3,842 research outputs found

    NePF: Neural Photon Field for Single-Stage Inverse Rendering

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    We present a novel single-stage framework, Neural Photon Field (NePF), to address the ill-posed inverse rendering from multi-view images. Contrary to previous methods that recover the geometry, material, and illumination in multiple stages and extract the properties from various multi-layer perceptrons across different neural fields, we question such complexities and introduce our method - a single-stage framework that uniformly recovers all properties. NePF achieves this unification by fully utilizing the physical implication behind the weight function of neural implicit surfaces and the view-dependent radiance. Moreover, we introduce an innovative coordinate-based illumination model for rapid volume physically-based rendering. To regularize this illumination, we implement the subsurface scattering model for diffuse estimation. We evaluate our method on both real and synthetic datasets. The results demonstrate the superiority of our approach in recovering high-fidelity geometry and visual-plausible material attributes

    Report on shape analysis and matching and on semantic matching

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    In GRAVITATE, two disparate specialities will come together in one working platform for the archaeologist: the fields of shape analysis, and of metadata search. These fields are relatively disjoint at the moment, and the research and development challenge of GRAVITATE is precisely to merge them for our chosen tasks. As shown in chapter 7 the small amount of literature that already attempts join 3D geometry and semantics is not related to the cultural heritage domain. Therefore, after the project is done, there should be a clear ‘before-GRAVITATE’ and ‘after-GRAVITATE’ split in how these two aspects of a cultural heritage artefact are treated.This state of the art report (SOTA) is ‘before-GRAVITATE’. Shape analysis and metadata description are described separately, as currently in the literature and we end the report with common recommendations in chapter 8 on possible or plausible cross-connections that suggest themselves. These considerations will be refined for the Roadmap for Research deliverable.Within the project, a jargon is developing in which ‘geometry’ stands for the physical properties of an artefact (not only its shape, but also its colour and material) and ‘metadata’ is used as a general shorthand for the semantic description of the provenance, location, ownership, classification, use etc. of the artefact. As we proceed in the project, we will find a need to refine those broad divisions, and find intermediate classes (such as a semantic description of certain colour patterns), but for now the terminology is convenient – not least because it highlights the interesting area where both aspects meet.On the ‘geometry’ side, the GRAVITATE partners are UVA, Technion, CNR/IMATI; on the metadata side, IT Innovation, British Museum and Cyprus Institute; the latter two of course also playing the role of internal users, and representatives of the Cultural Heritage (CH) data and target user’s group. CNR/IMATI’s experience in shape analysis and similarity will be an important bridge between the two worlds for geometry and metadata. The authorship and styles of this SOTA reflect these specialisms: the first part (chapters 3 and 4) purely by the geometry partners (mostly IMATI and UVA), the second part (chapters 5 and 6) by the metadata partners, especially IT Innovation while the joint overview on 3D geometry and semantics is mainly by IT Innovation and IMATI. The common section on Perspectives was written with the contribution of all

    Dynamic Multivariate Simplex Splines For Volume Representation And Modeling

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    Volume representation and modeling of heterogeneous objects acquired from real world are very challenging research tasks and playing fundamental roles in many potential applications, e.g., volume reconstruction, volume simulation and volume registration. In order to accurately and efficiently represent and model the real-world objects, this dissertation proposes an integrated computational framework based on dynamic multivariate simplex splines (DMSS) that can greatly improve the accuracy and efficacy of modeling and simulation of heterogenous objects. The framework can not only reconstruct with high accuracy geometric, material, and other quantities associated with heterogeneous real-world models, but also simulate the complicated dynamics precisely by tightly coupling these physical properties into simulation. The integration of geometric modeling and material modeling is the key to the success of representation and modeling of real-world objects. The proposed framework has been successfully applied to multiple research areas, such as volume reconstruction and visualization, nonrigid volume registration, and physically based modeling and simulation

    Reconstructing Cardiac Electrical Excitations from Optical Mapping Recordings

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    The reconstruction of electrical excitation patterns through the unobserved depth of the tissue is essential to realizing the potential of computational models in cardiac medicine. We have utilized experimental optical-mapping recordings of cardiac electrical excitation on the epicardial and endocardial surfaces of a canine ventricle as observations directing a local ensemble transform Kalman Filter (LETKF) data assimilation scheme. We demonstrate that the inclusion of explicit information about the stimulation protocol can marginally improve the confidence of the ensemble reconstruction and the reliability of the assimilation over time. Likewise, we consider the efficacy of stochastic modeling additions to the assimilation scheme in the context of experimentally derived observation sets. Approximation error is addressed at both the observation and modeling stages, through the uncertainty of observations and the specification of the model used in the assimilation ensemble. We find that perturbative modifications to the observations have marginal to deleterious effects on the accuracy and robustness of the state reconstruction. Further, we find that incorporating additional information from the observations into the model itself (in the case of stimulus and stochastic currents) has a marginal improvement on the reconstruction accuracy over a fully autonomous model, while complicating the model itself and thus introducing potential for new types of model error. That the inclusion of explicit modeling information has negligible to negative effects on the reconstruction implies the need for new avenues for optimization of data assimilation schemes applied to cardiac electrical excitation.Comment: main text: 18 pages, 10 figures; supplement: 5 pages, 9 figures, 2 movie

    Resolving the obscuring torus in NGC 1068 with the power of infrared interferometry: Revealing the inner funnel of dust

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    We present new interferometric data obtained with MIDI (MID infrared Interferometric instrument) for the Seyfert II galaxy NGC 1068, with an extensive coverage of sixteen uv points. These observations resolve the nuclear mid-infrared emission from NGC 1068 in unprecedented detail with a maximum resolution of 7 mas. For the first time, sufficient uv points have been obtained, allowing us to generate an image of the source using maximum entropy image reconstruction. The features of the image are similar to those obtained by modelling. We find that the mid-infrared emission can be represented by two components, each with a Gaussian brightness distribution. The first, identified as the inner funnel of the obscuring torus, is hot (800K), 1.35 parsec long, and 0.45 parsec thick in FWHM at a PA=-42 degrees (from north to east). It has an absorption profile different than standard interstellar dust and with evidence for clumpiness. The second component is 3 by 4 pc in FWHM with T=300K, and we identify it with the cooler body of the torus. The compact component is tilted by 45 degrees with respect to the radio jet and has similar size and orientation to the observed water maser distribution. We show how the dust distribution relates to other observables within a few parsecs of the core of the galaxy such as the nuclear masers, the radio jet, and the ionization cone. We compare our findings to a similar study of the Circinus galaxy and other relevant studies. Our findings shed new light on the relation between the different parsec-scale components in NGC 1068 and the obscuring torus.Comment: Accepted to MNRA
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