22 research outputs found

    Learning long-range spatial dependencies with horizontal gated-recurrent units

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    Progress in deep learning has spawned great successes in many engineering applications. As a prime example, convolutional neural networks, a type of feedforward neural networks, are now approaching -- and sometimes even surpassing -- human accuracy on a variety of visual recognition tasks. Here, however, we show that these neural networks and their recent extensions struggle in recognition tasks where co-dependent visual features must be detected over long spatial ranges. We introduce the horizontal gated-recurrent unit (hGRU) to learn intrinsic horizontal connections -- both within and across feature columns. We demonstrate that a single hGRU layer matches or outperforms all tested feedforward hierarchical baselines including state-of-the-art architectures which have orders of magnitude more free parameters. We further discuss the biological plausibility of the hGRU in comparison to anatomical data from the visual cortex as well as human behavioral data on a classic contour detection task.Comment: Published at NeurIPS 2018 https://papers.nips.cc/paper/7300-learning-long-range-spatial-dependencies-with-horizontal-gated-recurrent-unit

    Program Synthesis Meets Deep Learning for Decoding Regulatory Networks

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    With ever growing data sets spanning DNA sequencing all the way to single-cell transcriptomics, we are now facing the question of how can we turn this vast amount of information into knowledge. How do we integrate these large data sets into a coherent whole to help understand biological programs? The last few years have seen a growing interest in machine learning methods to analyse patterns in high-throughput data sets and an increasing interest in using program synthesis techniques to reconstruct and analyse executable models of gene regulatory networks. In this review, we discuss the synergies between the two methods and share our views on how they can be combined to reconstruct executable mechanistic programs directly from large-scale genomic data

    Sampling for Bayesian program learning

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    Towards learning programs from data, we introduce the problem of sampling programs from posterior distributions conditioned on that data. Within this setting, we propose an algorithm that uses a symbolic solver to efficiently sample programs. The proposal combines constraint-based program synthesis with sampling via random parity constraints. We give theoretical guarantees on how well the samples approximate the true posterior, and have empirical results showing the algorithm is efficient in practice, evaluating our approach on 22 program learning problems in the domains of text editing and computer-aided programming.National Science Foundation (U.S.) (Award NSF-1161775)United States. Air Force Office of Scientific Research (Award FA9550-16-1-0012

    A Compositional Object-Based Approach to Learning Physical Dynamics

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    We present the Neural Physics Engine (NPE), an object-based neural network architecture for learning predictive models of intuitive physics. We propose a factorization of a physical scene into composable object-based representations and also the NPE architecture whose compositional structure factorizes object dynamics into pairwise interactions. Our approach draws on the strengths of both symbolic and neural approaches: like a symbolic physics engine, the NPE is endowed with generic notions of objects and their interactions, but as a neural network it can also be trained via stochastic gradient descent to adapt to specific object properties and dynamics of different worlds. We evaluate the efficacy of our approach on simple rigid body dynamics in two-dimensional worlds. By comparing to less structured architectures, we show that our model's compositional representation of the structure in physical interactions improves its ability to predict movement, generalize to different numbers of objects, and infer latent properties of objects such as mass.National Science Foundation (U.S.) (Award CCF-1231216)United States. Office of Naval Research (Grant N00014-16-1-2007

    Learning Differentiable Programs with Admissible Neural Heuristics

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    We study the problem of learning differentiable functions expressed as programs in a domain-specific language. Such programmatic models can offer benefits such as composability and interpretability; however, learning them requires optimizing over a combinatorial space of program "architectures". We frame this optimization problem as a search in a weighted graph whose paths encode top-down derivations of program syntax. Our key innovation is to view various classes of neural networks as continuous relaxations over the space of programs, which can then be used to complete any partial program. This relaxed program is differentiable and can be trained end-to-end, and the resulting training loss is an approximately admissible heuristic that can guide the combinatorial search. We instantiate our approach on top of the A-star algorithm and an iteratively deepened branch-and-bound search, and use these algorithms to learn programmatic classifiers in three sequence classification tasks. Our experiments show that the algorithms outperform state-of-the-art methods for program learning, and that they discover programmatic classifiers that yield natural interpretations and achieve competitive accuracy