2 research outputs found

    Unidirectional Lightweight Encapsulation With Header Compression For IP Based Satellite Communication Over DVB-S.

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    The Multi-Protocol Encapsulation (MPE) is a standard method for encapsulating IP packets into MpEG-2 TS frames. However MPE has some disadvantages in simplicity and efficiency to support next generation network

    ULE Robust Header Compression For Ip-Based Communication Over Digital Video Broadcasting-Satellite (DVB-S) [TK5104. T261 2008 f rb].

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    Untuk selama 35 tahun, Internet telah berkembang dan bertumbuh dengan pesat. Disebabkan pembangunan yang mendadak, permintaan capaian Internet menjadi kian popular di mana-mana saja melalui pelbagai jenis media, Over a span of thirty five years, the Internet has developed and grown rapidly. Due to its rapid growth, the demand for Internet access today is everywhere and over every possible medium such as satellite communications