16 research outputs found

    Underwater image restoration: super-resolution and deblurring via sparse representation and denoising by means of marine snow removal

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    Underwater imaging has been widely used as a tool in many fields, however, a major issue is the quality of the resulting images/videos. Due to the light's interaction with water and its constituents, the acquired underwater images/videos often suffer from a significant amount of scatter (blur, haze) and noise. In the light of these issues, this thesis considers problems of low-resolution, blurred and noisy underwater images and proposes several approaches to improve the quality of such images/video frames. Quantitative and qualitative experiments validate the success of proposed algorithms

    Variational methods and its applications to computer vision

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    Many computer vision applications such as image segmentation can be formulated in a ''variational'' way as energy minimization problems. Unfortunately, the computational task of minimizing these energies is usually difficult as it generally involves non convex functions in a space with thousands of dimensions and often the associated combinatorial problems are NP-hard to solve. Furthermore, they are ill-posed inverse problems and therefore are extremely sensitive to perturbations (e.g. noise). For this reason in order to compute a physically reliable approximation from given noisy data, it is necessary to incorporate into the mathematical model appropriate regularizations that require complex computations. The main aim of this work is to describe variational segmentation methods that are particularly effective for curvilinear structures. Due to their complex geometry, classical regularization techniques cannot be adopted because they lead to the loss of most of low contrasted details. In contrast, the proposed method not only better preserves curvilinear structures, but also reconnects some parts that may have been disconnected by noise. Moreover, it can be easily extensible to graphs and successfully applied to different types of data such as medical imagery (i.e. vessels, hearth coronaries etc), material samples (i.e. concrete) and satellite signals (i.e. streets, rivers etc.). In particular, we will show results and performances about an implementation targeting new generation of High Performance Computing (HPC) architectures where different types of coprocessors cooperate. The involved dataset consists of approximately 200 images of cracks, captured in three different tunnels by a robotic machine designed for the European ROBO-SPECT project.Open Acces

    Robust density modelling using the student's t-distribution for human action recognition

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    The extraction of human features from videos is often inaccurate and prone to outliers. Such outliers can severely affect density modelling when the Gaussian distribution is used as the model since it is highly sensitive to outliers. The Gaussian distribution is also often used as base component of graphical models for recognising human actions in the videos (hidden Markov model and others) and the presence of outliers can significantly affect the recognition accuracy. In contrast, the Student's t-distribution is more robust to outliers and can be exploited to improve the recognition rate in the presence of abnormal data. In this paper, we present an HMM which uses mixtures of t-distributions as observation probabilities and show how experiments over two well-known datasets (Weizmann, MuHAVi) reported a remarkable improvement in classification accuracy. © 2011 IEEE

    Task-specific and interpretable feature learning

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    Deep learning models have had tremendous impacts in recent years, while a question has been raised by many: Is deep learning just a triumph of empiricism? There has been emerging interest in reducing the gap between the theoretical soundness and interpretability, and the empirical success of deep models. This dissertation provides a comprehensive discussion on bridging traditional model-based learning approaches that emphasize problem-specific reasoning, and deep models that allow for larger learning capacity. The overall goal is to devise the next-generation feature learning architectures that are: 1) task-specific, namely, optimizing the entire pipeline from end to end while taking advantage of available prior knowledge and domain expertise; and 2) interpretable, namely, being able to learn a representation consisting of semantically sensible variables, and to display predictable behaviors. This dissertation starts by showing how the classical sparse coding models could be improved in a task-specific way, by formulating the entire pipeline as bi-level optimization. Then, it mainly illustrates how to incorporate the structure of classical learning models, e.g., sparse coding, into the design of deep architectures. A few concrete model examples are presented, ranging from the 0\ell_0 and 1\ell_1 sparse approximation models, to the \ell_\infty constrained model and the dual-sparsity model. The analytic tools in the optimization problems can be translated to guide the architecture design and performance analysis of deep models. As a result, those customized deep models demonstrate improved performance, intuitive interpretation, and efficient parameter initialization. On the other hand, deep networks are shown to be analogous to brain mechanisms. They exhibit the ability to describe semantic content from the primitive level to the abstract level. This dissertation thus also presents a preliminary investigation of the synergy between feature learning with cognitive science and neuroscience. Two novel application domains, image aesthetics assessment and brain encoding, are explored, with promising preliminary results achieved

    Data-Driven Image Restoration

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    Every day many images are taken by digital cameras, and people are demanding visually accurate and pleasing result. Noise and blur degrade images captured by modern cameras, and high-level vision tasks (such as segmentation, recognition, and tracking) require high-quality images. Therefore, image restoration specifically, image deblurring and image denoising is a critical preprocessing step. A fundamental problem in image deblurring is to recover reliably distinct spatial frequencies that have been suppressed by the blur kernel. Existing image deblurring techniques often rely on generic image priors that only help recover part of the frequency spectrum, such as the frequencies near the high-end. To this end, we pose the following specific questions: (i) Does class-specific information offer an advantage over existing generic priors for image quality restoration? (ii) If a class-specific prior exists, how should it be encoded into a deblurring framework to recover attenuated image frequencies? Throughout this work, we devise a class-specific prior based on the band-pass filter responses and incorporate it into a deblurring strategy. Specifically, we show that the subspace of band-pass filtered images and their intensity distributions serve as useful priors for recovering image frequencies. Next, we present a novel image denoising algorithm that uses external, category specific image database. In contrast to existing noisy image restoration algorithms, our method selects clean image “support patches” similar to the noisy patch from an external database. We employ a content adaptive distribution model for each patch where we derive the parameters of the distribution from the support patches. Our objective function composed of a Gaussian fidelity term that imposes category specific information, and a low-rank term that encourages the similarity between the noisy and the support patches in a robust manner. Finally, we propose to learn a fully-convolutional network model that consists of a Chain of Identity Mapping Modules (CIMM) for image denoising. The CIMM structure possesses two distinctive features that are important for the noise removal task. Firstly, each residual unit employs identity mappings as the skip connections and receives pre-activated input to preserve the gradient magnitude propagated in both the forward and backward directions. Secondly, by utilizing dilated kernels for the convolution layers in the residual branch, each neuron in the last convolution layer of each module can observe the full receptive field of the first layer