35 research outputs found

    A Survey of Performance Evaluation and Control for Self-Similar Network Traffic

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    This paper surveys techniques for the recognition and treatment of self-similar network or internetwork traffic. Various researchers have reported traffic measurements that demonstrate considerable burstiness on a range of time scales with properties of self-similarity. Rapid technological development has widened the scope of network and Internet applications and, in turn, increased traffic volume. The exponential growth of the number of servers, as well as the number of users, causes Internet performance to be problematic as a result of the significant impact that long-range dependent traffic has on buffer requirements. Consequently, accurate and reliable measurement, analysis and control of Internet traffic are vital. The most significant techniques for performance evaluation include theoretical analysis, simulation, and empirical study based on measurement. In this research, we discuss existing and recent developments in performance evaluation and control tools used in network traffic engineering

    Impact of Delayed Acknowledgment on TCP performance over LEO satellite constellations

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    This paper aims at quantifying the impact of a default TCP option, known as Delayed Acknowledgment (DelAck), in the context of LEO satellite constellations. Satellite transmissions can suffer from high channel impairments, especially on the link between a satellite and a ground gateway. To cope with these errors, physical and link layer reliability schemes have been introduced, at the price of an increase of the end-to-end delay seen by the transport layer (e.g. TCP). Although DelAck is used to decrease the feedback path load and for overall system performance, the use of this option conjointly with satellite link layer recovery schemes might increase the delay and might be counterproductive. To assess the impact of this option, we drive simulation measurements with two well-deployed TCP variants. The results show that the performance gain depends on the variant used and that this option should be carefully set or disabled as a function of the network characteristics. DelAck has a negative impact on TCP variants which are more aggressive such as TCP Hybla, and should be disabled for these versions. However, it shows benefits for TCP variants less aggressive such as NewReno

    SSthreshless Start: A Sender-Side TCP Intelligence for Long Fat Network

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    Measurement shows that 85% of TCP flows in the internet are short-lived flows that stay most of their operation in the TCP startup phase. However, many previous studies indicate that the traditional TCP Slow Start algorithm does not perform well, especially in long fat networks. Two obvious problems are known to impact the Slow Start performance, which are the blind initial setting of the Slow Start threshold and the aggressive increase of the probing rate during the startup phase regardless of the buffer sizes along the path. Current efforts focusing on tuning the Slow Start threshold and/or probing rate during the startup phase have not been considered very effective, which has prompted an investigation with a different approach. In this paper, we present a novel TCP startup method, called threshold-less slow start or SSthreshless Start, which does not need the Slow Start threshold to operate. Instead, SSthreshless Start uses the backlog status at bottleneck buffer to adaptively adjust probing rate which allows better seizing of the available bandwidth. Comparing to the traditional and other major modified startup methods, our simulation results show that SSthreshless Start achieves significant performance improvement during the startup phase. Moreover, SSthreshless Start scales well with a wide range of buffer size, propagation delay and network bandwidth. Besides, it shows excellent friendliness when operating simultaneously with the currently popular TCP NewReno connections.Comment: 25 pages, 10 figures, 7 table

    An Energy-conscious Transport Protocol for Multi-hop Wireless Networks

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    We present a transport protocol whose goal is to reduce power consumption without compromising delivery requirements of applications. To meet its goal of energy efficiency, our transport protocol (1) contains mechanisms to balance end-to-end vs. local retransmissions; (2) minimizes acknowledgment traffic using receiver regulated rate-based flow control combined with selected acknowledgements and in-network caching of packets; and (3) aggressively seeks to avoid any congestion-based packet loss. Within a recently developed ultra low-power multi-hop wireless network system, extensive simulations and experimental results demonstrate that our transport protocol meets its goal of preserving the energy efficiency of the underlying network.Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (NBCHC050053

