178 research outputs found

    Finite Bivariate and Multivariate Beta Mixture Models Learning and Applications

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    Finite mixture models have been revealed to provide flexibility for data clustering. They have demonstrated high competence and potential to capture hidden structure in data. Modern technological progresses, growing volumes and varieties of generated data, revolutionized computers and other related factors are contributing to produce large scale data. This fact enhances the significance of finding reliable and adaptable models which can analyze bigger, more complex data to identify latent patterns, deliver faster and more accurate results and make decisions with minimal human interaction. Adopting the finest and most accurate distribution that appropriately represents the mixture components is critical. The most widely adopted generative model has been the Gaussian mixture. In numerous real-world applications, however, when the nature and structure of data are non-Gaussian, this modelling fails. One of the other crucial issues when using mixtures is determination of the model complexity or number of mixture components. Minimum message length (MML) is one of the main techniques in frequentist frameworks to tackle this challenging issue. In this work, we have designed and implemented a finite mixture model, using the bivariate and multivariate Beta distributions for cluster analysis and demonstrated its flexibility in describing the intrinsic characteristics of the observed data. In addition, we have applied our estimation and model selection algorithms to synthetic and real datasets. Most importantly, we considered interesting applications such as in image segmentation, software modules defect prediction, spam detection and occupancy estimation in smart buildings

    Model Based Automatic and Robust Spike Sorting for Large Volumes of Multi-channel Extracellular Data

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    abstract: Spike sorting is a critical step for single-unit-based analysis of neural activities extracellularly and simultaneously recorded using multi-channel electrodes. When dealing with recordings from very large numbers of neurons, existing methods, which are mostly semiautomatic in nature, become inadequate. This dissertation aims at automating the spike sorting process. A high performance, automatic and computationally efficient spike detection and clustering system, namely, the M-Sorter2 is presented. The M-Sorter2 employs the modified multiscale correlation of wavelet coefficients (MCWC) for neural spike detection. At the center of the proposed M-Sorter2 are two automatic spike clustering methods. They share a common hierarchical agglomerative modeling (HAM) model search procedure to strategically form a sequence of mixture models, and a new model selection criterion called difference of model evidence (DoME) to automatically determine the number of clusters. The M-Sorter2 employs two methods differing by how they perform clustering to infer model parameters: one uses robust variational Bayes (RVB) and the other uses robust Expectation-Maximization (REM) for Student’s -mixture modeling. The M-Sorter2 is thus a significantly improved approach to sorting as an automatic procedure. M-Sorter2 was evaluated and benchmarked with popular algorithms using simulated, artificial and real data with truth that are openly available to researchers. Simulated datasets with known statistical distributions were first used to illustrate how the clustering algorithms, namely REMHAM and RVBHAM, provide robust clustering results under commonly experienced performance degrading conditions, such as random initialization of parameters, high dimensionality of data, low signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), ambiguous clusters, and asymmetry in cluster sizes. For the artificial dataset from single-channel recordings, the proposed sorter outperformed Wave_Clus, Plexon’s Offline Sorter and Klusta in most of the comparison cases. For the real dataset from multi-channel electrodes, tetrodes and polytrodes, the proposed sorter outperformed all comparison algorithms in terms of false positive and false negative rates. The software package presented in this dissertation is available for open access.Dissertation/ThesisDoctoral Dissertation Electrical Engineering 201

    Latent class cluster analysis

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    Distinguishing cause from effect using observational data: methods and benchmarks

