34 research outputs found

    Underwater Multi-Robot Convoying using Visual Tracking by Detection

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    We present a robust multi-robot convoying approach that relies on visual detection of the leading agent, thus enabling target following in unstructured 3-D environments. Our method is based on the idea of tracking-by-detection, which interleaves efficient model-based object detection with temporal filtering of image-based bounding box estimation. This approach has the important advantage of mitigating tracking drift (i.e. drifting away from the target object), which is a common symptom of model-free trackers and is detrimental to sustained convoying in practice. To illustrate our solution, we collected extensive footage of an underwater robot in ocean settings, and hand-annotated its location in each frame. Based on this dataset, we present an empirical comparison of multiple tracker variants, including the use of several convolutional neural networks, both with and without recurrent connections, as well as frequency-based model-free trackers. We also demonstrate the practicality of this tracking-by-detection strategy in real-world scenarios by successfully controlling a legged underwater robot in five degrees of freedom to follow another robot's independent motion.Comment: Accepted to IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), 201

    Visual Diver Recognition for Underwater Human-Robot Collaboration

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    This paper presents an approach for autonomous underwater robots to visually detect and identify divers. The proposed approach enables an autonomous underwater robot to detect multiple divers in a visual scene and distinguish between them. Such methods are useful for robots to identify a human leader, for example, in multi-human/robot teams where only designated individuals are allowed to command or lean a team of robots. Initial diver identification is performed using the Faster R-CNN algorithm with a region proposal network which produces bounding boxes around the divers' locations. Subsequently, a suite of spatial and frequency domain descriptors are extracted from the bounding boxes to create a feature vector. A K-Means clustering algorithm, with k set to the number of detected bounding boxes, thereafter identifies the detected divers based on these feature vectors. We evaluate the performance of the proposed approach on video footage of divers swimming in front of a mobile robot and demonstrate its accuracy.Comment: submitted for ICRA 201

    Towards a Generic Diver-Following Algorithm: Balancing Robustness and Efficiency in Deep Visual Detection

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    This paper explores the design and development of a class of robust diver-following algorithms for autonomous underwater robots. By considering the operational challenges for underwater visual tracking in diverse real-world settings, we formulate a set of desired features of a generic diver following algorithm. We attempt to accommodate these features and maximize general tracking performance by exploiting the state-of-the-art deep object detection models. We fine-tune the building blocks of these models with a goal of balancing the trade-off between robustness and efficiency in an onboard setting under real-time constraints. Subsequently, we design an architecturally simple Convolutional Neural Network (CNN)-based diver-detection model that is much faster than the state-of-the-art deep models yet provides comparable detection performances. In addition, we validate the performance and effectiveness of the proposed diver-following modules through a number of field experiments in closed-water and open-water environments

    DeepURL: Deep Pose Estimation Framework for Underwater Relative Localization

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    In this paper, we propose a real-time deep learning approach for determining the 6D relative pose of Autonomous Underwater Vehicles (AUV) from a single image. A team of autonomous robots localizing themselves in a communication-constrained underwater environment is essential for many applications such as underwater exploration, mapping, multi-robot convoying, and other multi-robot tasks. Due to the profound difficulty of collecting ground truth images with accurate 6D poses underwater, this work utilizes rendered images from the Unreal Game Engine simulation for training. An image-to-image translation network is employed to bridge the gap between the rendered and the real images producing synthetic images for training. The proposed method predicts the 6D pose of an AUV from a single image as 2D image keypoints representing 8 corners of the 3D model of the AUV, and then the 6D pose in the camera coordinates is determined using RANSAC-based PnP. Experimental results in real-world underwater environments (swimming pool and ocean) with different cameras demonstrate the robustness and accuracy of the proposed technique in terms of translation error and orientation error over the state-of-the-art methods. The code is publicly available

    Person Following by Autonomous Robots: A Categorical Overview

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    A wide range of human-robot collaborative applications in diverse domains such as manufacturing, health care, the entertainment industry, and social interactions, require an autonomous robot to follow its human companion. Different working environments and applications pose diverse challenges by adding constraints on the choice of sensors, the degree of autonomy, and dynamics of a person-following robot. Researchers have addressed these challenges in many ways and contributed to the development of a large body of literature. This paper provides a comprehensive overview of the literature by categorizing different aspects of person-following by autonomous robots. Also, the corresponding operational challenges are identified based on various design choices for ground, underwater, and aerial scenarios. In addition, state-of-the-art methods for perception, planning, control, and interaction are elaborately discussed and their applicability in varied operational scenarios are presented. Then, some of the prominent methods are qualitatively compared, corresponding practicalities are illustrated, and their feasibility is analyzed for various use-cases. Furthermore, several prospective application areas are identified, and open problems are highlighted for future research