    Differentiated Predictive Fair Service for TCP Flows

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    The majority of the traffic (bytes) flowing over the Internet today have been attributed to the Transmission Control Protocol (TCP). This strong presence of TCP has recently spurred further investigations into its congestion avoidance mechanism and its effect on the performance of short and long data transfers. At the same time, the rising interest in enhancing Internet services while keeping the implementation cost low has led to several service-differentiation proposals. In such service-differentiation architectures, much of the complexity is placed only in access routers, which classify and mark packets from different flows. Core routers can then allocate enough resources to each class of packets so as to satisfy delivery requirements, such as predictable (consistent) and fair service. In this paper, we investigate the interaction among short and long TCP flows, and how TCP service can be improved by employing a low-cost service-differentiation scheme. Through control-theoretic arguments and extensive simulations, we show the utility of isolating TCP flows into two classes based on their lifetime/size, namely one class of short flows and another of long flows. With such class-based isolation, short and long TCP flows have separate service queues at routers. This protects each class of flows from the other as they possess different characteristics, such as burstiness of arrivals/departures and congestion/sending window dynamics. We show the benefits of isolation, in terms of better predictability and fairness, over traditional shared queueing systems with both tail-drop and Random-Early-Drop (RED) packet dropping policies. The proposed class-based isolation of TCP flows has several advantages: (1) the implementation cost is low since it only requires core routers to maintain per-class (rather than per-flow) state; (2) it promises to be an effective traffic engineering tool for improved predictability and fairness for both short and long TCP flows; and (3) stringent delay requirements of short interactive transfers can be met by increasing the amount of resources allocated to the class of short flows.National Science Foundation (CAREER ANI-0096045, MRI EIA-9871022

    BPTraSha: A Novel Algorithm for Shaping Bursty Nature of Internet Traffic

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    Various researchers have reported that traffic measurements demonstrate considerable burstiness on several time scales, with properties of self-similarity. Also, the rapid development of technologies has widened the scope of network and Internet applications and, in turn, increased traffic. The self-similar nature of this data traffic may exhibit spikiness and burstiness on large scales with such behaviour being caused by strong dependence characteristics in data: that is, large values tend to come in clusters and clusters of clusters and so on. Several studies have shown that TCP, the dominant network (Internet) transport protocol, contributes to the propagation of self-similarity. Bursty traffic can affect the Quality of Service of all traffic on the network by introducing inconsistent latency. It is easier to manage the workloads under less bursty (i.e. smoother) conditions. In this paper, we introduce a novel algorithm for traffic shaping, which can smooth out the traffic burstiness. We name it the Bursty Packet Traffic Shaper (BPTraSha). Experimental results show that this approach allows significant traffic control by smoothing the incoming traffic. BPTraSha can be implemented on the distribution router buffer so that the traffic's bursty nature can be modified before it is transmitted over the core network (Internet)

    Managing the Bursty Nature of Packet Traffic using the BPTraSha Algorithm

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    The rapid development of network technologies has widened the scope of Internet applications and, in turn, increased both Internet traffic and the need for its accurate measurement, modelling and control. Various researchers have reported that traffic measurements demonstrate considerable burstiness on several time scales, with properties of self-similarity. The self-similar nature of this data traffic may exhibit spikiness and burstiness on large scales with such behaviour being caused by strong dependence characteristics in data: that is, large values tend to come in clusters and clusters of clusters and so on. Several studies have shown that TCP, the dominant network (Internet) transport protocol, contributes to the propagation of self-similarity. Bursty traffic can affect the Quality of Service of all traffic on the network by introducing inconsistent latency. It is easier to manage the workloads under less bursty (i.e. smoother) conditions. In this paper, we examine the use of a novel algorithm, the Bursty Packet Traffic Shaper (BPTraSha), for traffic shaping, which can smooth out the traffic burstiness. Experimental results show that this approach allows significant traffic control by smoothing the incoming traffic. BPTraSha can be implemented on the distribution router buffer so that the traffic’s bursty nature can be modified before it is transmitted over the core network

    OptSample: A Resilient Buffer Management Policy for Robotic Systems based on Optimal Message Sampling

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    Modern robotic systems have become an alternative to humans to perform risky or exhausting tasks. In such application scenarios, communications between robots and the control center have become one of the major problems. Buffering is a commonly used solution to relieve temporary network disruption. But the assumption that newer messages are more valuable than older ones is not true for many application scenarios such as explorations, rescue operations, and surveillance. In this paper, we proposed a novel resilient buffer management policy named OptSample. It can uniformly sampling messages and dynamically adjust the sample rate based on run-time network situation. We define an evaluation function to estimate the profit of a message sequence. Based on the function, our analysis and simulation shows that the OptSample policy can effectively prevent losing long segment of continuous messages and improve the overall profit of the received messages. We implement the proposed policy in ROS. The implementation is transparent to user and no user code need to be changed. Experimental results on several application scenarios show that the OptSample policy can help robotic systems be more resilient against network disruption