1,606 research outputs found

    Automatic Unsupervised Tensor Mining with Quality Assessment

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    A popular tool for unsupervised modelling and mining multi-aspect data is tensor decomposition. In an exploratory setting, where and no labels or ground truth are available how can we automatically decide how many components to extract? How can we assess the quality of our results, so that a domain expert can factor this quality measure in the interpretation of our results? In this paper, we introduce AutoTen, a novel automatic unsupervised tensor mining algorithm with minimal user intervention, which leverages and improves upon heuristics that assess the result quality. We extensively evaluate AutoTen's performance on synthetic data, outperforming existing baselines on this very hard problem. Finally, we apply AutoTen on a variety of real datasets, providing insights and discoveries. We view this work as a step towards a fully automated, unsupervised tensor mining tool that can be easily adopted by practitioners in academia and industry

    Improving Decision Analytics with Deep Learning: The Case of Financial Disclosures

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    Decision analytics commonly focuses on the text mining of financial news sources in order to provide managerial decision support and to predict stock market movements. Existing predictive frameworks almost exclusively apply traditional machine learning methods, whereas recent research indicates that traditional machine learning methods are not sufficiently capable of extracting suitable features and capturing the non-linear nature of complex tasks. As a remedy, novel deep learning models aim to overcome this issue by extending traditional neural network models with additional hidden layers. Indeed, deep learning has been shown to outperform traditional methods in terms of predictive performance. In this paper, we adapt the novel deep learning technique to financial decision support. In this instance, we aim to predict the direction of stock movements following financial disclosures. As a result, we show how deep learning can outperform the accuracy of random forests as a benchmark for machine learning by 5.66%

    Recent Research Advances on Interactive Machine Learning

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    Interactive Machine Learning (IML) is an iterative learning process that tightly couples a human with a machine learner, which is widely used by researchers and practitioners to effectively solve a wide variety of real-world application problems. Although recent years have witnessed the proliferation of IML in the field of visual analytics, most recent surveys either focus on a specific area of IML or aim to summarize a visualization field that is too generic for IML. In this paper, we systematically review the recent literature on IML and classify them into a task-oriented taxonomy built by us. We conclude the survey with a discussion of open challenges and research opportunities that we believe are inspiring for future work in IML

    A literature survey of matrix methods for data science

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    Efficient numerical linear algebra is a core ingredient in many applications across almost all scientific and industrial disciplines. With this survey we want to illustrate that numerical linear algebra has played and is playing a crucial role in enabling and improving data science computations with many new developments being fueled by the availability of data and computing resources. We highlight the role of various different factorizations and the power of changing the representation of the data as well as discussing topics such as randomized algorithms, functions of matrices, and high-dimensional problems. We briefly touch upon the role of techniques from numerical linear algebra used within deep learning

    Walking the Tightrope: An Investigation of the Convolutional Autoencoder Bottleneck

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    In this paper, we present an in-depth investigation of the convolutional autoencoder (CAE) bottleneck. Autoencoders (AE), and especially their convolutional variants, play a vital role in the current deep learning toolbox. Researchers and practitioners employ CAEs for a variety of tasks, ranging from outlier detection and compression to transfer and representation learning. Despite their widespread adoption, we have limited insight into how the bottleneck shape impacts the emergent properties of the CAE. We demonstrate that increased height and width of the bottleneck drastically improves generalization, which in turn leads to better performance of the latent codes in downstream transfer learning tasks. The number of channels in the bottleneck, on the other hand, is secondary in importance. Furthermore, we show empirically that, contrary to popular belief, CAEs do not learn to copy their input, even when the bottleneck has the same number of neurons as there are pixels in the input. Copying does not occur, despite training the CAE for 1,000 epochs on a tiny (≈\approx 600 images) dataset. We believe that the findings in this paper are directly applicable and will lead to improvements in models that rely on CAEs.Comment: code available at https://github.com/IljaManakov/WalkingTheTightrop

    Online Machine Learning in Big Data Streams

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    The area of online machine learning in big data streams covers algorithms that are (1) distributed and (2) work from data streams with only a limited possibility to store past data. The first requirement mostly concerns software architectures and efficient algorithms. The second one also imposes nontrivial theoretical restrictions on the modeling methods: In the data stream model, older data is no longer available to revise earlier suboptimal modeling decisions as the fresh data arrives. In this article, we provide an overview of distributed software architectures and libraries as well as machine learning models for online learning. We highlight the most important ideas for classification, regression, recommendation, and unsupervised modeling from streaming data, and we show how they are implemented in various distributed data stream processing systems. This article is a reference material and not a survey. We do not attempt to be comprehensive in describing all existing methods and solutions; rather, we give pointers to the most important resources in the field. All related sub-fields, online algorithms, online learning, and distributed data processing are hugely dominant in current research and development with conceptually new research results and software components emerging at the time of writing. In this article, we refer to several survey results, both for distributed data processing and for online machine learning. Compared to past surveys, our article is different because we discuss recommender systems in extended detail

