167,871 research outputs found

    The undecidability of joint embedding and joint homomorphism for hereditary graph classes

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    We prove that the joint embedding property is undecidable for hereditary graph classes, via a reduction from the tiling problem. The proof is then adapted to show the undecidability of the joint homomorphism property as well.Comment: 17 pages; DMTCS version; initial version spli

    Universal Coding on Infinite Alphabets: Exponentially Decreasing Envelopes

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    This paper deals with the problem of universal lossless coding on a countable infinite alphabet. It focuses on some classes of sources defined by an envelope condition on the marginal distribution, namely exponentially decreasing envelope classes with exponent α\alpha. The minimax redundancy of exponentially decreasing envelope classes is proved to be equivalent to 14αlogelog2n\frac{1}{4 \alpha \log e} \log^2 n. Then a coding strategy is proposed, with a Bayes redundancy equivalent to the maximin redundancy. At last, an adaptive algorithm is provided, whose redundancy is equivalent to the minimax redundanc

    Universal power law behaviors in genomic sequences and evolutionary models

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    We study the length distribution of a particular class of DNA sequences known as 5'UTR exons. These exons belong to the messanger RNA of protein coding genes, but they are not coding (they are located upstream of the coding portion of the mRNA) and are thus less constrained from an evolutionary point of view. We show that both in mouse and in human these exons show a very clean power law decay in their length distribution and suggest a simple evolutionary model which may explain this finding. We conjecture that this power law behaviour could indeed be a general feature of higher eukaryotes.Comment: 15 pages, 3 figure

    Isomorphism and embedding of Borel systems on full sets

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    A Borel system consists of a measurable automorphism of a standard Borel space. We consider Borel embeddings and isomorphisms between such systems modulo null sets, i.e. sets which have measure zero for every invariant probability measure. For every t>0 we show that in this category there exists a unique free Borel system (Y,S) which is strictly t-universal in the sense that all invariant measures on Y have entropy <t, and if (X,T) is another free system obeying the same entropy condition then X embeds into Y off a null set. One gets a strictly t-universal system from mixing shifts of finite type of entropy at least t by removing the periodic points and "restricting" to the part of the system of entropy <t. As a consequence, after removing their periodic points the systems in the following classes are completely classified by entropy up to Borel isomorphism off null sets: mixing shifts of finite type, mixing positive-recurrent countable state Markov chains, mixing sofic shifts, beta shifts, synchronized subshifts, and axiom-A diffeomorphisms. In particular any two equal-entropy systems from these classes are entropy conjugate in the sense of Buzzi, answering a question of Boyle, Buzzi and Gomez.Comment: 17 pages, v2: correction to bibliograph

    An MDL framework for sparse coding and dictionary learning

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    The power of sparse signal modeling with learned over-complete dictionaries has been demonstrated in a variety of applications and fields, from signal processing to statistical inference and machine learning. However, the statistical properties of these models, such as under-fitting or over-fitting given sets of data, are still not well characterized in the literature. As a result, the success of sparse modeling depends on hand-tuning critical parameters for each data and application. This work aims at addressing this by providing a practical and objective characterization of sparse models by means of the Minimum Description Length (MDL) principle -- a well established information-theoretic approach to model selection in statistical inference. The resulting framework derives a family of efficient sparse coding and dictionary learning algorithms which, by virtue of the MDL principle, are completely parameter free. Furthermore, such framework allows to incorporate additional prior information to existing models, such as Markovian dependencies, or to define completely new problem formulations, including in the matrix analysis area, in a natural way. These virtues will be demonstrated with parameter-free algorithms for the classic image denoising and classification problems, and for low-rank matrix recovery in video applications