12 research outputs found

    Flexible Variational Bayes based on a Copula of a Mixture of Normals

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    Variational Bayes methods approximate the posterior density by a family of tractable distributions and use optimisation to estimate the unknown parameters of the approximation. Variational approximation is useful when exact inference is intractable or very costly. Our article develops a flexible variational approximation based on a copula of a mixture of normals, which is implemented using the natural gradient and a variance reduction method. The efficacy of the approach is illustrated by using simulated and real datasets to approximate multimodal, skewed and heavy-tailed posterior distributions, including an application to Bayesian deep feedforward neural network regression models. Each example shows that the proposed variational approximation is much more accurate than the corresponding Gaussian copula and a mixture of normals variational approximations.Comment: 39 page

    Monotonic Alpha-divergence Minimisation

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    In this paper, we introduce a novel iterative algorithm which carries out α\alpha-divergence minimisation by ensuring a systematic decrease in the α\alpha-divergence at each step. In its most general form, our framework allows us to simultaneously optimise the weights and components parameters of a given mixture model. Notably, our approach permits to build on various methods previously proposed for α\alpha-divergence minimisation such as gradient or power descent schemes. Furthermore, we shed a new light on an integrated Expectation Maximization algorithm. We provide empirical evidence that our methodology yields improved results, all the while illustrating the numerical benefits of having introduced some flexibility through the parameter α\alpha of the α\alpha-divergence

    Statistical and Computational Trade-offs in Variational Inference: A Case Study in Inferential Model Selection

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    Variational inference has recently emerged as a popular alternative to the classical Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) in large-scale Bayesian inference. The core idea of variational inference is to trade statistical accuracy for computational efficiency. It aims to approximate the posterior, reducing computation costs but potentially compromising its statistical accuracy. In this work, we study this statistical and computational trade-off in variational inference via a case study in inferential model selection. Focusing on Gaussian inferential models (a.k.a. variational approximating families) with diagonal plus low-rank precision matrices, we initiate a theoretical study of the trade-offs in two aspects, Bayesian posterior inference error and frequentist uncertainty quantification error. From the Bayesian posterior inference perspective, we characterize the error of the variational posterior relative to the exact posterior. We prove that, given a fixed computation budget, a lower-rank inferential model produces variational posteriors with a higher statistical approximation error, but a lower computational error; it reduces variances in stochastic optimization and, in turn, accelerates convergence. From the frequentist uncertainty quantification perspective, we consider the precision matrix of the variational posterior as an uncertainty estimate. We find that, relative to the true asymptotic precision, the variational approximation suffers from an additional statistical error originating from the sampling uncertainty of the data. Moreover, this statistical error becomes the dominant factor as the computation budget increases. As a consequence, for small datasets, the inferential model need not be full-rank to achieve optimal estimation error. We finally demonstrate these statistical and computational trade-offs inference across empirical studies, corroborating the theoretical findings.Comment: 56 pages, 8 figure

    Bayesian Inversion, Uncertainty Analysis and Interrogation Using Boosting Variational Inference

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    Geoscientists use observed data to estimate properties of the Earth's interior. This often requires non-linear inverse problems to be solved and uncertainties to be estimated. Bayesian inference solves inverse problems under a probabilistic framework, in which uncertainty is represented by a so-called posterior probability distribution. Recently, variational inference has emerged as an efficient method to estimate Bayesian solutions. By seeking the closest approximation to the posterior distribution within any chosen family of distributions, variational inference yields a fully probabilistic solution. It is important to define expressive variational families so that the posterior distribution can be represented accurately. We introduce boosting variational inference (BVI) as a computationally efficient means to construct a flexible approximating family comprising all possible finite mixtures of simpler component distributions. We use Gaussian mixture components due to their fully parametric nature and the ease with which they can be optimized. We apply BVI to seismic travel time tomography and full waveform inversion, comparing its performance with other methods of solution. The results demonstrate that BVI achieves reasonable efficiency and accuracy while enabling the construction of a fully analytic expression for the posterior distribution. Samples that represent major components of uncertainty in the solution can be obtained analytically from each mixture component. We demonstrate that these samples can be used to solve an interrogation problem: to assess the size of a subsurface target structure. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first method in geophysics that provides both analytic and reasonably accurate probabilistic solutions to fully non-linear, high-dimensional Bayesian full waveform inversion problems