2 research outputs found

    PersonaSAGE: A Multi-Persona Graph Neural Network

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    Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) have become increasingly important in recent years due to their state-of-the-art performance on many important downstream applications. Existing GNNs have mostly focused on learning a single node representation, despite that a node often exhibits polysemous behavior in different contexts. In this work, we develop a persona-based graph neural network framework called PersonaSAGE that learns multiple persona-based embeddings for each node in the graph. Such disentangled representations are more interpretable and useful than a single embedding. Furthermore, PersonaSAGE learns the appropriate set of persona embeddings for each node in the graph, and every node can have a different number of assigned persona embeddings. The framework is flexible enough and the general design helps in the wide applicability of the learned embeddings to suit the domain. We utilize publicly available benchmark datasets to evaluate our approach and against a variety of baselines. The experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of PersonaSAGE for a variety of important tasks including link prediction where we achieve an average gain of 15% while remaining competitive for node classification. Finally, we also demonstrate the utility of PersonaSAGE with a case study for personalized recommendation of different entity types in a data management platform.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figures, 7 table

    Unsupervised Differentiable Multi-aspect Network Embedding

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    Network embedding is an influential graph mining technique for representing nodes in a graph as distributed vectors. However, the majority of network embedding methods focus on learning a single vector representation for each node, which has been recently criticized for not being capable of modeling multiple aspects of a node. To capture the multiple aspects of each node, existing studies mainly rely on offline graph clustering performed prior to the actual embedding, which results in the cluster membership of each node (i.e., node aspect distribution) fixed throughout training of the embedding model. We argue that this not only makes each node always have the same aspect distribution regardless of its dynamic context, but also hinders the end-to-end training of the model that eventually leads to the final embedding quality largely dependent on the clustering. In this paper, we propose a novel end-to-end framework for multi-aspect network embedding, called asp2vec, in which the aspects of each node are dynamically assigned based on its local context. More precisely, among multiple aspects, we dynamically assign a single aspect to each node based on its current context, and our aspect selection module is end-to-end differentiable via the Gumbel-Softmax trick. We also introduce the aspect regularization framework to capture the interactions among the multiple aspects in terms of relatedness and diversity. We further demonstrate that our proposed framework can be readily extended to heterogeneous networks. Extensive experiments towards various downstream tasks on various types of homogeneous networks and a heterogeneous network demonstrate the superiority of asp2vec. © 2020 ACM.1