4 research outputs found

    Light Control Using Human Body Temperature Based on Arduino Uno and PIR (Passive Infrared Receiver) Sensor

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    This study aims to implement the PIR sensor, Arduino UNO and 2 channel relay Module to automatically turn on the lights in the classroom at the STMIK Hang Tuah Pekanbaru campus, where the classes at the Hang Tuah Pekanbaru STMIK campus still use manual switches as controllers lights on. Therefore, a device is designed that can control the lights by using movements detected by the PIR sensor and processed using a computer.This system functions to turn on the lights automatically when someone enters the classroom and turn off the lights automatically when no one is in the class. The hardware used is Arduino Uno microcontroller, PIR motion sensor, 2 channel relay module, and 1.5 volt flashlight. The software for making programs is Arduino IDE where the programming language used is the C programming language. The test results show that the PIR sensor can detect the movement of people entering or leaving a room

    Pametne uredske stolice sa senzorima za otkrivanje položaja i navika sjedenja – pregled literature

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    The health consequences of prolonged sitting in the office and other work chairs have recently been tried to be alleviated or prevented by the application of modern technologies. Smart technologies and sensors are installed in different parts of office chairs, which enables monitoring of seating patterns and prevents positions that potentially endanger the health of users. The aim of this paper is to provide an overview of previous research in the field of the application of smart technologies and sensors built into office and other types of chairs in order to prevent diseases. The articles published in the period 2010-2020 and indexed in WoS CC, Scopus, and IEEE Xplore databases, with the keywords “smart chair” and “sensor chair” were analysed. 15 articles were processed, with their research being based on the use of different types of sensors that determine the contact pressures between the user’s body and stool parts and recognise different body positions when sitting, which can prevent negative health consequences. Analysed papers prove that the use of smart technology and a better understanding of sitting, using various sensors and applications that read body pressure and determine the current body position, can act as preventive health care by detecting proper heart rate and beats per minute, the activity of individual muscle groups, proper breathing and estimates of blood oxygen levels. In the future research, it is necessary to compare different types of sensors, methods used and the results obtained in order to determine which of them are most suitable for the future development of seating furniture for work.Posljedice dugotrajnog sjedenja na uredskim i drugim radnim stolicama u posljednje se vrijeme pokušavaju ublažiti ili spriječiti primjenom suvremenih tehnologija. U različite dijelove uredskih stolica ugrađuju se pametne tehnologije i senzori, što omogućuje praćenje rasporeda sjedenja i izbjegavanje položaja koji potencijalno ugrožavaju zdravlje korisnika. Cilj ovog rada jest davanje pregleda dosadašnjih istraživanja u području primjene suvremenih pametnih tehnologija i senzora ugrađenih u uredske i ostale vrste stolica radi prevencije obolijevanja korisnika. Analizirani su članci objavljeni u razdoblju od 2010. do 2020. i indeksirani su u bazama podataka WoS CC, Scopus i IEEE Xplore, a izdvojeni su prema ključnim riječima pametna stolica i senzorska stolica. Obrađeno je 15 članaka u kojima su se istraživanja temeljila na primjeni različitih vrsta senzora koji određuju kontaktne tlakove između korisnikova tijela i dijelova stolice te raspoznaju različite položaje tijela pri sjedenju, čime se mogu prevenirati negativne posljedice za zdravlje. U analiziranim istraživanjima autori su dokazali da primjena pametne tehnologije i bolje razumijevanje sjedenja uporabom različitih senzora i aplikacija kojima se očitava pritisak tijela i određuje njegov trenutačni položaj može preventivno djelovati zahvaljujući praćenju rada srca i broja otkucaja u minuti, aktivnosti pojedinih mišićnih skupina, pravilnog disanja, procjene razine kisika u krvi i sl. U budućim istraživanjima potrebno je usporediti različite tipove senzora, primijenjene metode i dobivene rezultate kako bi se uočilo koji su od njih najprikladniji za budući razvoj radnog namještaja za sjedenje

    Identification and Security Implications of Biometrics

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    The usage of biometrics has become more frequent over the past couple of decades, notably due to technological advancements. Evolving technology in the field of biometrics has also led to increased accuracy of associated software, which have provided the opportunity to use a multitude of different human characteristics for identification and/or verification purposes. The current study assessed the usage of biometrics in casinos, hospitals, and law enforcement agencies using a survey methodology. Results indicated that privacy concerns related to the use of biometrics may not be as prevalent as indicated in the literature. Additionally, results indicated that the utilization of biometrics has led to increased accuracy in identification and verification processes, led to enhanced security, and would be highly recommended to other institutions. Information obtained from the literature notes the racial bias in facial recognition technologies due to algorithmic development based solely upon features of Caucasian individuals. Efforts need to be made to create facial recognition algorithms that are more racially and ethnically diverse

    Unobtrusive and Continuous BCG-Based Human Identification Using a Microbend Fiber Sensor

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