12 research outputs found

    Plan2Vec: Unsupervised Representation Learning by Latent Plans

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    In this paper we introduce plan2vec, an unsupervised representation learning approach that is inspired by reinforcement learning. Plan2vec constructs a weighted graph on an image dataset using near-neighbor distances, and then extrapolates this local metric to a global embedding by distilling path-integral over planned path. When applied to control, plan2vec offers a way to learn goal-conditioned value estimates that are accurate over long horizons that is both compute and sample efficient. We demonstrate the effectiveness of plan2vec on one simulated and two challenging real-world image datasets. Experimental results show that plan2vec successfully amortizes the planning cost, enabling reactive planning that is linear in memory and computation complexity rather than exhaustive over the entire state space.Comment: code available at https://geyang.github.io/plan2ve

    An open-ended learning architecture to face the REAL 2020 simulated robot competition

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    Open-ended learning is a core research field of machine learning and robotics aiming to build learning machines and robots able to autonomously acquire knowledge and skills and to reuse them to solve novel tasks. The multiple challenges posed by open-ended learning have been operationalized in the robotic competition REAL 2020. This requires a simulated camera-arm-gripper robot to (a) autonomously learn to interact with objects during an intrinsic phase where it can learn how to move objects and then (b) during an extrinsic phase, to re-use the acquired knowledge to accomplish externally given goals requiring the robot to move objects to specific locations unknown during the intrinsic phase. Here we present a 'baseline architecture' for solving the challenge, provided as baseline model for REAL 2020. Few models have all the functionalities needed to solve the REAL 2020 benchmark and none has been tested with it yet. The architecture we propose is formed by three components: (1) Abstractor: abstracting sensory input to learn relevant control variables from images; (2) Explorer: generating experience to learn goals and actions; (3) Planner: formulating and executing action plans to accomplish the externally provided goals. The architecture represents the first model to solve the simpler REAL 2020 'Round 1' allowing the use of a simple parameterised push action. On Round 2, the architecture was used with a more general action (sequence of joints positions) achieving again higher than chance level performance. The baseline software is well documented and available for download and use at https://github.com/AIcrowd/REAL2020_starter_kit.Comment: 21 pages, 8 figure

    DMotion: Robotic Visuomotor Control with Unsupervised Forward Model Learned from Videos

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    Learning an accurate model of the environment is essential for model-based control tasks. Existing methods in robotic visuomotor control usually learn from data with heavily labelled actions, object entities or locations, which can be demanding in many cases. To cope with this limitation, we propose a method, dubbed DMotion, that trains a forward model from video data only, via disentangling the motion of controllable agent to model the transition dynamics. An object extractor and an interaction learner are trained in an end-to-end manner without supervision. The agent's motions are explicitly represented using spatial transformation matrices containing physical meanings. In the experiments, DMotion achieves superior performance on learning an accurate forward model in a Grid World environment, as well as a more realistic robot control environment in simulation. With the accurate learned forward models, we further demonstrate their usage in model predictive control as an effective approach for robotic manipulations.Comment: IROS 202

    Mapping State Space using Landmarks for Universal Goal Reaching

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    An agent that has well understood the environment should be able to apply its skills for any given goals, leading to the fundamental problem of learning the Universal Value Function Approximator (UVFA). A UVFA learns to predict the cumulative rewards between all state-goal pairs. However, empirically, the value function for long-range goals is always hard to estimate and may consequently result in failed policy. This has presented challenges to the learning process and the capability of neural networks. We propose a method to address this issue in large MDPs with sparse rewards, in which exploration and routing across remote states are both extremely challenging. Our method explicitly models the environment in a hierarchical manner, with a high-level dynamic landmark-based map abstracting the visited state space, and a low-level value network to derive precise local decisions. We use farthest point sampling to select landmark states from past experience, which has improved exploration compared with simple uniform sampling. Experimentally we showed that our method enables the agent to reach long-range goals at the early training stage, and achieve better performance than standard RL algorithms for a number of challenging tasks

    RoboNet: Large-Scale Multi-Robot Learning

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    Robot learning has emerged as a promising tool for taming the complexity and diversity of the real world. Methods based on high-capacity models, such as deep networks, hold the promise of providing effective generalization to a wide range of open-world environments. However, these same methods typically require large amounts of diverse training data to generalize effectively. In contrast, most robotic learning experiments are small-scale, single-domain, and single-robot. This leads to a frequent tension in robotic learning: how can we learn generalizable robotic controllers without having to collect impractically large amounts of data for each separate experiment? In this paper, we propose RoboNet, an open database for sharing robotic experience, which provides an initial pool of 15 million video frames, from 7 different robot platforms, and study how it can be used to learn generalizable models for vision-based robotic manipulation. We combine the dataset with two different learning algorithms: visual foresight, which uses forward video prediction models, and supervised inverse models. Our experiments test the learned algorithms' ability to work across new objects, new tasks, new scenes, new camera viewpoints, new grippers, or even entirely new robots. In our final experiment, we find that by pre-training on RoboNet and fine-tuning on data from a held-out Franka or Kuka robot, we can exceed the performance of a robot-specific training approach that uses 4x-20x more data. For videos and data, see the project webpage: https://www.robonet.wiki/Comment: accepted at the Conference on Robot Learning (CoRL) 201