    Transfer Metric Learning: Algorithms, Applications and Outlooks

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    Distance metric learning (DML) aims to find an appropriate way to reveal the underlying data relationship. It is critical in many machine learning, pattern recognition and data mining algorithms, and usually require large amount of label information (such as class labels or pair/triplet constraints) to achieve satisfactory performance. However, the label information may be insufficient in real-world applications due to the high-labeling cost, and DML may fail in this case. Transfer metric learning (TML) is able to mitigate this issue for DML in the domain of interest (target domain) by leveraging knowledge/information from other related domains (source domains). Although achieved a certain level of development, TML has limited success in various aspects such as selective transfer, theoretical understanding, handling complex data, big data and extreme cases. In this survey, we present a systematic review of the TML literature. In particular, we group TML into different categories according to different settings and metric transfer strategies, such as direct metric approximation, subspace approximation, distance approximation, and distribution approximation. A summarization and insightful discussion of the various TML approaches and their applications will be presented. Finally, we indicate some challenges and provide possible future directions.Comment: 14 pages, 5 figure

    Event Prediction in the Big Data Era: A Systematic Survey

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    Events are occurrences in specific locations, time, and semantics that nontrivially impact either our society or the nature, such as civil unrest, system failures, and epidemics. It is highly desirable to be able to anticipate the occurrence of such events in advance in order to reduce the potential social upheaval and damage caused. Event prediction, which has traditionally been prohibitively challenging, is now becoming a viable option in the big data era and is thus experiencing rapid growth. There is a large amount of existing work that focuses on addressing the challenges involved, including heterogeneous multi-faceted outputs, complex dependencies, and streaming data feeds. Most existing event prediction methods were initially designed to deal with specific application domains, though the techniques and evaluation procedures utilized are usually generalizable across different domains. However, it is imperative yet difficult to cross-reference the techniques across different domains, given the absence of a comprehensive literature survey for event prediction. This paper aims to provide a systematic and comprehensive survey of the technologies, applications, and evaluations of event prediction in the big data era. First, systematic categorization and summary of existing techniques are presented, which facilitate domain experts' searches for suitable techniques and help model developers consolidate their research at the frontiers. Then, comprehensive categorization and summary of major application domains are provided. Evaluation metrics and procedures are summarized and standardized to unify the understanding of model performance among stakeholders, model developers, and domain experts in various application domains. Finally, open problems and future directions for this promising and important domain are elucidated and discussed

    Machine Learning and Visualization in Clinical Decision Support: Current State and Future Directions

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    Deep learning, an area of machine learning, is set to revolutionize patient care. But it is not yet part of standard of care, especially when it comes to individual patient care. In fact, it is unclear to what extent data-driven techniques are being used to support clinical decision making (CDS). Heretofore, there has not been a review of ways in which research in machine learning and other types of data-driven techniques can contribute effectively to clinical care and the types of support they can bring to clinicians. In this paper, we consider ways in which two data driven domains - machine learning and data visualizations - can contribute to the next generation of clinical decision support systems. We review the literature regarding the ways heuristic knowledge, machine learning, and visualization are - and can be - applied to three types of CDS. There has been substantial research into the use of predictive modeling for alerts, however current CDS systems are not utilizing these methods. Approaches that leverage interactive visualizations and machine-learning inferences to organize and review patient data are gaining popularity but are still at the prototype stage and are not yet in use. CDS systems that could benefit from prescriptive machine learning (e.g., treatment recommendations for specific patients) have not yet been developed. We discuss potential reasons for the lack of deployment of data-driven methods in CDS and directions for future research

    Targeted Sentiment Analysis: A Data-Driven Categorization

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    Targeted sentiment analysis (TSA), also known as aspect based sentiment analysis (ABSA), aims at detecting fine-grained sentiment polarity towards targets in a given opinion document. Due to the lack of labeled datasets and effective technology, TSA had been intractable for many years. The newly released datasets and the rapid development of deep learning technologies are key enablers for the recent significant progress made in this area. However, the TSA tasks have been defined in various ways with different understandings towards basic concepts like `target' and `aspect'. In this paper, we categorize the different tasks and highlight the differences in the available datasets and their specific tasks. We then further discuss the challenges related to data collection and data annotation which are overlooked in many previous studies.Comment: Draf
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