35 research outputs found

    Object Feature Extraction of Songket Image Using Chain Code Algorithm

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    The study was aimed at determining the feature of a motif found in a Songket image in order to make the object detectable and readable. The method used was image color segmentation in the form of a process of segmentation of the image area based on the similarity in colors, which was continued with the binary process that aims to change the image into binary form (0 and 1), so that it only has two colors namely black and white. This study also used mathematical morphology in detecting objects, by using dilation operation and filling holes. After the process of mathematical morphology was completed, the next process was motif extraction by applying moore contour tracking algorithms and the development of chain code algorithms. The results of the process carried out showed that the development chain code algorithm can generate the number of objects, the length of chain code, and probable value of rate of appearances of each chain code in a motif, despite there are some objects in a motif. Then the values are stored into the database as The Feature of Songket Motifs

    Unsupervised Feature Selection with Adaptive Structure Learning

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    The problem of feature selection has raised considerable interests in the past decade. Traditional unsupervised methods select the features which can faithfully preserve the intrinsic structures of data, where the intrinsic structures are estimated using all the input features of data. However, the estimated intrinsic structures are unreliable/inaccurate when the redundant and noisy features are not removed. Therefore, we face a dilemma here: one need the true structures of data to identify the informative features, and one need the informative features to accurately estimate the true structures of data. To address this, we propose a unified learning framework which performs structure learning and feature selection simultaneously. The structures are adaptively learned from the results of feature selection, and the informative features are reselected to preserve the refined structures of data. By leveraging the interactions between these two essential tasks, we are able to capture accurate structures and select more informative features. Experimental results on many benchmark data sets demonstrate that the proposed method outperforms many state of the art unsupervised feature selection methods

    Online Unsupervised Multi-view Feature Selection

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    In the era of big data, it is becoming common to have data with multiple modalities or coming from multiple sources, known as "multi-view data". Multi-view data are usually unlabeled and come from high-dimensional spaces (such as language vocabularies), unsupervised multi-view feature selection is crucial to many applications. However, it is nontrivial due to the following challenges. First, there are too many instances or the feature dimensionality is too large. Thus, the data may not fit in memory. How to select useful features with limited memory space? Second, how to select features from streaming data and handles the concept drift? Third, how to leverage the consistent and complementary information from different views to improve the feature selection in the situation when the data are too big or come in as streams? To the best of our knowledge, none of the previous works can solve all the challenges simultaneously. In this paper, we propose an Online unsupervised Multi-View Feature Selection, OMVFS, which deals with large-scale/streaming multi-view data in an online fashion. OMVFS embeds unsupervised feature selection into a clustering algorithm via NMF with sparse learning. It further incorporates the graph regularization to preserve the local structure information and help select discriminative features. Instead of storing all the historical data, OMVFS processes the multi-view data chunk by chunk and aggregates all the necessary information into several small matrices. By using the buffering technique, the proposed OMVFS can reduce the computational and storage cost while taking advantage of the structure information. Furthermore, OMVFS can capture the concept drifts in the data streams. Extensive experiments on four real-world datasets show the effectiveness and efficiency of the proposed OMVFS method. More importantly, OMVFS is about 100 times faster than the off-line methods

    A Matlab Toolbox for Feature Importance Ranking

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    More attention is being paid for feature importance ranking (FIR), in particular when thousands of features can be extracted for intelligent diagnosis and personalized medicine. A large number of FIR approaches have been proposed, while few are integrated for comparison and real-life applications. In this study, a matlab toolbox is presented and a total of 30 algorithms are collected. Moreover, the toolbox is evaluated on a database of 163 ultrasound images. To each breast mass lesion, 15 features are extracted. To figure out the optimal subset of features for classification, all combinations of features are tested and linear support vector machine is used for the malignancy prediction of lesions annotated in ultrasound images. At last, the effectiveness of FIR is analyzed according to performance comparison. The toolbox is online (https://github.com/NicoYuCN/matFIR). In our future work, more FIR methods, feature selection methods and machine learning classifiers will be integrated