15 research outputs found

    Unsupervised Diverse Colorization via Generative Adversarial Networks

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    Colorization of grayscale images has been a hot topic in computer vision. Previous research mainly focuses on producing a colored image to match the original one. However, since many colors share the same gray value, an input grayscale image could be diversely colored while maintaining its reality. In this paper, we design a novel solution for unsupervised diverse colorization. Specifically, we leverage conditional generative adversarial networks to model the distribution of real-world item colors, in which we develop a fully convolutional generator with multi-layer noise to enhance diversity, with multi-layer condition concatenation to maintain reality, and with stride 1 to keep spatial information. With such a novel network architecture, the model yields highly competitive performance on the open LSUN bedroom dataset. The Turing test of 80 humans further indicates our generated color schemes are highly convincible

    DiffFashion: Reference-based Fashion Design with Structure-aware Transfer by Diffusion Models

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    Image-based fashion design with AI techniques has attracted increasing attention in recent years. We focus on a new fashion design task, where we aim to transfer a reference appearance image onto a clothing image while preserving the structure of the clothing image. It is a challenging task since there are no reference images available for the newly designed output fashion images. Although diffusion-based image translation or neural style transfer (NST) has enabled flexible style transfer, it is often difficult to maintain the original structure of the image realistically during the reverse diffusion, especially when the referenced appearance image greatly differs from the common clothing appearance. To tackle this issue, we present a novel diffusion model-based unsupervised structure-aware transfer method to semantically generate new clothes from a given clothing image and a reference appearance image. In specific, we decouple the foreground clothing with automatically generated semantic masks by conditioned labels. And the mask is further used as guidance in the denoising process to preserve the structure information. Moreover, we use the pre-trained vision Transformer (ViT) for both appearance and structure guidance. Our experimental results show that the proposed method outperforms state-of-the-art baseline models, generating more realistic images in the fashion design task. Code and demo can be found at https://github.com/Rem105-210/DiffFashion