3,505 research outputs found

    Unsupervised Image Embedding Using Nonparametric Statistics

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    Embedding images into a low dimensional space has a wide range of applications: visualization, clustering, and pre-processing for supervised learning. Traditional dimension reduction algorithms assume that the examples densely populate the manifold. Image databases tend to break this assumption, having isolated islands of similar images instead. In this work, we propose a novel approach that embeds images into a low dimensional Euclidean space, while preserving local image similarities based on their scale invariant feature transform (SIFT) vectors. We make no neighborhood assumptions in our embedding. Our algorithm can also embed the images in a discrete grid, useful for many visualization tasks. We demonstrate the algorithm on images with known categories and compare our accuracy favorably to those of competing algorithms.

    Coarse-to-Fine Classification via Parametric and Nonparametric Models for Computer-Aided Diagnosis

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    Classification is one of the core problems in Computer-Aided Diagnosis (CAD), targeting for early cancer detection using 3D medical imaging interpretation. High detection sensitivity with desirably low false positive (FP) rate is critical for a CAD system to be accepted as a valuable or even indispensable tool in radiologists' workflow. Given various spurious imagery noises which cause observation uncertainties, this remains a very challenging task. In this paper, we propose a novel, two-tiered coarse-to-fine (CTF) classification cascade framework to tackle this problem. We first obtain classification-critical data samples (e.g., samples on the decision boundary) extracted from the holistic data distributions using a robust parametric model (e.g., \cite{Raykar08}); then we build a graph-embedding based nonparametric classifier on sampled data, which can more accurately preserve or formulate the complex classification boundary. These two steps can also be considered as effective "sample pruning" and "feature pursuing + kkNN/template matching", respectively. Our approach is validated comprehensively in colorectal polyp detection and lung nodule detection CAD systems, as the top two deadly cancers, using hospital scale, multi-site clinical datasets. The results show that our method achieves overall better classification/detection performance than existing state-of-the-art algorithms using single-layer classifiers, such as the support vector machine variants \cite{Wang08}, boosting \cite{Slabaugh10}, logistic regression \cite{Ravesteijn10}, relevance vector machine \cite{Raykar08}, kk-nearest neighbor \cite{Murphy09} or spectral projections on graph \cite{Cai08}

    A spatio-spectral hybridization for edge preservation and noisy image restoration via local parametric mixtures and Lagrangian relaxation

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    This paper investigates a fully unsupervised statistical method for edge preserving image restoration and compression using a spatial decomposition scheme. Smoothed maximum likelihood is used for local estimation of edge pixels from mixture parametric models of local templates. For the complementary smooth part the traditional L2-variational problem is solved in the Fourier domain with Thin Plate Spline (TPS) regularization. It is well known that naive Fourier compression of the whole image fails to restore a piece-wise smooth noisy image satisfactorily due to Gibbs phenomenon. Images are interpreted as relative frequency histograms of samples from bi-variate densities where the sample sizes might be unknown. The set of discontinuities is assumed to be completely unsupervised Lebesgue-null, compact subset of the plane in the continuous formulation of the problem. Proposed spatial decomposition uses a widely used topological concept, partition of unity. The decision on edge pixel neighborhoods are made based on the multiple testing procedure of Holms. Statistical summary of the final output is decomposed into two layers of information extraction, one for the subset of edge pixels and the other for the smooth region. Robustness is also demonstrated by applying the technique on noisy degradation of clean images.Comment: 29 Pages, 13 figure

    Deep Transfer Learning with Joint Adaptation Networks

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    Deep networks have been successfully applied to learn transferable features for adapting models from a source domain to a different target domain. In this paper, we present joint adaptation networks (JAN), which learn a transfer network by aligning the joint distributions of multiple domain-specific layers across domains based on a joint maximum mean discrepancy (JMMD) criterion. Adversarial training strategy is adopted to maximize JMMD such that the distributions of the source and target domains are made more distinguishable. Learning can be performed by stochastic gradient descent with the gradients computed by back-propagation in linear-time. Experiments testify that our model yields state of the art results on standard datasets.Comment: 34th International Conference on Machine Learnin

