3 research outputs found

    Training Data Augmentation for Context-Sensitive Neural Lemmatization Using Inflection Tables and Raw Text

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    Lemmatization aims to reduce the sparse data problem by relating the inflected forms of a word to its dictionary form. Using context can help, both for unseen and ambiguous words. Yet most context-sensitive approaches require full lemma-annotated sentences for training, which may be scarce or unavailable in low-resource languages. In addition (as shown here), in a low-resource setting, a lemmatizer can learn more from nn labeled examples of distinct words (types) than from nn (contiguous) labeled tokens, since the latter contain far fewer distinct types. To combine the efficiency of type-based learning with the benefits of context, we propose a way to train a context-sensitive lemmatizer with little or no labeled corpus data, using inflection tables from the UniMorph project and raw text examples from Wikipedia that provide sentence contexts for the unambiguous UniMorph examples. Despite these being unambiguous examples, the model successfully generalizes from them, leading to improved results (both overall, and especially on unseen words) in comparison to a baseline that does not use context.Comment: Published in NAACL 201

    Neural Transductive Learning and Beyond: Morphological Generation in the Minimal-Resource Setting

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    Neural state-of-the-art sequence-to-sequence (seq2seq) models often do not perform well for small training sets. We address paradigm completion, the morphological task of, given a partial paradigm, generating all missing forms. We propose two new methods for the minimal-resource setting: (i) Paradigm transduction: Since we assume only few paradigms available for training, neural seq2seq models are able to capture relationships between paradigm cells, but are tied to the idiosyncracies of the training set. Paradigm transduction mitigates this problem by exploiting the input subset of inflected forms at test time. (ii) Source selection with high precision (SHIP): Multi-source models which learn to automatically select one or multiple sources to predict a target inflection do not perform well in the minimal-resource setting. SHIP is an alternative to identify a reliable source if training data is limited. On a 52-language benchmark dataset, we outperform the previous state of the art by up to 9.71% absolute accuracy.Comment: EMNLP 201

    Universal Lemmatizer: A Sequence to Sequence Model for Lemmatizing Universal Dependencies Treebanks

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    In this paper we present a novel lemmatization method based on a sequence-to-sequence neural network architecture and morphosyntactic context representation. In the proposed method, our context-sensitive lemmatizer generates the lemma one character at a time based on the surface form characters and its morphosyntactic features obtained from a morphological tagger. We argue that a sliding window context representation suffers from sparseness, while in majority of cases the morphosyntactic features of a word bring enough information to resolve lemma ambiguities while keeping the context representation dense and more practical for machine learning systems. Additionally, we study two different data augmentation methods utilizing autoencoder training and morphological transducers especially beneficial for low resource languages. We evaluate our lemmatizer on 52 different languages and 76 different treebanks, showing that our system outperforms all latest baseline systems. Compared to the best overall baseline, UDPipe Future, our system outperforms it on 62 out of 76 treebanks reducing errors on average by 19% relative. The lemmatizer together with all trained models is made available as a part of the Turku-neural-parsing-pipeline under the Apache 2.0 license.Comment: Accepted to the Journal of Natural Language Engineerin