55,494 research outputs found

    Hierarchical Deep Learning Architecture For 10K Objects Classification

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    Evolution of visual object recognition architectures based on Convolutional Neural Networks & Convolutional Deep Belief Networks paradigms has revolutionized artificial Vision Science. These architectures extract & learn the real world hierarchical visual features utilizing supervised & unsupervised learning approaches respectively. Both the approaches yet cannot scale up realistically to provide recognition for a very large number of objects as high as 10K. We propose a two level hierarchical deep learning architecture inspired by divide & conquer principle that decomposes the large scale recognition architecture into root & leaf level model architectures. Each of the root & leaf level models is trained exclusively to provide superior results than possible by any 1-level deep learning architecture prevalent today. The proposed architecture classifies objects in two steps. In the first step the root level model classifies the object in a high level category. In the second step, the leaf level recognition model for the recognized high level category is selected among all the leaf models. This leaf level model is presented with the same input object image which classifies it in a specific category. Also we propose a blend of leaf level models trained with either supervised or unsupervised learning approaches. Unsupervised learning is suitable whenever labelled data is scarce for the specific leaf level models. Currently the training of leaf level models is in progress; where we have trained 25 out of the total 47 leaf level models as of now. We have trained the leaf models with the best case top-5 error rate of 3.2% on the validation data set for the particular leaf models. Also we demonstrate that the validation error of the leaf level models saturates towards the above mentioned accuracy as the number of epochs are increased to more than sixty.Comment: As appeared in proceedings for CS & IT 2015 - Second International Conference on Computer Science & Engineering (CSEN 2015

    Learning Hierarchical Representations For Video Analysis Using Deep Learning

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    With the exponential growth of the digital data, video content analysis (e.g., action, event recognition) has been drawing increasing attention from computer vision researchers. Effective modeling of the objects, scenes, and motions is critical for visual understanding. Recently there has been a growing interest in the bio-inspired deep learning models, which has shown impressive results in speech and object recognition. The deep learning models are formed by the composition of multiple non-linear transformations of the data, with the goal of yielding more abstract and ultimately more useful representations. The advantages of the deep models are three fold: 1) They learn the features directly from the raw signal in contrast to the hand-designed features. 2) The learning can be unsupervised, which is suitable for large data where labeling all the data is expensive and unpractical. 3) They learn a hierarchy of features one level at a time and the layerwise stacking of feature extraction, this often yields better representations. However, not many deep learning models have been proposed to solve the problems in video analysis, especially videos “in a wild”. Most of them are either dealing with simple datasets, or limited to the low-level local spatial-temporal feature descriptors for action recognition. Moreover, as the learning algorithms are unsupervised, the learned features preserve generative properties rather than the discriminative ones which are more favorable in the classification tasks. In this context, the thesis makes two major contributions. First, we propose several formulations and extensions of deep learning methods which learn hierarchical representations for three challenging video analysis tasks, including complex event recognition, object detection in videos and measuring action similarity. The proposed methods are extensively demonstrated for each work on the state-of-the-art challenging datasets. Besides learning the low-level local features, higher level representations are further designed to be learned in the context of applications. The data-driven concept representations and sparse representation of the events are learned for complex event recognition; the representations for object body parts iii and structures are learned for object detection in videos; and the relational motion features and similarity metrics between video pairs are learned simultaneously for action verification. Second, in order to learn discriminative and compact features, we propose a new feature learning method using a deep neural network based on auto encoders. It differs from the existing unsupervised feature learning methods in two ways: first it optimizes both discriminative and generative properties of the features simultaneously, which gives our features a better discriminative ability. Second, our learned features are more compact, while the unsupervised feature learning methods usually learn a redundant set of over-complete features. Extensive experiments with quantitative and qualitative results on the tasks of human detection and action verification demonstrate the superiority of our proposed models

    Deep learning systems as complex networks

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    Thanks to the availability of large scale digital datasets and massive amounts of computational power, deep learning algorithms can learn representations of data by exploiting multiple levels of abstraction. These machine learning methods have greatly improved the state-of-the-art in many challenging cognitive tasks, such as visual object recognition, speech processing, natural language understanding and automatic translation. In particular, one class of deep learning models, known as deep belief networks, can discover intricate statistical structure in large data sets in a completely unsupervised fashion, by learning a generative model of the data using Hebbian-like learning mechanisms. Although these self-organizing systems can be conveniently formalized within the framework of statistical mechanics, their internal functioning remains opaque, because their emergent dynamics cannot be solved analytically. In this article we propose to study deep belief networks using techniques commonly employed in the study of complex networks, in order to gain some insights into the structural and functional properties of the computational graph resulting from the learning process.Comment: 20 pages, 9 figure

    Perceptual Grouping in Contrastive Vision-Language Models

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    Recent advances in zero-shot image recognition suggest that vision-language models learn generic visual representations with a high degree of semantic information that may be arbitrarily probed with natural language phrases. Understanding an image, however, is not just about understanding what content resides within an image, but importantly, where that content resides. In this work we examine how well vision-language models are able to understand where objects reside within an image and group together visually related parts of the imagery. We demonstrate how contemporary vision and language representation learning models based on contrastive losses and large web-based data capture limited object localization information. We propose a minimal set of modifications that results in models that uniquely learn both semantic and spatial information. We measure this performance in terms of zero-shot image recognition, unsupervised bottom-up and top-down semantic segmentations, as well as robustness analyses. We find that the resulting model achieves state-of-the-art results in terms of unsupervised segmentation, and demonstrate that the learned representations are uniquely robust to spurious correlations in datasets designed to probe the causal behavior of vision models.Comment: Accepted and presented at ICCV 202

    Body-form and body-pose recognition with a hierarchical model of the ventral stream

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    When learning to recognize a novel body shape, e.g., a panda bear, we are not misled by changes in its pose. A "jumping panda bear" is readily recognized, despite having no prior visual experience with the conjunction of these concepts. Likewise, a novel pose can be estimated in an invariant way, with respect to the actor's body shape. These body and pose recognition tasks require invariance to non-generic transformations that previous models of the ventral stream do not have. We show that the addition of biologically plausible, class-specific mechanisms associating previously-viewed actors in a range of poses enables a hierarchical model of object recognition to account for this human capability. These associations could be acquired in an unsupervised manner from past experience
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