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    The discovery of causal relationships from purely observational data is a fundamental problem in science. The most elementary form of such a causal discovery problem is to decide whether X causes Y or, alternatively, Y causes X, given joint observations of two variables X, Y. An example is to decide whether altitude causes temperature, or vice versa, given only joint measurements of both variables. Even under the simplifying assumptions of no confounding, no feedback loops, and no selection bias, such bivariate causal discovery problems are challenging. Nevertheless, several approaches for addressing those problems have been proposed in recent years. We review two families of such methods: Additive Noise Methods (ANM) and Information Geometric Causal Inference (IGCI). We present the benchmark CauseEffectPairs that consists of data for 100 different cause-effect pairs selected from 37 datasets from various domains (e.g., meteorology, biology, medicine, engineering, economy, etc.) and motivate our decisions regarding the "ground truth" causal directions of all pairs. We evaluate the performance of several bivariate causal discovery methods on these real-world benchmark data and in addition on artificially simulated data. Our empirical results on real-world data indicate that certain methods are indeed able to distinguish cause from effect using only purely observational data, although more benchmark data would be needed to obtain statistically significant conclusions. One of the best performing methods overall is the additive-noise method originally proposed by Hoyer et al. (2009), which obtains an accuracy of 63+-10 % and an AUC of 0.74+-0.05 on the real-world benchmark. As the main theoretical contribution of this work we prove the consistency of that method.Comment: 101 pages, second revision submitted to Journal of Machine Learning Researc

    High-dimensional Sparse Count Data Clustering Using Finite Mixture Models

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    Due to the massive amount of available digital data, automating its analysis and modeling for different purposes and applications has become an urgent need. One of the most challenging tasks in machine learning is clustering, which is defined as the process of assigning observations sharing similar characteristics to subgroups. Such a task is significant, especially in implementing complex algorithms to deal with high-dimensional data. Thus, the advancement of computational power in statistical-based approaches is increasingly becoming an interesting and attractive research domain. Among the successful methods, mixture models have been widely acknowledged and successfully applied in numerous fields as they have been providing a convenient yet flexible formal setting for unsupervised and semi-supervised learning. An essential problem with these approaches is to develop a probabilistic model that represents the data well by taking into account its nature. Count data are widely used in machine learning and computer vision applications where an object, e.g., a text document or an image, can be represented by a vector corresponding to the appearance frequencies of words or visual words, respectively. Thus, they usually suffer from the well-known curse of dimensionality as objects are represented with high-dimensional and sparse vectors, i.e., a few thousand dimensions with a sparsity of 95 to 99%, which decline the performance of clustering algorithms dramatically. Moreover, count data systematically exhibit the burstiness and overdispersion phenomena, which both cannot be handled with a generic multinomial distribution, typically used to model count data, due to its dependency assumption. This thesis is constructed around six related manuscripts, in which we propose several approaches for high-dimensional sparse count data clustering via various mixture models based on hierarchical Bayesian modeling frameworks that have the ability to model the dependency of repetitive word occurrences. In such frameworks, a suitable distribution is used to introduce the prior information into the construction of the statistical model, based on a conjugate distribution to the multinomial, e.g. the Dirichlet, generalized Dirichlet, and the Beta-Liouville, which has numerous computational advantages. Thus, we proposed a novel model that we call the Multinomial Scaled Dirichlet (MSD) based on using the scaled Dirichlet as a prior to the multinomial to allow more modeling flexibility. Although these frameworks can model burstiness and overdispersion well, they share similar disadvantages making their estimation procedure is very inefficient when the collection size is large. To handle high-dimensionality, we considered two approaches. First, we derived close approximations to the distributions in a hierarchical structure to bring them to the exponential-family form aiming to combine the flexibility and efficiency of these models with the desirable statistical and computational properties of the exponential family of distributions, including sufficiency, which reduce the complexity and computational efforts especially for sparse and high-dimensional data. Second, we proposed a model-based unsupervised feature selection approach for count data to overcome several issues that may be caused by the high dimensionality of the feature space, such as over-fitting, low efficiency, and poor performance. Furthermore, we handled two significant aspects of mixture based clustering methods, namely, parameters estimation and performing model selection. We considered the Expectation-Maximization (EM) algorithm, which is a broadly applicable iterative algorithm for estimating the mixture model parameters, with incorporating several techniques to avoid its initialization dependency and poor local maxima. For model selection, we investigated different approaches to find the optimal number of components based on the Minimum Message Length (MML) philosophy. The effectiveness of our approaches is evaluated using challenging real-life applications, such as sentiment analysis, hate speech detection on Twitter, topic novelty detection, human interaction recognition in films and TV shows, facial expression recognition, face identification, and age estimation

    Bounded Support Finite Mixtures for Multidimensional Data Modeling and Clustering

