20 research outputs found

    Probabilistic Color Constancy

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    In this paper, we propose a novel unsupervised color constancy method, called Probabilistic Color Constancy (PCC). We define a framework for estimating the illumination of a scene by weighting the contribution of different image regions using a graph-based representation of the image. To estimate the weight of each (super-)pixel, we rely on two assumptions: (Super-)pixels with similar colors contribute similarly and darker (super-)pixels contribute less. The resulting system has one global optimum solution. The proposed method achieves competitive performance, compared to the state-of-the-art, on INTEL-TAU dataset.Comment: 5 pages, 1 figur

    Template matching with white balance adjustment under multiple illuminants

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    In this paper, we propose a novel template matching method with a white balancing adjustment, called N-white balancing, which was proposed for multi-illuminant scenes. To reduce the influence of lighting effects, N-white balancing is applied to images for multi-illumination color constancy, and then a template matching method is carried out by using adjusted images. In experiments, the effectiveness of the proposed method is demonstrated to be effective in object detection tasks under various illumination conditions.Comment: \c{opyright} 2022 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other work

    Practical cross-sensor color constancy using a dual-mapping strategy

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    Deep Neural Networks (DNNs) have been widely used for illumination estimation, which is time-consuming and requires sensor-specific data collection. Our proposed method uses a dual-mapping strategy and only requires a simple white point from a test sensor under a D65 condition. This allows us to derive a mapping matrix, enabling the reconstructions of image data and illuminants. In the second mapping phase, we transform the re-constructed image data into sparse features, which are then optimized with a lightweight multi-layer perceptron (MLP) model using the re-constructed illuminants as ground truths. This approach effectively reduces sensor discrepancies and delivers performance on par with leading cross-sensor methods. It only requires a small amount of memory (~0.003 MB), and takes ~1 hour training on an RTX3070Ti GPU. More importantly, the method can be implemented very fast, with ~0.3 ms and ~1 ms on a GPU or CPU respectively, and is not sensitive to the input image resolution. Therefore, it offers a practical solution to the great challenges of data recollection that is faced by the industry

    Deep White-Balance Editing

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    We introduce a deep learning approach to realistically edit an sRGB image's white balance. Cameras capture sensor images that are rendered by their integrated signal processor (ISP) to a standard RGB (sRGB) color space encoding. The ISP rendering begins with a white-balance procedure that is used to remove the color cast of the scene's illumination. The ISP then applies a series of nonlinear color manipulations to enhance the visual quality of the final sRGB image. Recent work by [3] showed that sRGB images that were rendered with the incorrect white balance cannot be easily corrected due to the ISP's nonlinear rendering. The work in [3] proposed a k-nearest neighbor (KNN) solution based on tens of thousands of image pairs. We propose to solve this problem with a deep neural network (DNN) architecture trained in an end-to-end manner to learn the correct white balance. Our DNN maps an input image to two additional white-balance settings corresponding to indoor and outdoor illuminations. Our solution not only is more accurate than the KNN approach in terms of correcting a wrong white-balance setting but also provides the user the freedom to edit the white balance in the sRGB image to other illumination settings.Comment: Accepted as Oral at CVPR 202