    Kernels on Sample Sets via Nonparametric Divergence Estimates

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    Most machine learning algorithms, such as classification or regression, treat the individual data point as the object of interest. Here we consider extending machine learning algorithms to operate on groups of data points. We suggest treating a group of data points as an i.i.d. sample set from an underlying feature distribution for that group. Our approach employs kernel machines with a kernel on i.i.d. sample sets of vectors. We define certain kernel functions on pairs of distributions, and then use a nonparametric estimator to consistently estimate those functions based on sample sets. The projection of the estimated Gram matrix to the cone of symmetric positive semi-definite matrices enables us to use kernel machines for classification, regression, anomaly detection, and low-dimensional embedding in the space of distributions. We present several numerical experiments both on real and simulated datasets to demonstrate the advantages of our new approach.Comment: Substantially updated version as submitted to T-PAMI. 15 pages including appendi

    Deep Mean Maps

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    The use of distributions and high-level features from deep architecture has become commonplace in modern computer vision. Both of these methodologies have separately achieved a great deal of success in many computer vision tasks. However, there has been little work attempting to leverage the power of these to methodologies jointly. To this end, this paper presents the Deep Mean Maps (DMMs) framework, a novel family of methods to non-parametrically represent distributions of features in convolutional neural network models. DMMs are able to both classify images using the distribution of top-level features, and to tune the top-level features for performing this task. We show how to implement DMMs using a special mean map layer composed of typical CNN operations, making both forward and backward propagation simple. We illustrate the efficacy of DMMs at analyzing distributional patterns in image data in a synthetic data experiment. We also show that we extending existing deep architectures with DMMs improves the performance of existing CNNs on several challenging real-world datasets

    Unsupervised Detection of Distinctive Regions on 3D Shapes

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    This paper presents a novel approach to learn and detect distinctive regions on 3D shapes. Unlike previous works, which require labeled data, our method is unsupervised. We conduct the analysis on point sets sampled from 3D shapes, then formulate and train a deep neural network for an unsupervised shape clustering task to learn local and global features for distinguishing shapes with respect to a given shape set. To drive the network to learn in an unsupervised manner, we design a clustering-based nonparametric softmax classifier with an iterative re-clustering of shapes, and an adapted contrastive loss for enhancing the feature embedding quality and stabilizing the learning process. By then, we encourage the network to learn the point distinctiveness on the input shapes. We extensively evaluate various aspects of our approach and present its applications for distinctiveness-guided shape retrieval, sampling, and view selection in 3D scenes.Comment: Accepted by ACM TO

    Learning Robust Visual-Semantic Embeddings

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    Many of the existing methods for learning joint embedding of images and text use only supervised information from paired images and its textual attributes. Taking advantage of the recent success of unsupervised learning in deep neural networks, we propose an end-to-end learning framework that is able to extract more robust multi-modal representations across domains. The proposed method combines representation learning models (i.e., auto-encoders) together with cross-domain learning criteria (i.e., Maximum Mean Discrepancy loss) to learn joint embeddings for semantic and visual features. A novel technique of unsupervised-data adaptation inference is introduced to construct more comprehensive embeddings for both labeled and unlabeled data. We evaluate our method on Animals with Attributes and Caltech-UCSD Birds 200-2011 dataset with a wide range of applications, including zero and few-shot image recognition and retrieval, from inductive to transductive settings. Empirically, we show that our framework improves over the current state of the art on many of the considered tasks.Comment: 12 page

    Geodesic Clustering in Deep Generative Models

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    Deep generative models are tremendously successful in learning low-dimensional latent representations that well-describe the data. These representations, however, tend to much distort relationships between points, i.e. pairwise distances tend to not reflect semantic similarities well. This renders unsupervised tasks, such as clustering, difficult when working with the latent representations. We demonstrate that taking the geometry of the generative model into account is sufficient to make simple clustering algorithms work well over latent representations. Leaning on the recent finding that deep generative models constitute stochastically immersed Riemannian manifolds, we propose an efficient algorithm for computing geodesics (shortest paths) and computing distances in the latent space, while taking its distortion into account. We further propose a new architecture for modeling uncertainty in variational autoencoders, which is essential for understanding the geometry of deep generative models. Experiments show that the geodesic distance is very likely to reflect the internal structure of the data

    Scene Parsing with Global Context Embedding

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    We present a scene parsing method that utilizes global context information based on both the parametric and non- parametric models. Compared to previous methods that only exploit the local relationship between objects, we train a context network based on scene similarities to generate feature representations for global contexts. In addition, these learned features are utilized to generate global and spatial priors for explicit classes inference. We then design modules to embed the feature representations and the priors into the segmentation network as additional global context cues. We show that the proposed method can eliminate false positives that are not compatible with the global context representations. Experiments on both the MIT ADE20K and PASCAL Context datasets show that the proposed method performs favorably against existing methods.Comment: Accepted in ICCV'17. Code available at https://github.com/hfslyc/GCPNe