    Understanding Human Motion and Gestures for Underwater Human-Robot Collaboration

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    In this paper, we present a number of robust methodologies for an underwater robot to visually detect, follow, and interact with a diver for collaborative task execution. We design and develop two autonomous diver-following algorithms, the first of which utilizes both spatial- and frequency-domain features pertaining to human swimming patterns in order to visually track a diver. The second algorithm uses a convolutional neural network-based model for robust tracking-by-detection. In addition, we propose a hand gesture-based human-robot communication framework that is syntactically simpler and computationally more efficient than the existing grammar-based frameworks. In the proposed interaction framework, deep visual detectors are used to provide accurate hand gesture recognition; subsequently, a finite-state machine performs robust and efficient gesture-to-instruction mapping. The distinguishing feature of this framework is that it can be easily adopted by divers for communicating with underwater robots without using artificial markers or requiring memorization of complex language rules. Furthermore, we validate the performance and effectiveness of the proposed methodologies through extensive field experiments in closed- and open-water environments. Finally, we perform a user interaction study to demonstrate the usability benefits of our proposed interaction framework compared to existing methods.Comment: arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1709.0877

    Semantic Segmentation of Underwater Imagery: Dataset and Benchmark

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    In this paper, we present the first large-scale dataset for semantic Segmentation of Underwater IMagery (SUIM). It contains over 1500 images with pixel annotations for eight object categories: fish (vertebrates), reefs (invertebrates), aquatic plants, wrecks/ruins, human divers, robots, and sea-floor. The images have been rigorously collected during oceanic explorations and human-robot collaborative experiments, and annotated by human participants. We also present a benchmark evaluation of state-of-the-art semantic segmentation approaches based on standard performance metrics. In addition, we present SUIM-Net, a fully-convolutional encoder-decoder model that balances the trade-off between performance and computational efficiency. It offers competitive performance while ensuring fast end-to-end inference, which is essential for its use in the autonomy pipeline of visually-guided underwater robots. In particular, we demonstrate its usability benefits for visual servoing, saliency prediction, and detailed scene understanding. With a variety of use cases, the proposed model and benchmark dataset open up promising opportunities for future research in underwater robot vision

    Physical Adversarial Textures that Fool Visual Object Tracking

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    We present a system for generating inconspicuous-looking textures that, when displayed in the physical world as digital or printed posters, cause visual object tracking systems to become confused. For instance, as a target being tracked by a robot's camera moves in front of such a poster, our generated texture makes the tracker lock onto it and allows the target to evade. This work aims to fool seldom-targeted regression tasks, and in particular compares diverse optimization strategies: non-targeted, targeted, and a new family of guided adversarial losses. While we use the Expectation Over Transformation (EOT) algorithm to generate physical adversaries that fool tracking models when imaged under diverse conditions, we compare the impacts of different conditioning variables, including viewpoint, lighting, and appearances, to find practical attack setups with high resulting adversarial strength and convergence speed. We further showcase textures optimized solely using simulated scenes can confuse real-world tracking systems.Comment: Accepted to the International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV) 201

    SVAM: Saliency-guided Visual Attention Modeling by Autonomous Underwater Robots

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    This paper presents a holistic approach to saliency-guided visual attention modeling (SVAM) for use by autonomous underwater robots. Our proposed model, named SVAM-Net, integrates deep visual features at various scales and semantics for effective salient object detection (SOD) in natural underwater images. The SVAM-Net architecture is configured in a unique way to jointly accommodate bottom-up and top-down learning within two separate branches of the network while sharing the same encoding layers. We design dedicated spatial attention modules (SAMs) along these learning pathways to exploit the coarse-level and fine-level semantic features for SOD at four stages of abstractions. The bottom-up branch performs a rough yet reasonably accurate saliency estimation at a fast rate, whereas the deeper top-down branch incorporates a residual refinement module (RRM) that provides fine-grained localization of the salient objects. Extensive performance evaluation of SVAM-Net on benchmark datasets clearly demonstrates its effectiveness for underwater SOD. We also validate its generalization performance by several ocean trials' data that include test images of diverse underwater scenes and waterbodies, and also images with unseen natural objects. Moreover, we analyze its computational feasibility for robotic deployments and demonstrate its utility in several important use cases of visual attention modeling

    Morphology-Agnostic Visual Robotic Control

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    Existing approaches for visuomotor robotic control typically require characterizing the robot in advance by calibrating the camera or performing system identification. We propose MAVRIC, an approach that works with minimal prior knowledge of the robot's morphology, and requires only a camera view containing the robot and its environment and an unknown control interface. MAVRIC revolves around a mutual information-based method for self-recognition, which discovers visual "control points" on the robot body within a few seconds of exploratory interaction, and these control points in turn are then used for visual servoing. MAVRIC can control robots with imprecise actuation, no proprioceptive feedback, unknown morphologies including novel tools, unknown camera poses, and even unsteady handheld cameras. We demonstrate our method on visually-guided 3D point reaching, trajectory following, and robot-to-robot imitation