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    Data is ever increasing with today’s many technological advances in terms of both quantity and dimensions. Such inflation has posed various challenges in statistical and data analysis methods and hence requires the development of new powerful models for transforming the data into useful information. Therefore, it was necessary to explore and develop new ideas and techniques to keep pace with challenging learning applications in data analysis, modeling and pattern recognition. Finite mixture models have received considerable attention due to their ability to effectively and efficiently model high dimensional data. In mixtures, choice of distribution is a critical issue and it has been observed that in many real life applications, data exist in a bounded support region, whereas distributions adopted to model the data lie in unbounded support regions. Therefore, it was proposed to define bounded support distributions in mixtures and introduce a modified procedure for parameters estimation by considering the bounded support of underlying distributions. The main goal of this thesis is to introduce bounded support mixtures, their parameters estimation, automatic determination of number of mixture components and application of mixtures in feature extraction techniques to overall improve the learning pipeline. Five different unbounded support distributions are selected for applying the idea of bounded support mixtures and modified parameters estimation using maximum likelihood via Expectation-Maximization (EM). Probability density functions selected for this thesis include Gaussian, Laplace, generalized Gaussian, asymmetric Gaussian and asymmetric generalized Gaussian distributions, which are chosen due to their flexibility and broad applications in speech and image processing. The proposed bounded support mixtures are applied in various speech and images datasets to create leaning applications to demonstrate the effectiveness of proposed approach. Mixtures of bounded Gaussian and bounded Laplace are also applied in feature extraction and data representation techniques, which further improves the learning and modeling capability of underlying models. The proposed feature representation via bounded support mixtures is applied in both speech and images datasets to examine its performance. Automatic selection of number of mixture components is very important in clustering and parameter learning is highly dependent on model selection and it is proposed for mixture of bounded Gaussian and bounded asymmetric generalized Gaussian using minimum message length. Proposed model selection criterion and parameter learning are simultaneously applied in speech and images datasets for both models to examine the model selection performance in clustering

    Image annotation and retrieval based on multi-modal feature clustering and similarity propagation.

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    The performance of content-based image retrieval systems has proved to be inherently constrained by the used low level features, and cannot give satisfactory results when the user\u27s high level concepts cannot be expressed by low level features. In an attempt to bridge this semantic gap, recent approaches started integrating both low level-visual features and high-level textual keywords. Unfortunately, manual image annotation is a tedious process and may not be possible for large image databases. In this thesis we propose a system for image retrieval that has three mains components. The first component of our system consists of a novel possibilistic clustering and feature weighting algorithm based on robust modeling of the Generalized Dirichlet (GD) finite mixture. Robust estimation of the mixture model parameters is achieved by incorporating two complementary types of membership degrees. The first one is a posterior probability that indicates the degree to which a point fits the estimated distribution. The second membership represents the degree of typicality and is used to indentify and discard noise points. Robustness to noisy and irrelevant features is achieved by transforming the data to make the features independent and follow Beta distribution, and learning optimal relevance weight for each feature subset within each cluster. We extend our algorithm to find the optimal number of clusters in an unsupervised and efficient way by exploiting some properties of the possibilistic membership function. We also outline a semi-supervised version of the proposed algorithm. In the second component of our system consists of a novel approach to unsupervised image annotation. Our approach is based on: (i) the proposed semi-supervised possibilistic clustering; (ii) a greedy selection and joining algorithm (GSJ); (iii) Bayes rule; and (iv) a probabilistic model that is based on possibilistic memebership degrees to annotate an image. The third component of the proposed system consists of an image retrieval framework based on multi-modal similarity propagation. The proposed framework is designed to deal with two data modalities: low-level visual features and high-level textual keywords generated by our proposed image annotation algorithm. The multi-modal similarity propagation system exploits the mutual reinforcement of relational data and results in a nonlinear combination of the different modalities. Specifically, it is used to learn the semantic similarities between images by leveraging the relationships between features from the different modalities. The proposed image annotation and retrieval approaches are implemented and tested with a standard benchmark dataset. We show the effectiveness of our clustering algorithm to handle high dimensional and noisy data. We compare our proposed image annotation approach to three state-of-the-art methods and demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed image retrieval system
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