3 research outputs found

    Universally Composable Secure TNC Protocol Based on IF-T Binding to TLS

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    Trusted Network Connect (TNC) requires both user authentication and integrity validation of an endpoint before it connects to the internet or accesses some web service. However, as the user authentication and integrity validation are usually done via independent protocols, TNC is vulnerable to the Man-in-the-Middle (MitM) attack. This paper analyzes TNC which uses keys with Subject Key Attestation Evidence (SKAE) extension to perform user authentication and the IF-T protocol binding to TLS to carry integrity measurement messages in the Universally Composable (UC) framework. Our analysis result shows that TNC using keys with SKAE extension can resist the MitM attack. In this paper, we introduce two primitive ideal functionalities for TNC: an ideal dual-authentication certification functionality which binds messages and both the user and platform identities, and an ideal platform attestation functionality which formalizes the integrity verification of a platform. We prove that the SKAE extension protocol and the basic TCG platform attestation protocol, both of which are defined by TCG specifications, UC-realizes the two primitive functionalities respectively. In the end, we introduce a general ideal TNC functionality and prove that the complete TNC protocol, combining the IF-T binding to TLS which uses keys with SKAE extension for client authentication and the basic TCG platform attestation platform protocol, securely realizes the TNC functionality in the hybrid model

    Trusted execution: applications and verification

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    Useful security properties arise from sealing data to specific units of code. Modern processors featuring Intel’s TXT and AMD’s SVM achieve this by a process of measured and trusted execution. Only code which has the correct measurement can access the data, and this code runs in an environment trusted from observation and interference. We discuss the history of attempts to provide security for hardware platforms, and review the literature in the field. We propose some applications which would benefit from use of trusted execution, and discuss functionality enabled by trusted execution. We present in more detail a novel variation on Diffie-Hellman key exchange which removes some reliance on random number generation. We present a modelling language with primitives for trusted execution, along with its semantics. We characterise an attacker who has access to all the capabilities of the hardware. In order to achieve automatic analysis of systems using trusted execution without attempting to search a potentially infinite state space, we define transformations that reduce the number of times the attacker needs to use trusted execution to a pre-determined bound. Given reasonable assumptions we prove the soundness of the transformation: no secrecy attacks are lost by applying it. We then describe using the StatVerif extensions to ProVerif to model the bounded invocations of trusted execution. We show the analysis of realistic systems, for which we provide case studies