15 research outputs found

    Quasi-Equivalence of Width and Depth of Neural Networks

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    While classic studies proved that wide networks allow universal approximation, recent research and successes of deep learning demonstrate the power of the network depth. Based on a symmetric consideration, we investigate if the design of artificial neural networks should have a directional preference, and what the mechanism of interaction is between the width and depth of a network. We address this fundamental question by establishing a quasi-equivalence between the width and depth of ReLU networks. Specifically, we formulate a transformation from an arbitrary ReLU network to a wide network and a deep network for either regression or classification so that an essentially same capability of the original network can be implemented. That is, a deep regression/classification ReLU network has a wide equivalent, and vice versa, subject to an arbitrarily small error. Interestingly, the quasi-equivalence between wide and deep classification ReLU networks is a data-driven version of the De Morgan law

    Interpretable Polynomial Neural Ordinary Differential Equations

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    Neural networks have the ability to serve as universal function approximators, but they are not interpretable and don't generalize well outside of their training region. Both of these issues are problematic when trying to apply standard neural ordinary differential equations (neural ODEs) to dynamical systems. We introduce the polynomial neural ODE, which is a deep polynomial neural network inside of the neural ODE framework. We demonstrate the capability of polynomial neural ODEs to predict outside of the training region, as well as perform direct symbolic regression without additional tools such as SINDy

    Quadratic neural networks for solving inverse problems

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    In this paper we investigate the solution of inverse problems with neural network ansatz functions with generalized decision functions. The relevant observation for this work is that such functions can approximate typical test cases, such as the Shepp-Logan phantom, better, than standard neural networks. Moreover, we show that the convergence analysis of numerical methods for solving inverse problems with shallow generalized neural network functions leads to more intuitive convergence conditions, than for deep affine linear neural networks.Comment: arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:2110.0153

    StEik: Stabilizing the Optimization of Neural Signed Distance Functions and Finer Shape Representation

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    We present new insights and a novel paradigm (StEik) for learning implicit neural representations (INR) of shapes. In particular, we shed light on the popular eikonal loss used for imposing a signed distance function constraint in INR. We show analytically that as the representation power of the network increases, the optimization approaches a partial differential equation (PDE) in the continuum limit that is unstable. We show that this instability can manifest in existing network optimization, leading to irregularities in the reconstructed surface and/or convergence to sub-optimal local minima, and thus fails to capture fine geometric and topological structure. We show analytically how other terms added to the loss, currently used in the literature for other purposes, can actually eliminate these instabilities. However, such terms can over-regularize the surface, preventing the representation of fine shape detail. Based on a similar PDE theory for the continuum limit, we introduce a new regularization term that still counteracts the eikonal instability but without over-regularizing. Furthermore, since stability is now guaranteed in the continuum limit, this stabilization also allows for considering new network structures that are able to represent finer shape detail. We introduce such a structure based on quadratic layers. Experiments on multiple benchmark data sets show that our new regularization and network are able to capture more precise shape details and more accurate topology than existing state-of-the-art

    Shaping dynamics with multiple populations in low-rank recurrent networks

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    An emerging paradigm proposes that neural computations can be understood at the level of dynamical systems that govern low-dimensional trajectories of collective neural activity. How the connectivity structure of a network determines the emergent dynamical system however remains to be clarified. Here we consider a novel class of models, Gaussian-mixture low-rank recurrent networks, in which the rank of the connectivity matrix and the number of statistically-defined populations are independent hyper-parameters. We show that the resulting collective dynamics form a dynamical system, where the rank sets the dimensionality and the population structure shapes the dynamics. In particular, the collective dynamics can be described in terms of a simplified effective circuit of interacting latent variables. While having a single, global population strongly restricts the possible dynamics, we demonstrate that if the number of populations is large enough, a rank-R network can approximate any R-dimensional dynamical system.Comment: 29 pages, 7 figure