4 research outputs found

    Universally Composable Secure Group Communication

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    This paper analyzes group communication within the universally composable framework. We first propose the group communication model, identity-based signcrytion model and group key distribution model in the UC framework by designing the ideal functionality FSAGCOM\mathcal {F}_{SAGCOM}, FIDSC\mathcal {F}_{IDSC} and FGKD\mathcal {F}_{GKD}, respectively. Then, we construct a UC secure identity-based signcryption protocol πIDSC\pi_{IDSC}. Moreover, we shows that the identity-based signcryption πIDSC\pi_{IDSC} securely realizes the ideal functionality FIDSC\mathcal {F}_{IDSC} if and only if the corresponding protocol IDSC is secure. Finally, based on the identity-based protocol, we propose a group communication scheme πSAGCOM\pi_{SAGCOM}, which can securely realizes the ideal functionality FSAGCOM\mathcal {F}_{SAGCOM} in the (FIDSC,FGKD)(\mathcal {F}_{IDSC},\mathcal {F}_{GKD})-hybrid model