8 research outputs found

    Target reconstruction with a reference point scatterer using phaseless far field patterns

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    An important property of the phaseless far field patterns with incident plane waves is the translation invariance. Thus it is impossible to reconstruct the location of the underlying scatterers. By adding a reference point scatterer into the model, we design a novel direct sampling method using the phaseless data directly. The reference point technique not only overcomes the translation invariance, but also brings a practical phase retrieval algorithm. Based on this, we propose a hybrid method combining the novel phase retrieval algorithm and the classical direct sampling methods. Numerical examples in two dimensions are presented to demonstrate their effectiveness and robustness

    Uniqueness in inverse electromagnetic scattering problem with phaseless far-field data at a fixed frequency

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    This paper is concerned with uniqueness in inverse electromagnetic scattering with phaseless far-field pattern at a fixed frequency. In our previous work [{\em SIAM J. Appl. Math.} {\bf 78} (2018), 3024-3039], by adding a known reference ball into the acoustic scattering system, it was proved that the impenetrable obstacle and the index of refraction of an inhomogeneous medium can be uniquely determined by the acoustic phaseless far-field patterns generated by infinitely many sets of superpositions of two plane waves with different directions at a fixed frequency. In this paper, we extend these uniqueness results to the inverse electromagnetic scattering case. The phaseless far-field data are the modulus of the tangential component in the orientations eΟ•\mathbf{e}_\phi and eΞΈ\mathbf{e}_\theta, respectively, of the electric far-field pattern measured on the unit sphere and generated by infinitely many sets of superpositions of two electromagnetic plane waves with different directions and polarizations. Our proof is mainly based on Rellich's lemma and the Stratton--Chu formula for radiating solutions to the Maxwell equations.Comment: arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1806.0912

    Uniqueness and direct imaging method for inverse scattering by locally rough surfaces with phaseless near-field data

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    This paper is concerned with inverse scattering of plane waves by a locally perturbed infinite plane (which is called a locally rough surface) with the modulus of the total-field data (also called the phaseless near-field data) at a fixed frequency in two dimensions. We consider the case where a Dirichlet boundary condition is imposed on the locally rough surface. This problem models inverse scattering of plane acoustic waves by a one-dimensional sound-soft, locally rough surface; it also models inverse scattering of plane electromagnetic waves by a locally perturbed, perfectly reflecting, infinite plane in the TE polarization case. We prove that the locally rough surface is uniquely determined by the phaseless near-field data generated by a countably infinite number of plane waves and measured on an open domain above the locally rough surface. Further, a direct imaging method is proposed to reconstruct the locally rough surface from the phaseless near-field data generated by plane waves and measured on the upper part of the circle with a sufficiently large radius. Theoretical analysis of the imaging algorithm is derived by making use of properties of the scattering solution and results from the theory of oscillatory integrals (especially the method of stationary phase). Moreover, as a by-product of the theoretical analysis, a similar direct imaging method with full far-field data is also proposed to reconstruct the locally rough surface. Finally, numerical experiments are carried out to demonstrate that the imaging algorithm with phaseless near-field data and full far-field data are fast, accurate and very robust with respect to noise in the data

    Imaging of buried obstacles in a two-layered medium with phaseless far-field data

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    The inverse problem we consider is to reconstruct the location and shape of buried obstacles in the lower half-space of an unbounded two-layered medium in two dimensions from phaseless far-field data. A main difficulty of this problem is that the translation invariance property of the modulus of the far field pattern is unavoidable, which is similar to the homogenous background medium case. Based on the idea of using superpositions of two plane waves with different directions as the incident fields, we first develop a direct imaging method to locate the position of small anomalies and give a theoretical analysis of the algorithm. Then a recursive Newton-type iteration algorithm in frequencies is proposed to reconstruct extended obstacles. Finally, numerical experiments are presented to illustrate the feasibility of our algorithms

    Inverse elastic scattering problems with phaseless far field data

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    This paper is concerned with uniqueness, phase retrieval and shape reconstruction methods for inverse elastic scattering problems with phaseless far field data. Systematically, we study two basic models, i.e., inverse scattering of plane waves by rigid bodies and inverse scattering of sources with compact support. For both models, we show that the location of the objects can not be uniquely recovered by the data. To solve this problem, we consider simultaneously the incident point sources with one fixed source point and at most three scattering strengths. We then establish some uniqueness results for source scattering problem with multi-frequency phaseless far field data. Furthermore, a fast and stable phase retrieval approach is proposed based on a simple geometric result which provides a stable reconstruction of a point in the plane from three distances to given points. Difficulties arise for inverse scattering by rigid bodies due to the additional unknown far field pattern of the point sources. To overcome this difficulty, we introduce an artificial rigid body into the system and show that the underlying rigid bodies can be uniquely determined by the corresponding phaseless far field data at a fixed frequency. Noting that the far field pattern of the scattered field corresponding to point sources is very small if the source point is far away from the scatterers, we propose an appropriate phase retrieval method for obstacle scattering problems, without using the artificial rigid body. Finally, we propose several sampling methods for shape reconstruction with phaseless far field data. Extended numerical examples in two dimensions are conducted with noisy data, and the results further verify the effectiveness and robustness of the proposed phase retrieval techniques and sampling methods.Comment: 37 page

