3 research outputs found

    Recognition of Nonideal Iris Images Using Shape Guided Approach and Game Theory

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    Most state-of-the-art iris recognition algorithms claim to perform with a very high recognition accuracy in a strictly controlled environment. However, their recognition accuracies significantly decrease when the acquired images are affected by different noise factors including motion blur, camera diffusion, head movement, gaze direction, camera angle, reflections, contrast, luminosity, eyelid and eyelash occlusions, and problems due to contraction and dilation. The main objective of this thesis is to develop a nonideal iris recognition system by using active contour methods, Genetic Algorithms (GAs), shape guided model, Adaptive Asymmetrical Support Vector Machines (AASVMs) and Game Theory (GT). In this thesis, the proposed iris recognition method is divided into two phases: (1) cooperative iris recognition, and (2) noncooperative iris recognition. While most state-of-the-art iris recognition algorithms have focused on the preprocessing of iris images, recently, important new directions have been identified in iris biometrics research. These include optimal feature selection and iris pattern classification. In the first phase, we propose an iris recognition scheme based on GAs and asymmetrical SVMs. Instead of using the whole iris region, we elicit the iris information between the collarette and the pupil boundary to suppress the effects of eyelid and eyelash occlusions and to minimize the matching error. In the second phase, we process the nonideal iris images that are captured in unconstrained situations and those affected by several nonideal factors. The proposed noncooperative iris recognition method is further divided into three approaches. In the first approach of the second phase, we apply active contour-based curve evolution approaches to segment the inner/outer boundaries accurately from the nonideal iris images. The proposed active contour-based approaches show a reasonable performance when the iris/sclera boundary is separated by a blurred boundary. In the second approach, we describe a new iris segmentation scheme using GT to elicit iris/pupil boundary from a nonideal iris image. We apply a parallel game-theoretic decision making procedure by modifying Chakraborty and Duncan's algorithm to form a unified approach, which is robust to noise and poor localization and less affected by weak iris/sclera boundary. Finally, to further improve the segmentation performance, we propose a variational model to localize the iris region belonging to the given shape space using active contour method, a geometric shape prior and the Mumford-Shah functional. The verification and identification performance of the proposed scheme is validated using four challenging nonideal iris datasets, namely, the ICE 2005, the UBIRIS Version 1, the CASIA Version 3 Interval, and the WVU Nonideal, plus the non-homogeneous combined dataset. We have conducted several sets of experiments and finally, the proposed approach has achieved a Genuine Accept Rate (GAR) of 97.34% on the combined dataset at the fixed False Accept Rate (FAR) of 0.001% with an Equal Error Rate (EER) of 0.81%. The highest Correct Recognition Rate (CRR) obtained by the proposed iris recognition system is 97.39%

