758 research outputs found

    Event-Free Moving Object Segmentation from Moving Ego Vehicle

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    Moving object segmentation (MOS) in dynamic scenes is challenging for autonomous driving, especially for sequences obtained from moving ego vehicles. Most state-of-the-art methods leverage motion cues obtained from optical flow maps. However, since these methods are often based on optical flows that are pre-computed from successive RGB frames, this neglects the temporal consideration of events occurring within inter-frame and limits the practicality of these methods in real-life situations. To address these limitations, we propose to exploit event cameras for better video understanding, which provide rich motion cues without relying on optical flow. To foster research in this area, we first introduce a novel large-scale dataset called DSEC-MOS for moving object segmentation from moving ego vehicles. Subsequently, we devise EmoFormer, a novel network able to exploit the event data. For this purpose, we fuse the event prior with spatial semantic maps to distinguish moving objects from the static background, adding another level of dense supervision around our object of interest - moving ones. Our proposed network relies only on event data for training but does not require event input during inference, making it directly comparable to frame-only methods in terms of efficiency and more widely usable in many application cases. An exhaustive comparison with 8 state-of-the-art video object segmentation methods highlights a significant performance improvement of our method over all other methods. Project Page: https://github.com/ZZY-Zhou/DSEC-MOS

    Betrayed by Attention: A Simple yet Effective Approach for Self-supervised Video Object Segmentation

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    In this paper, we propose a simple yet effective approach for self-supervised video object segmentation (VOS). Our key insight is that the inherent structural dependencies present in DINO-pretrained Transformers can be leveraged to establish robust spatio-temporal correspondences in videos. Furthermore, simple clustering on this correspondence cue is sufficient to yield competitive segmentation results. Previous self-supervised VOS techniques majorly resort to auxiliary modalities or utilize iterative slot attention to assist in object discovery, which restricts their general applicability and imposes higher computational requirements. To deal with these challenges, we develop a simplified architecture that capitalizes on the emerging objectness from DINO-pretrained Transformers, bypassing the need for additional modalities or slot attention. Specifically, we first introduce a single spatio-temporal Transformer block to process the frame-wise DINO features and establish spatio-temporal dependencies in the form of self-attention. Subsequently, utilizing these attention maps, we implement hierarchical clustering to generate object segmentation masks. To train the spatio-temporal block in a fully self-supervised manner, we employ semantic and dynamic motion consistency coupled with entropy normalization. Our method demonstrates state-of-the-art performance across multiple unsupervised VOS benchmarks and particularly excels in complex real-world multi-object video segmentation tasks such as DAVIS-17-Unsupervised and YouTube-VIS-19. The code and model checkpoints will be released at https://github.com/shvdiwnkozbw/SSL-UVOS
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