2,123 research outputs found

    Fully coupled simulations of non-colloidal monodisperse sheared suspensions

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    In this work we investigate numerically the dynamics of sheared suspensions in the limit of vanishingly small fluid and particle inertia. The numerical model we used is able to handle the multi-body hydrodynamic interactions between thousands of particles embedded in a linear shear flow. The presence of the particles is modeled by momentum source terms spread out on a spherical envelop forcing the Stokes equations of the creeping flow. Therefore all the velocity perturbations induced by the moving particles are simultaneously accounted for. The statistical properties of the sheared suspensions are related to the velocity fluctuation of the particles. We formed averages for the resulting velocity fluctuation and rotation rate tensors. We found that the latter are highly anisotropic and that all the velocity fluctuation terms grow linearly with particle volume fraction. Only one off-diagonal term is found to be non zero (clearly related to trajectory symmetry breaking induced by the non-hydrodynamic repulsion force). We also found a strong correlation of positive/negative velocities in the shear plane, on a time scale controlled by the shear rate (direct interaction of two particles). The time scale required to restore uncorrelated velocity fluctuations decreases continuously as the concentration increases. We calculated the shear induced self-diffusion coefficients using two different methods and the resulting diffusion tensor appears to be anisotropic too. The microstructure of the suspension is found to be drastically modified by particle interactions. First the probability density function of velocity fluctuations showed a transition from exponential to Gaussian behavior as particle concentration varies. Second the probability of finding close pairs while the particles move under shear flow is strongly enhanced by hydrodynamic interactions when the concentration increases

    Collective diffusion in sheared colloidal suspensions

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    Collective diffusivity in a suspension of rigid particles in steady linear viscous flows is evaluated by investigating the dynamics of the time correlation of long-wavelength density fluctuations. In the absence of hydrodynamic interactions between suspended particles in a dilute suspension of identical hard spheres, closed-form asymptotic expressions for the collective diffusivity are derived in the limits of low and high PĂ©clet numbers, where the PĂ©clet number Pe = gamma-dot a^2/D0 with gamma-dot being the shear rate and D0 = kB T/6πη a is the Stokes–Einstein diffusion coefficient of an isolated sphere of radius a in a fluid of viscosity η. The effect of hydrodynamic interactions is studied in the analytically tractable case of weakly sheared (Pe « 1) suspensions. For strongly sheared suspensions, i.e. at high Pe, in the absence of hydrodynamics the collective diffusivity Dc = 6 Ds∞, where Ds∞ is the long-time self-diffusivity and both scale as φ gamma-dot a^2$, where φ is the particle volume fraction. For weakly sheared suspensions it is shown that the leading dependence of collective diffusivity on the imposed flow is proportional to D0 φPe Ê, where Ê is the rate-of-strain tensor scaled by gamma-dot, regardless of whether particles interact hydrodynamically. When hydrodynamic interactions are considered, however, correlations of hydrodynamic velocity fluctuations yield a weakly singular logarithmic dependence of the cross-gradient-diffusivity on k at leading order as ak → 0 with k being the wavenumber of the density fluctuation. The diagonal components of the collective diffusivity tensor, both with and without hydrodynamic interactions, are of O(φPe2), quadratic in the imposed flow, and finite at k = 0. At moderate particle volume fractions, 0.10 ≀ φ ≀ 0.35, Brownian Dynamics (BD) numerical simulations in which there are no hydrodynamic interactions are performed and the transverse collective diffusivity in simple shear flow is determined via time evolution of the dynamic structure factor. The BD simulation results compare well with the derived asymptotic estimates. A comparison of the high-Pe BD simulation results with available experimental data on collective diffusivity in non-Brownian sheared suspensions shows a good qualitative agreement, though hydrodynamic interactions prove to be important at moderate concentrations

    A convergent evolving finite element algorithm for Willmore flow of closed surfaces

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    A proof of convergence is given for a novel evolving surface finite element semi-discretization of Willmore flow of closed two-dimensional surfaces, and also of surface diffusion flow. The numerical method proposed and studied here discretizes fourth-order evolution equations for the normal vector and mean curvature, reformulated as a system of second-order equations, and uses these evolving geometric quantities in the velocity law interpolated to the finite element space. This numerical method admits a convergence analysis in the case of continuous finite elements of polynomial degree at least two. The error analysis combines stability estimates and consistency estimates to yield optimal-order H1H^1-norm error bounds for the computed surface position, velocity, normal vector and mean curvature. The stability analysis is based on the matrix--vector formulation of the finite element method and does not use geometric arguments. The geometry enters only into the consistency estimates. Numerical experiments illustrate and complement the theoretical results

    Convergence of adaptive mixed finite element method for convection-diffusion-reaction equations

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    We prove the convergence of an adaptive mixed finite element method (AMFEM) for (nonsymmetric) convection-diffusion-reaction equations. The convergence result holds from the cases where convection or reaction is not present to convection-or reaction-dominated problems. A novel technique of analysis is developed without any quasi orthogonality for stress and displacement variables, and without marking the oscillation dependent on discrete solutions and data. We show that AMFEM is a contraction of the error of the stress and displacement variables plus some quantity. Numerical experiments confirm the theoretical results.Comment: arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1312.645

    Geometric partial differential equations: Theory, numerics and applications

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    This workshop concentrated on partial differential equations involving stationary and evolving surfaces in which geometric quantities play a major role. Mutual interest in this emerging field stimulated the interaction between analysis, numerical solution, and applications