    Hierarchical Foresight: Self-Supervised Learning of Long-Horizon Tasks via Visual Subgoal Generation

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    Video prediction models combined with planning algorithms have shown promise in enabling robots to learn to perform many vision-based tasks through only self-supervision, reaching novel goals in cluttered scenes with unseen objects. However, due to the compounding uncertainty in long horizon video prediction and poor scalability of sampling-based planning optimizers, one significant limitation of these approaches is the ability to plan over long horizons to reach distant goals. To that end, we propose a framework for subgoal generation and planning, hierarchical visual foresight (HVF), which generates subgoal images conditioned on a goal image, and uses them for planning. The subgoal images are directly optimized to decompose the task into easy to plan segments, and as a result, we observe that the method naturally identifies semantically meaningful states as subgoals. Across three out of four simulated vision-based manipulation tasks, we find that our method achieves nearly a 200% performance improvement over planning without subgoals and model-free RL approaches. Further, our experiments illustrate that our approach extends to real, cluttered visual scenes. Project page: https://sites.google.com/stanford.edu/hvfComment: 16 pages, 9 figure

    Which Mutual-Information Representation Learning Objectives are Sufficient for Control?

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    Mutual information maximization provides an appealing formalism for learning representations of data. In the context of reinforcement learning (RL), such representations can accelerate learning by discarding irrelevant and redundant information, while retaining the information necessary for control. Much of the prior work on these methods has addressed the practical difficulties of estimating mutual information from samples of high-dimensional observations, while comparatively less is understood about which mutual information objectives yield representations that are sufficient for RL from a theoretical perspective. In this paper, we formalize the sufficiency of a state representation for learning and representing the optimal policy, and study several popular mutual-information based objectives through this lens. Surprisingly, we find that two of these objectives can yield insufficient representations given mild and common assumptions on the structure of the MDP. We corroborate our theoretical results with empirical experiments on a simulated game environment with visual observations.Comment: 18 pages, 11 figure

    Never Stop Learning: The Effectiveness of Fine-Tuning in Robotic Reinforcement Learning

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    One of the great promises of robot learning systems is that they will be able to learn from their mistakes and continuously adapt to ever-changing environments. Despite this potential, most of the robot learning systems today are deployed as a fixed policy and they are not being adapted after their deployment. Can we efficiently adapt previously learned behaviors to new environments, objects and percepts in the real world? In this paper, we present a method and empirical evidence towards a robot learning framework that facilitates continuous adaption. In particular, we demonstrate how to adapt vision-based robotic manipulation policies to new variations by fine-tuning via off-policy reinforcement learning, including changes in background, object shape and appearance, lighting conditions, and robot morphology. Further, this adaptation uses less than 0.2% of the data necessary to learn the task from scratch. We find that our approach of adapting pre-trained policies leads to substantial performance gains over the course of fine-tuning, and that pre-training via RL is essential: training from scratch or adapting from supervised ImageNet features are both unsuccessful with such small amounts of data. We also find that these positive results hold in a limited continual learning setting, in which we repeatedly fine-tune a single lineage of policies using data from a succession of new tasks. Our empirical conclusions are consistently supported by experiments on simulated manipulation tasks, and by 52 unique fine-tuning experiments on a real robotic grasping system pre-trained on 580,000 grasps.Comment: 8.5 pages, 9 figures. See video overview and experiments at https://youtu.be/pPDVewcSpdc and project website at https://ryanjulian.me/continual-fine-tunin

    Weakly-Supervised Reinforcement Learning for Controllable Behavior

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    Reinforcement learning (RL) is a powerful framework for learning to take actions to solve tasks. However, in many settings, an agent must winnow down the inconceivably large space of all possible tasks to the single task that it is currently being asked to solve. Can we instead constrain the space of tasks to those that are semantically meaningful? In this work, we introduce a framework for using weak supervision to automatically disentangle this semantically meaningful subspace of tasks from the enormous space of nonsensical "chaff" tasks. We show that this learned subspace enables efficient exploration and provides a representation that captures distance between states. On a variety of challenging, vision-based continuous control problems, our approach leads to substantial performance gains, particularly as the complexity of the environment grows.Comment: Published in NeurIPS 202

    The Differentiable Cross-Entropy Method

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    We study the cross-entropy method (CEM) for the non-convex optimization of a continuous and parameterized objective function and introduce a differentiable variant that enables us to differentiate the output of CEM with respect to the objective function's parameters. In the machine learning setting this brings CEM inside of the end-to-end learning pipeline where this has otherwise been impossible. We show applications in a synthetic energy-based structured prediction task and in non-convex continuous control. In the control setting we show how to embed optimal action sequences into a lower-dimensional space. DCEM enables us to fine-tune CEM-based controllers with policy optimization.Comment: ICML 202