13 research outputs found

    Determination of Ranking Fraud for Mobile Applications

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    Mobile application is important for all the smart phone users to play or perform different tasks .There large numbers of mobile application developers are available; they can develop the different mobile applications. For making lager users for their mobile applications some developers refers fraudulent activities. Due to these fraudulent activities the mobile applications jump up in the application popularity list. Such fraudulent activities are used by more and more application developers. The fraudulent activities are like mobile application rating, review and its ranking. For this issue large number of users makes a mistake and downloads the mobile applications which have higher review, rating and ranking. So in this paper, we determine the ranking fraud happens in mobile applications and develop ranking fraud detection system. For identifying the ranking fraud, first we consider leading sessions of mobile applications. Then we examine three types of evidences, these are 1) Ranking based evidence, 2) Rating based evidence and 3) Review based evidence. After this we can aggregate all these evidences for fraud detection. Finally, we develop a system that determines fraud happened in mobile applications

    Unsupervised Prediction Aggregation

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    Consider the scenario where votes from multiple experts utilizing different data modalities or modeling assumptions are available for a given prediction task. The task of combining these signals with the goal of obtaining a better prediction is ubiquitous in Information Retrieval (IR), Natural Language Processing (NLP) and many other areas. In IR, for instance, meta-search aims to combine the outputs of multiple search engines to produce a better ranking. In NLP, aggregation of the outputs of computer systems generating natural language translations [7], syntactic dependency parses [8], identifying intended meanings of words [1], and others has received considerable recent attention. Most existing learning approaches to aggregation address the supervised setting. However, for complex prediction tasks such as these, data annotation is a very labor intensive and time consuming process. In this line of work, we first derive a mathematical and algorithmic framework for learning to combine predictions from multiple signals without supervision. In particular, we use the extended Mallows formalism (e.g. [5, 4]) for modeling aggregation, and derive an unsupervised learning procedure for estimating the model parameters [2]. While direct application of the learning framework can be computationally expensive in general, we propose alternatives to keep learning and inferenc


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    Recently, rather than based on general marketing plans, selective consumer choice of fraudulent claim system so they can develop their own applications and sites management sites in their application form. Fraud can cause great concern for using phone application plans. Through our job, we offer a fun-filled nature of fraud and reporting fraudulent software related to mobile applications. We recommend getting a lot of fraud in the form of operating mines, especially the best sessions for mobile phone applications. These basic guidelines rely on the recognition of non-indigenous regions against the world in counting situations. Meetings on phone applications will indicate a time for rest, so the ability to adjust the focus of sessions in the introduction to non-phishing recognition should be the division of guidance sessions. Structured structure works well in some areas that prove fraud


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    Recently, rather than based on general marketing plans, selective consumer choice of fraudulent claim system so they can develop their own applications and sites management sites in their application form. Fraud can cause great concern for using phone application plans. Through our job, we offer a fun-filled nature of fraud and reporting fraudulent software related to mobile applications. We recommend getting a lot of fraud in the form of operating mines, especially the best sessions for mobile phone applications. These basic guidelines rely on the recognition of non-indigenous regions against the world in counting situations. Meetings on phone applications will indicate a time for rest, so the ability to adjust the focus of sessions in the introduction to non-phishing recognition should be the division of guidance sessions. Structured structure works well in some areas that prove fraud


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    Within the recent occasions, instead of based on conventional marketing solutions, shady developer’s choice towards several fraudulent approach to intentionally grow their applications and control chart rankings on application store. Ranking fraud might make important concerns so that you can cell phone applications industry. Within our work we offer an exciting-natural vision of ranking fraud and introduce a ranking system of fraud recognition meant for cell phone applications. We advise locating ranking fraud by way of mining active periods, particularly leading sessions of cell phone applications. These leading sessions are leveraged for recognition of local anomaly as opposed to worldwide anomaly concerning applications rankings. The sessions concerning cell phone applications will represent periods of attractiveness, thus ranking manipulation can look in primary sessions therefore impracticality of recognition of ranking fraud should be to distinguish false leading sessions. The forecasted structure is efficient that is extendable by other domain created evidences for the recognition of ranking fraud

    Using Reviewers' Expertise to Rank Product Reviews

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    E-commerce websites are increasingly using user-supplied reviews to make the decision making experience better for the users. However increasing online presence of users has resulted in numerous amount of reviews in these online portals. Reading all these reviews is not expected of users and online portals do provide ranking of reviews based on helpfulness as a solution. However these methodologies are not perfect and so new reviews even if they might be of good quality do get ignored. Also experience of user is not taken into account. Here we propose an approach to improve the ranking mechanism by including the experience of a user as a factor and also incorporating the concept of a domain expert. Further on, we examine the idea of related categories when finding domain experts. We use Amazon data set to implement our methodology and report our findings

    Preference relations based unsupervised rank aggregation for metasearch

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    Rank aggregation mechanisms have been used in solving problems from various domains such as bioinformatics, natural language processing, information retrieval, etc. Metasearch is one such application where a user gives a query to the metasearch engine, and the metasearch engine forwards the query to multiple individual search engines. Results or rankings returned by these individual search engines are combined using rank aggregation algorithms to produce the final result to be displayed to the user. We identify few aspects that should be kept in mind for designing any rank aggregation algorithms for metasearch. For example, generally equal importance is given to the input rankings while performing the aggregation. However, depending on the indexed set of web pages, features considered for ranking, ranking functions used etc. by the individual search engines, the individual rankings may be of different qualities. So, the aggregation algorithm should give more weight to the better rankings while giving less weight to others. Also, since the aggregation is performed when the user is waiting for response, the operations performed in the algorithm need to be light weight. Moreover, getting supervised data for rank aggregation problem is often difficult. In this paper, we present an unsupervised rank aggregation algorithm that is suitable for metasearch and addresses the aspects mentioned above. We also perform detailed experimental evaluation of the proposed algorithm on four different benchmark datasets having ground truth information. Apart from the unsupervised Kendall-Tau distance measure, several supervised evaluation measures are used for performance comparison. Experimental results demonstrate the efficacy of the proposed algorithm over baseline methods in terms of supervised evaluation metrics. Through these experiments we also show that Kendall-Tau distance metric may not be suitable for evaluating rank aggregation algorithms for metasearch