1 research outputs found

    Understanding the influence of IT investment on supply chain governance (SCG)

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    The aim of this study is to analyze the influence of IT investments in supply chain governance (SCG) and its conceptions (contractual, relational and transactional). This study used qualitative and quantitative techniques to assist the researcher in obtaining a better and a more in depth understanding of the phenomenon. In the qualitative step, five items emerged that was applied to identify and measure the influence of IT investments on SCG: monitoring, products and orders tracking, information sharing, integration and cost reduction. All SCG elements were confirmed and validated by interviewees with the exception of the element cooperation and opportunism. Contracts were separated in informal/formal and opportunism was changed to transparency. In the quantitative step the model was validated and all hypotheses were confirmed. Thus, in this study we found a positive and significant influence of IT investments on SCG and its conceptions