4,521 research outputs found

    Evaluating prose style transfer with the Bible

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    In the prose style transfer task a system, provided with text input and a target prose style, produces output which preserves the meaning of the input text but alters the style. These systems require parallel data for evaluation of results and usually make use of parallel data for training. Currently, there are few publicly available corpora for this task. In this work, we identify a high-quality source of aligned, stylistically distinct text in different versions of the Bible. We provide a standardized split, into training, development and testing data, of the public domain versions in our corpus. This corpus is highly parallel since many Bible versions are included. Sentences are aligned due to the presence of chapter and verse numbers within all versions of the text. In addition to the corpus, we present the results, as measured by the BLEU and PINC metrics, of several models trained on our data which can serve as baselines for future research. While we present these data as a style transfer corpus, we believe that it is of unmatched quality and may be useful for other natural language tasks as well

    Learning Criteria and Evaluation Metrics for Textual Transfer between Non-Parallel Corpora

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    We consider the problem of automatically generating textual paraphrases with modified attributes or stylistic properties, focusing on the setting without parallel data (Hu et al., 2017; Shen et al., 2017). This setting poses challenges for learning and evaluation. We show that the metric of post-transfer classification accuracy is insufficient on its own, and propose additional metrics based on semantic content preservation and fluency. For reliable evaluation, all three metric categories must be taken into account. We contribute new loss functions and training strategies to address the new metrics. Semantic preservation is addressed by adding a cyclic consistency loss and a loss based on paraphrase pairs, while fluency is improved by integrating losses based on style-specific language models. Automatic and manual evaluation show large improvements over the baseline method of Shen et al. (2017). Our hope is that these losses and metrics can be general and useful tools for a range of textual transfer settings without parallel corpora

    Text Style Transfer: A Review and Experimental Evaluation

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    The stylistic properties of text have intrigued computational linguistics researchers in recent years. Specifically, researchers have investigated the Text Style Transfer (TST) task, which aims to change the stylistic properties of the text while retaining its style independent content. Over the last few years, many novel TST algorithms have been developed, while the industry has leveraged these algorithms to enable exciting TST applications. The field of TST research has burgeoned because of this symbiosis. This article aims to provide a comprehensive review of recent research efforts on text style transfer. More concretely, we create a taxonomy to organize the TST models and provide a comprehensive summary of the state of the art. We review the existing evaluation methodologies for TST tasks and conduct a large-scale reproducibility study where we experimentally benchmark 19 state-of-the-art TST algorithms on two publicly available datasets. Finally, we expand on current trends and provide new perspectives on the new and exciting developments in the TST field
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