any time period to detect diachronic semantic shifts. We show how this approach yields time trajectories of polysemous words such as amazon or apple, enables following semantic drifts and gender bias across time, reveals the shifting instantiations of stable concepts such as hurricane or president. This very fast, linear approach can easily be distributed over many processors to follow in real time streams of social media such as Twitter or Facebook; the resulting, time-dependent semantic spaces can then be combined at will by simple additions or subtractions.Comment: 10 pages, 1 figure, 10 table