1,644 research outputs found

    Continued fractions for permutation statistics

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    We explore a bijection between permutations and colored Motzkin paths that has been used in different forms by Foata and Zeilberger, Biane, and Corteel. By giving a visual representation of this bijection in terms of so-called cycle diagrams, we find simple translations of some statistics on permutations (and subsets of permutations) into statistics on colored Motzkin paths, which are amenable to the use of continued fractions. We obtain new enumeration formulas for subsets of permutations with respect to fixed points, excedances, double excedances, cycles, and inversions. In particular, we prove that cyclic permutations whose excedances are increasing are counted by the Bell numbers.Comment: final version formatted for DMTC

    Introduction to Partially Ordered Patterns

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    We review selected known results on partially ordered patterns (POPs) that include co-unimodal, multi- and shuffle patterns, peaks and valleys ((modified) maxima and minima) in permutations, the Horse permutations and others. We provide several (new) results on a class of POPs built on an arbitrary flat poset, obtaining, as corollaries, the bivariate generating function for the distribution of peaks (valleys) in permutations, links to Catalan, Narayna, and Pell numbers, as well as generalizations of few results in the literature including the descent distribution. Moreover, we discuss q-analogue for a result on non-overlapping segmented POPs. Finally, we suggest several open problems for further research.Comment: 23 pages; Discrete Applied Mathematics, to appea

    Two problems on independent sets in graphs

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    Let it(G)i_t(G) denote the number of independent sets of size tt in a graph GG. Levit and Mandrescu have conjectured that for all bipartite GG the sequence (it(G))tβ‰₯0(i_t(G))_{t \geq 0} (the {\em independent set sequence} of GG) is unimodal. We provide evidence for this conjecture by showing that is true for almost all equibipartite graphs. Specifically, we consider the random equibipartite graph G(n,n,p)G(n,n,p), and show that for any fixed p∈(0,1]p\in(0,1] its independent set sequence is almost surely unimodal, and moreover almost surely log-concave except perhaps for a vanishingly small initial segment of the sequence. We obtain similar results for p=Ξ©~(nβˆ’1/2)p=\tilde{\Omega}(n^{-1/2}). We also consider the problem of estimating i(G)=βˆ‘tβ‰₯0it(G)i(G)=\sum_{t \geq 0} i_t(G) for GG in various families. We give a sharp upper bound on the number of independent sets in an nn-vertex graph with minimum degree Ξ΄\delta, for all fixed Ξ΄\delta and sufficiently large nn. Specifically, we show that the maximum is achieved uniquely by KΞ΄,nβˆ’Ξ΄K_{\delta, n-\delta}, the complete bipartite graph with Ξ΄\delta vertices in one partition class and nβˆ’Ξ΄n-\delta in the other. We also present a weighted generalization: for all fixed x>0x>0 and Ξ΄>0\delta >0, as long as n=n(x,Ξ΄)n=n(x,\delta) is large enough, if GG is a graph on nn vertices with minimum degree Ξ΄\delta then βˆ‘tβ‰₯0it(G)xtβ‰€βˆ‘tβ‰₯0it(KΞ΄,nβˆ’Ξ΄)xt\sum_{t \geq 0} i_t(G)x^t \leq \sum_{t \geq 0} i_t(K_{\delta, n-\delta})x^t with equality if and only if G=KΞ΄,nβˆ’Ξ΄G=K_{\delta, n-\delta}.Comment: 15 pages. Appeared in Discrete Mathematics in 201

    Enumerating two permutation classes by number of cycles

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    We enumerate permutations in the two permutation classes Avn(312,4321)\text{Av}_n(312, 4321) and Avn(321,4123)\text{Av}_n(321, 4123) by the number of cycles each permutation admits. We also refine this enumeration with respect to several statistics
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