2,636 research outputs found

    Unsupervised Learning of Visual Features by Contrasting Cluster Assignments

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    Unsupervised image representations have significantly reduced the gap with supervised pretraining, notably with the recent achievements of contrastive learning methods. These contrastive methods typically work online and rely on a large number of explicit pairwise feature comparisons, which is computationally challenging. In this paper, we propose an online algorithm, SwAV, that takes advantage of contrastive methods without requiring to compute pairwise comparisons. Specifically, our method simultaneously clusters the data while enforcing consistency between cluster assignments produced for different augmentations (or views) of the same image, instead of comparing features directly as in contrastive learning. Simply put, we use a swapped prediction mechanism where we predict the cluster assignment of a view from the representation of another view. Our method can be trained with large and small batches and can scale to unlimited amounts of data. Compared to previous contrastive methods, our method is more memory efficient since it does not require a large memory bank or a special momentum network. In addition, we also propose a new data augmentation strategy, multi-crop, that uses a mix of views with different resolutions in place of two full-resolution views, without increasing the memory or compute requirements much. We validate our findings by achieving 75.3% top-1 accuracy on ImageNet with ResNet-50, as well as surpassing supervised pretraining on all the considered transfer tasks.Comment: NeurIPS 202

    Deep Multiview Clustering by Contrasting Cluster Assignments

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    Multiview clustering (MVC) aims to reveal the underlying structure of multiview data by categorizing data samples into clusters. Deep learning-based methods exhibit strong feature learning capabilities on large-scale datasets. For most existing deep MVC methods, exploring the invariant representations of multiple views is still an intractable problem. In this paper, we propose a cross-view contrastive learning (CVCL) method that learns view-invariant representations and produces clustering results by contrasting the cluster assignments among multiple views. Specifically, we first employ deep autoencoders to extract view-dependent features in the pretraining stage. Then, a cluster-level CVCL strategy is presented to explore consistent semantic label information among the multiple views in the fine-tuning stage. Thus, the proposed CVCL method is able to produce more discriminative cluster assignments by virtue of this learning strategy. Moreover, we provide a theoretical analysis of soft cluster assignment alignment. Extensive experimental results obtained on several datasets demonstrate that the proposed CVCL method outperforms several state-of-the-art approaches.Comment: 10 pages, 7 figure

    Self-Supervised Visual Representation Learning with Semantic Grouping

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    In this paper, we tackle the problem of learning visual representations from unlabeled scene-centric data. Existing works have demonstrated the potential of utilizing the underlying complex structure within scene-centric data; still, they commonly rely on hand-crafted objectness priors or specialized pretext tasks to build a learning framework, which may harm generalizability. Instead, we propose contrastive learning from data-driven semantic slots, namely SlotCon, for joint semantic grouping and representation learning. The semantic grouping is performed by assigning pixels to a set of learnable prototypes, which can adapt to each sample by attentive pooling over the feature and form new slots. Based on the learned data-dependent slots, a contrastive objective is employed for representation learning, which enhances the discriminability of features, and conversely facilitates grouping semantically coherent pixels together. Compared with previous efforts, by simultaneously optimizing the two coupled objectives of semantic grouping and contrastive learning, our approach bypasses the disadvantages of hand-crafted priors and is able to learn object/group-level representations from scene-centric images. Experiments show our approach effectively decomposes complex scenes into semantic groups for feature learning and significantly benefits downstream tasks, including object detection, instance segmentation, and semantic segmentation. Code is available at: https://github.com/CVMI-Lab/SlotCon.Comment: Accepted at NeurIPS 202

    Generalized Category Discovery with Clustering Assignment Consistency

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    Generalized category discovery (GCD) is a recently proposed open-world task. Given a set of images consisting of labeled and unlabeled instances, the goal of GCD is to automatically cluster the unlabeled samples using information transferred from the labeled dataset. The unlabeled dataset comprises both known and novel classes. The main challenge is that unlabeled novel class samples and unlabeled known class samples are mixed together in the unlabeled dataset. To address the GCD without knowing the class number of unlabeled dataset, we propose a co-training-based framework that encourages clustering consistency. Specifically, we first introduce weak and strong augmentation transformations to generate two sufficiently different views for the same sample. Then, based on the co-training assumption, we propose a consistency representation learning strategy, which encourages consistency between feature-prototype similarity and clustering assignment. Finally, we use the discriminative embeddings learned from the semi-supervised representation learning process to construct an original sparse network and use a community detection method to obtain the clustering results and the number of categories simultaneously. Extensive experiments show that our method achieves state-of-the-art performance on three generic benchmarks and three fine-grained visual recognition datasets. Especially in the ImageNet-100 data set, our method significantly exceeds the best baseline by 15.5\% and 7.0\% on the \texttt{Novel} and \texttt{All} classes, respectively.Comment: ICONIP 2023,This paper has been nominated for ICONIP2023 Best Paper Awar

    Self-Supervised Classification Network

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    We present Self-Classifier -- a novel self-supervised end-to-end classification learning approach. Self-Classifier learns labels and representations simultaneously in a single-stage end-to-end manner by optimizing for same-class prediction of two augmented views of the same sample. To guarantee non-degenerate solutions (i.e., solutions where all labels are assigned to the same class) we propose a mathematically motivated variant of the cross-entropy loss that has a uniform prior asserted on the predicted labels. In our theoretical analysis we prove that degenerate solutions are not in the set of optimal solutions of our approach. Self-Classifier is simple to implement and scalable. Unlike other popular unsupervised classification and contrastive representation learning approaches, it does not require any form of pre-training, expectation maximization, pseudo-labelling, external clustering, a second network, stop-gradient operation or negative pairs. Despite its simplicity, our approach sets a new state of the art for unsupervised classification of ImageNet; and even achieves comparable to state-of-the-art results for unsupervised representation learning. Code: https://github.com/elad-amrani/self-classifierComment: Update method and add experiment

    Measuring the Interpretability of Unsupervised Representations via Quantized Reverse Probing

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    Self-supervised visual representation learning has recently attracted significant research interest. While a common way to evaluate self-supervised representations is through transfer to various downstream tasks, we instead investigate the problem of measuring their interpretability, i.e. understanding the semantics encoded in raw representations. We formulate the latter as estimating the mutual information between the representation and a space of manually labelled concepts. To quantify this we introduce a decoding bottleneck: information must be captured by simple predictors, mapping concepts to clusters in representation space. This approach, which we call reverse linear probing, provides a single number sensitive to the semanticity of the representation. This measure is also able to detect when the representation contains combinations of concepts (e.g., "red apple") instead of just individual attributes ("red" and "apple" independently). Finally, we propose to use supervised classifiers to automatically label large datasets in order to enrich the space of concepts used for probing. We use our method to evaluate a large number of self-supervised representations, ranking them by interpretability, highlight the differences that emerge compared to the standard evaluation with linear probes and discuss several qualitative insights. Code at: {\scriptsize{\url{https://github.com/iro-cp/ssl-qrp}}}.Comment: Published at ICLR 2022. Appendix included, 26 page
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