2 research outputs found

    Variational Autoencoders for chord sequence generation conditioned on Western harmonic music complexity

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    In recent years, the adoption of deep learning techniques has allowed to obtain major breakthroughs in the automatic music generation research field, sparking a renewed interest in generative music. A great deal of work has focused on the possibility of conditioning the generation process in order to be able to create music according to human-understandable parameters. In this paper, we propose a technique for generating chord progressions conditioned on harmonic complexity, as grounded in the Western music theory. More specifically, we consider a pre-existing dataset annotated with the related complexity values and we train two variations of Variational Autoencoders (VAE), namely a Conditional-VAE (CVAE) and a Regressor-based VAE (RVAE), in order to condition the latent space depending on the complexity. Through a listening test, we analyze the effectiveness of the proposed techniques

    Analytic Case Study Using Unsupervised Event Detection in Multivariate Time Series Data

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    Analysis of cyber-physical systems (CPS) has emerged as a critical domain for providing US Air Force and Space Force leadership decision advantage in air, space, and cyberspace. Legacy methods have been outpaced by evolving battlespaces and global peer-level challengers. Automation provides one way to decrease the time that analysis currently takes. This thesis presents an event detection automation system (EDAS) which utilizes deep learning models, distance metrics, and static thresholding to detect events. The EDAS automation is evaluated with case study of CPS domain experts in two parts. Part 1 uses the current methods for CPS analysis with a qualitative pre-survey and tasks participants, in their natural setting to annotate events. Part 2 asks participants to perform annotation with the assistance of EDAS’s pre-annotations. Results from Part 1 and Part 2 exhibit low inter-coder agreement for both human-derived and automation-assisted event annotations. Qualitative analysis of survey results showed low trust and confidence in the event detection automation. One correlation or interpretation to the low confidence is that the low inter-coder agreement means that the humans do not share the same idea of what an annotation product should be