    Advancing iris biometric technology

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    PhD ThesisThe iris biometric is a well-established technology which is already in use in several nation-scale applications and it is still an active research area with several unsolved problems. This work focuses on three key problems in iris biometrics namely: segmentation, protection and cross-matching. Three novel methods in each of these areas are proposed and analyzed thoroughly. In terms of iris segmentation, a novel iris segmentation method is designed based on a fusion of an expanding and a shrinking active contour by integrating a new pressure force within the Gradient Vector Flow (GVF) active contour model. In addition, a new method for closed eye detection is proposed. The experimental results on the CASIA V4, MMU2, UBIRIS V1 and UBIRIS V2 databases show that the proposed method achieves state-of-theart results in terms of segmentation accuracy and recognition performance while being computationally more efficient. In this context, improvements by 60.5%, 42% and 48.7% are achieved in segmentation accuracy for the CASIA V4, MMU2 and UBIRIS V1 databases, respectively. For the UBIRIS V2 database, a superior time reduction is reported (85.7%) while maintaining a similar accuracy. Similarly, considerable time improvements by 63.8%, 56.6% and 29.3% are achieved for the CASIA V4, MMU2 and UBIRIS V1 databases, respectively. With respect to iris biometric protection, a novel security architecture is designed to protect the integrity of iris images and templates using watermarking and Visual Cryptography (VC). Firstly, for protecting the iris image, text which carries personal information is embedded in the middle band frequency region of the iris image using a novel watermarking algorithm that randomly interchanges multiple middle band pairs of the Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT). Secondly, for iris template protection, VC is utilized to protect the iii iris template. In addition, the integrity of the stored template in the biometric smart card is guaranteed by using the hash signatures. The proposed method has a minimal effect on the iris recognition performance of only 3.6% and 4.9% for the CASIA V4 and UBIRIS V1 databases, respectively. In addition, the VC scheme is designed to be readily applied to protect any biometric binary template without any degradation to the recognition performance with a complexity of only O(N). As for cross-spectral matching, a framework is designed which is capable of matching iris images in different lighting conditions. The first method is designed to work with registered iris images where the key idea is to synthesize the corresponding Near Infra-Red (NIR) images from the Visible Light (VL) images using an Artificial Neural Network (ANN) while the second method is capable of working with unregistered iris images based on integrating the Gabor filter with different photometric normalization models and descriptors along with decision level fusion to achieve the cross-spectral matching. A significant improvement by 79.3% in cross-spectral matching performance is attained for the UTIRIS database. As for the PolyU database, the proposed verification method achieved an improvement by 83.9% in terms of NIR vs Red channel matching which confirms the efficiency of the proposed method. In summary, the most important open issues in exploiting the iris biometric are presented and novel methods to address these problems are proposed. Hence, this work will help to establish a more robust iris recognition system due to the development of an accurate segmentation method working for iris images taken under both the VL and NIR. In addition, the proposed protection scheme paves the way for a secure iris images and templates storage. Moreover, the proposed framework for cross-spectral matching will help to employ the iris biometric in several security applications such as surveillance at-a-distance and automated watch-list identification.Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research in Ira

    Biometric iris image segmentation and feature extraction for iris recognition

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    PhD ThesisThe continued threat to security in our interconnected world today begs for urgent solution. Iris biometric like many other biometric systems provides an alternative solution to this lingering problem. Although, iris recognition have been extensively studied, it is nevertheless, not a fully solved problem which is the factor inhibiting its implementation in real world situations today. There exists three main problems facing the existing iris recognition systems: 1) lack of robustness of the algorithm to handle non-ideal iris images, 2) slow speed of the algorithm and 3) the applicability to the existing systems in real world situation. In this thesis, six novel approaches were derived and implemented to address these current limitation of existing iris recognition systems. A novel fast and accurate segmentation approach based on the combination of graph-cut optimization and active contour model is proposed to define the irregular boundaries of the iris in a hierarchical 2-level approach. In the first hierarchy, the approximate boundary of the pupil/iris is estimated using a method based on Hough’s transform for the pupil and adapted starburst algorithm for the iris. Subsequently, in the second hierarchy, the final irregular boundary of the pupil/iris is refined and segmented using graph-cut based active contour (GCBAC) model proposed in this work. The segmentation is performed in two levels, whereby the pupil is segmented first before the iris. In order to detect and eliminate noise and reflection artefacts which might introduce errors to the algorithm, a preprocessing technique based on adaptive weighted edge detection and high-pass filtering is used to detect reflections on the high intensity areas of the image while exemplar based image inpainting is used to eliminate the reflections. After the segmentation of the iris boundaries, a post-processing operation based on combination of block classification method and statistical prediction approach is used to detect any super-imposed occluding eyelashes/eyeshadows. The normalization of the iris image is achieved though the rubber sheet model. In the second stage, an approach based on construction of complex wavelet filters and rotation of the filters to the direction of the principal texture direction is used for the extraction of important iris information while a modified particle swam optimization (PSO) is used to select the most prominent iris features for iris encoding. Classification of the iriscode is performed using adaptive support vector machines (ASVM). Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed approach achieves accuracy of 98.99% and is computationally about 2 times faster than the best existing approach.Ebonyi State University and Education Task Fund, Nigeri