4 research outputs found

    Unsupervised Discovery of Linguistic Structure Including Two-level Acoustic Patterns Using Three Cascaded Stages of Iterative Optimization

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    Techniques for unsupervised discovery of acoustic patterns are getting increasingly attractive, because huge quantities of speech data are becoming available but manual annotations remain hard to acquire. In this paper, we propose an approach for unsupervised discovery of linguistic structure for the target spoken language given raw speech data. This linguistic structure includes two-level (subword-like and word-like) acoustic patterns, the lexicon of word-like patterns in terms of subword-like patterns and the N-gram language model based on word-like patterns. All patterns, models, and parameters can be automatically learned from the unlabelled speech corpus. This is achieved by an initialization step followed by three cascaded stages for acoustic, linguistic, and lexical iterative optimization. The lexicon of word-like patterns defines allowed consecutive sequence of HMMs for subword-like patterns. In each iteration, model training and decoding produces updated labels from which the lexicon and HMMs can be further updated. In this way, model parameters and decoded labels are respectively optimized in each iteration, and the knowledge about the linguistic structure is learned gradually layer after layer. The proposed approach was tested in preliminary experiments on a corpus of Mandarin broadcast news, including a task of spoken term detection with performance compared to a parallel test using models trained in a supervised way. Results show that the proposed system not only yields reasonable performance on its own, but is also complimentary to existing large vocabulary ASR systems.Comment: Accepted by ICASSP 201

    Unsupervised Discovery of Structured Acoustic Tokens with Applications to Spoken Term Detection

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    In this paper, we compare two paradigms for unsupervised discovery of structured acoustic tokens directly from speech corpora without any human annotation. The Multigranular Paradigm seeks to capture all available information in the corpora with multiple sets of tokens for different model granularities. The Hierarchical Paradigm attempts to jointly learn several levels of signal representations in a hierarchical structure. The two paradigms are unified within a theoretical framework in this paper. Query-by-Example Spoken Term Detection (QbE-STD) experiments on the QUESST dataset of MediaEval 2015 verifies the competitiveness of the acoustic tokens. The Enhanced Relevance Score (ERS) proposed in this work improves both paradigms for the task of QbE-STD. We also list results on the ABX evaluation task of the Zero Resource Challenge 2015 for comparison of the Paradigms

    Unsupervised Iterative Deep Learning of Speech Features and Acoustic Tokens with Applications to Spoken Term Detection

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    In this paper we aim to automatically discover high quality frame-level speech features and acoustic tokens directly from unlabeled speech data. A Multi-granular Acoustic Tokenizer (MAT) was proposed for automatic discovery of multiple sets of acoustic tokens from the given corpus. Each acoustic token set is specified by a set of hyperparameters describing the model configuration. These different sets of acoustic tokens carry different characteristics for the given corpus and the language behind, thus can be mutually reinforced. The multiple sets of token labels are then used as the targets of a Multi-target Deep Neural Network (MDNN) trained on frame-level acoustic features. Bottleneck features extracted from the MDNN are then used as the feedback input to the MAT and the MDNN itself in the next iteration. The multi-granular acoustic token sets and the frame-level speech features can be iteratively optimized in the iterative deep learning framework. We call this framework the Multi-granular Acoustic Tokenizing Deep Neural Network (MATDNN). The results were evaluated using the metrics and corpora defined in the Zero Resource Speech Challenge organized at Interspeech 2015, and improved performance was obtained with a set of experiments of query-by-example spoken term detection on the same corpora. Visualization for the discovered tokens against the English phonemes was also shown.Comment: Accepted by IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio Speech and Language Processing. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1602.00426, arXiv:1506.0232

    Exploiting Cross-Lingual Knowledge in Unsupervised Acoustic Modeling for Low-Resource Languages

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    (Short version of Abstract) This thesis describes an investigation on unsupervised acoustic modeling (UAM) for automatic speech recognition (ASR) in the zero-resource scenario, where only untranscribed speech data is assumed to be available. UAM is not only important in addressing the general problem of data scarcity in ASR technology development but also essential to many non-mainstream applications, for examples, language protection, language acquisition and pathological speech assessment. The present study is focused on two research problems. The first problem concerns unsupervised discovery of basic (subword level) speech units in a given language. Under the zero-resource condition, the speech units could be inferred only from the acoustic signals, without requiring or involving any linguistic direction and/or constraints. The second problem is referred to as unsupervised subword modeling. In its essence a frame-level feature representation needs to be learned from untranscribed speech. The learned feature representation is the basis of subword unit discovery. It is desired to be linguistically discriminative and robust to non-linguistic factors. Particularly extensive use of cross-lingual knowledge in subword unit discovery and modeling is a focus of this research.Comment: Ph.D. Thesis Submitted in May 2020 in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Electronic Engineering, The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) 134 page