    Uniqueness in inverse acoustic and electromagnetic scattering with phaseless near-field data at a fixed frequency

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    This paper is concerned with uniqueness results in inverse acoustic and electromagnetic scattering problems with phaseless total-field data at a fixed frequency. Motivated by our previous work ({\em SIAM J. Appl. Math. \bf78} (2018), 1737-1753), where uniqueness results were proved for inverse acoustic scattering with phaseless far-field data generated by superpositions of two plane waves as the incident waves at a fixed frequency, in this paper, we use superpositions of two point sources as the incident fields at a fixed frequency and measure the modulus of the acoustic total-field (called phaseless acoustic near-field data) on two spheres enclosing the scatterers generated by such incident fields on the two spheres. Based on this idea, we prove that the impenetrable bounded obstacle or the index of refraction of an inhomogeneous medium can be uniquely determined from the phaseless acoustic near-field data at a fixed frequency. Moreover, the idea is also extended to the electromagnetic case, and it is proved that the impenetrable bounded obstacle or the index of refraction of an inhomogeneous medium can be uniquely determined by the phaseless electric near-field data at a fixed frequency, that is, the modulus of the tangential component with the orientations eΟ•\mathbf e_\phi and eΞΈ\mathbf e_\theta, respectively, of the electric total-field measured on a sphere enclosing the scatters and generated by superpositions of two electric dipoles at a fixed frequency located on the measurement sphere and another bigger sphere with the polarization vectors eΟ•\mathbf e_\phi and eΞΈ\mathbf e_\theta, respectively. As far as we know, this is the first uniqueness result for three-dimensional inverse electromagnetic scattering with phaseless near-field data

    An approximate factorization method for inverse acoustic scattering with phaseless near-field data

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    This paper is concerned with the inverse acoustic scattering problem with phaseless near-field data at a fixed frequency. An approximate factorization method is developed to numerically reconstruct both the location and shape of the unknown scatterer from the phaseless near-field data generated by incident plane waves at a fixed frequency and measured on the circle βˆ‚BR\partial B_R with a sufficiently large radius RR. The theoretical analysis of our method is based on the asymptotic property in the operator norm from H1/2(S1)H^{1/2}({\mathbb S}^1) to Hβˆ’1/2(S1)H^{-1/2}({\mathbb S}^1) of the phaseless near-field operator defined in terms of the phaseless near-field data measured on βˆ‚BR\partial B_R with large enough RR, where Hs(S1)H^s({\mathbb S}^1) is a Sobolev space on the unit circle S1{\mathbb S}^1 for real number ss, together with the factorization of a modified far-field operator. The asymptotic property of the phaseless near-field operator is also established in this paper with the theory of oscillatory integrals. The unknown scatterer can be either an impenetrable obstacle of sound-soft, sound-hard or impedance type or an inhomogeneous medium with a compact support, and the proposed inversion algorithm does not need to know the boundary condition of the unknown obstacle in advance. Numerical examples are also carried out to demonstrate the effectiveness of our inversion method. To the best of our knowledge, it is the first attempt to develop a factorization type method for inverse scattering problems with phaseless data

    An inverse acoustic-elastic interaction problem with phased or phaseless far-field data

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    Consider the scattering of a time-harmonic acoustic plane wave by a bounded elastic obstacle which is immersed in a homogeneous acoustic medium. This paper concerns an inverse acoustic-elastic interaction problem, which is to determine the location and shape of the elastic obstacle by using either the phased or phaseless far-field data. By introducing the Helmholtz decomposition, the model problem is reduced to a coupled boundary value problem of the Helmholtz equations. The jump relations are studied for the second derivatives of the single-layer potential in order to establish the corresponding boundary integral equations. The well-posedness is discussed for the solution of the coupled boundary integral equations. An efficient and high order Nystr\"{o}m-type discretization method is proposed for the integral system. A numerical method of nonlinear integral equations is developed for the inverse problem. For the case of phaseless data, we show that the modulus of the far-field pattern is invariant under a translation of the obstacle. To break the translation invariance, an elastic reference ball technique is introduced. We prove that the inverse problem with phaseless far-field pattern has a unique solution under certain conditions. In addition, a numerical method of the reference ball technique based nonlinear integral equations is also proposed for the phaseless inverse problem. Numerical experiments are provided to demonstrate the effectiveness and robustness of the proposed methods.Comment: arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1811.1257