19,840 research outputs found

    Universality in Learning from Linear Measurements

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    We study the problem of recovering a structured signal from independently and identically drawn linear measurements. A convex penalty function f(â‹…) is considered which penalizes deviations from the desired structure, and signal recovery is performed by minimizing f(â‹…) subject to the linear measurement constraints. The main question of interest is to determine the minimum number of measurements that is necessary and sufficient for the perfect recovery of the unknown signal with high probability. Our main result states that, under some mild conditions on f(â‹…) and on the distribution from which the linear measurements are drawn, the minimum number of measurements required for perfect recovery depends only on the first and second order statistics of the measurement vectors. As a result, the required of number of measurements can be determining by studying measurement vectors that are Gaussian (and have the same mean vector and covariance matrix) for which a rich literature and comprehensive theory exists. As an application, we show that the minimum number of random quadratic measurements (also known as rank-one projections) required to recover a low rank positive semi-definite matrix is 3nr, where n is the dimension of the matrix and r is its rank. As a consequence, we settle the long standing open question of determining the minimum number of measurements required for perfect signal recovery in phase retrieval using the celebrated PhaseLift algorithm, and show it to be 3n

    Continuous-variable quantum neural networks

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    We introduce a general method for building neural networks on quantum computers. The quantum neural network is a variational quantum circuit built in the continuous-variable (CV) architecture, which encodes quantum information in continuous degrees of freedom such as the amplitudes of the electromagnetic field. This circuit contains a layered structure of continuously parameterized gates which is universal for CV quantum computation. Affine transformations and nonlinear activation functions, two key elements in neural networks, are enacted in the quantum network using Gaussian and non-Gaussian gates, respectively. The non-Gaussian gates provide both the nonlinearity and the universality of the model. Due to the structure of the CV model, the CV quantum neural network can encode highly nonlinear transformations while remaining completely unitary. We show how a classical network can be embedded into the quantum formalism and propose quantum versions of various specialized model such as convolutional, recurrent, and residual networks. Finally, we present numerous modeling experiments built with the Strawberry Fields software library. These experiments, including a classifier for fraud detection, a network which generates Tetris images, and a hybrid classical-quantum autoencoder, demonstrate the capability and adaptability of CV quantum neural networks

    Universal blind quantum computation

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    We present a protocol which allows a client to have a server carry out a quantum computation for her such that the client's inputs, outputs and computation remain perfectly private, and where she does not require any quantum computational power or memory. The client only needs to be able to prepare single qubits randomly chosen from a finite set and send them to the server, who has the balance of the required quantum computational resources. Our protocol is interactive: after the initial preparation of quantum states, the client and server use two-way classical communication which enables the client to drive the computation, giving single-qubit measurement instructions to the server, depending on previous measurement outcomes. Our protocol works for inputs and outputs that are either classical or quantum. We give an authentication protocol that allows the client to detect an interfering server; our scheme can also be made fault-tolerant. We also generalize our result to the setting of a purely classical client who communicates classically with two non-communicating entangled servers, in order to perform a blind quantum computation. By incorporating the authentication protocol, we show that any problem in BQP has an entangled two-prover interactive proof with a purely classical verifier. Our protocol is the first universal scheme which detects a cheating server, as well as the first protocol which does not require any quantum computation whatsoever on the client's side. The novelty of our approach is in using the unique features of measurement-based quantum computing which allows us to clearly distinguish between the quantum and classical aspects of a quantum computation.Comment: 20 pages, 7 figures. This version contains detailed proofs of authentication and fault tolerance. It also contains protocols for quantum inputs and outputs and appendices not available in the published versio
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