321 research outputs found

    A unified multichannel far-field speech recognition system: combining neural beamforming with attention based end-to-end model

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    Far-field speech recognition is a challenging task that conventionally uses signal processing beamforming to attack noise and interference problem. But the performance has been found usually limited due to heavy reliance on environmental assumption. In this paper, we propose a unified multichannel far-field speech recognition system that combines the neural beamforming and transformer-based Listen, Spell, Attend (LAS) speech recognition system, which extends the end-to-end speech recognition system further to include speech enhancement. Such framework is then jointly trained to optimize the final objective of interest. Specifically, factored complex linear projection (fCLP) has been adopted to form the neural beamforming. Several pooling strategies to combine look directions are then compared in order to find the optimal approach. Moreover, information of the source direction is also integrated in the beamforming to explore the usefulness of source direction as a prior, which is usually available especially in multi-modality scenario. Experiments on different microphone array geometry are conducted to evaluate the robustness against spacing variance of microphone array. Large in-house databases are used to evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed framework and the proposed method achieve 19.26\% improvement when compared with a strong baseline

    Towards Unified All-Neural Beamforming for Time and Frequency Domain Speech Separation

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    Recently, frequency domain all-neural beamforming methods have achieved remarkable progress for multichannel speech separation. In parallel, the integration of time domain network structure and beamforming also gains significant attention. This study proposes a novel all-neural beamforming method in time domain and makes an attempt to unify the all-neural beamforming pipelines for time domain and frequency domain multichannel speech separation. The proposed model consists of two modules: separation and beamforming. Both modules perform temporal-spectral-spatial modeling and are trained from end-to-end using a joint loss function. The novelty of this study lies in two folds. Firstly, a time domain directional feature conditioned on the direction of the target speaker is proposed, which can be jointly optimized within the time domain architecture to enhance target signal estimation. Secondly, an all-neural beamforming network in time domain is designed to refine the pre-separated results. This module features with parametric time-variant beamforming coefficient estimation, without explicitly following the derivation of optimal filters that may lead to an upper bound. The proposed method is evaluated on simulated reverberant overlapped speech data derived from the AISHELL-1 corpus. Experimental results demonstrate significant performance improvements over frequency domain state-of-the-arts, ideal magnitude masks and existing time domain neural beamforming methods

    Fully Learnable Front-End for Multi-Channel Acoustic Modeling using Semi-Supervised Learning

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    In this work, we investigated the teacher-student training paradigm to train a fully learnable multi-channel acoustic model for far-field automatic speech recognition (ASR). Using a large offline teacher model trained on beamformed audio, we trained a simpler multi-channel student acoustic model used in the speech recognition system. For the student, both multi-channel feature extraction layers and the higher classification layers were jointly trained using the logits from the teacher model. In our experiments, compared to a baseline model trained on about 600 hours of transcribed data, a relative word-error rate (WER) reduction of about 27.3% was achieved when using an additional 1800 hours of untranscribed data. We also investigated the benefit of pre-training the multi-channel front end to output the beamformed log-mel filter bank energies (LFBE) using L2 loss. We find that pre-training improves the word error rate by 10.7% when compared to a multi-channel model directly initialized with a beamformer and mel-filter bank coefficients for the front end. Finally, combining pre-training and teacher-student training produces a WER reduction of 31% compared to our baseline.Comment: To appear in ICASSP 202

    Block-Online Multi-Channel Speech Enhancement Using DNN-Supported Relative Transfer Function Estimates

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    This work addresses the problem of block-online processing for multi-channel speech enhancement. Such processing is vital in scenarios with moving speakers and/or when very short utterances are processed, e.g., in voice assistant scenarios. We consider several variants of a system that performs beamforming supported by DNN-based voice activity detection (VAD) followed by post-filtering. The speaker is targeted through estimating relative transfer functions between microphones. Each block of the input signals is processed independently in order to make the method applicable in highly dynamic environments. Owing to the short length of the processed block, the statistics required by the beamformer are estimated less precisely. The influence of this inaccuracy is studied and compared to the processing regime when recordings are treated as one block (batch processing). The experimental evaluation of the proposed method is performed on large datasets of CHiME-4 and on another dataset featuring moving target speaker. The experiments are evaluated in terms of objective and perceptual criteria (such as signal-to-interference ratio (SIR) or perceptual evaluation of speech quality (PESQ), respectively). Moreover, word error rate (WER) achieved by a baseline automatic speech recognition system is evaluated, for which the enhancement method serves as a front-end solution. The results indicate that the proposed method is robust with respect to short length of the processed block. Significant improvements in terms of the criteria and WER are observed even for the block length of 250 ms.Comment: 10 pages, 8 figures, 4 tables. Modified version of the article accepted for publication in IET Signal Processing journal. Original results unchanged, additional experiments presented, refined discussion and conclusion
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