12,129 research outputs found

    Petuum: A New Platform for Distributed Machine Learning on Big Data

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    What is a systematic way to efficiently apply a wide spectrum of advanced ML programs to industrial scale problems, using Big Models (up to 100s of billions of parameters) on Big Data (up to terabytes or petabytes)? Modern parallelization strategies employ fine-grained operations and scheduling beyond the classic bulk-synchronous processing paradigm popularized by MapReduce, or even specialized graph-based execution that relies on graph representations of ML programs. The variety of approaches tends to pull systems and algorithms design in different directions, and it remains difficult to find a universal platform applicable to a wide range of ML programs at scale. We propose a general-purpose framework that systematically addresses data- and model-parallel challenges in large-scale ML, by observing that many ML programs are fundamentally optimization-centric and admit error-tolerant, iterative-convergent algorithmic solutions. This presents unique opportunities for an integrative system design, such as bounded-error network synchronization and dynamic scheduling based on ML program structure. We demonstrate the efficacy of these system designs versus well-known implementations of modern ML algorithms, allowing ML programs to run in much less time and at considerably larger model sizes, even on modestly-sized compute clusters.Comment: 15 pages, 10 figures, final version in KDD 2015 under the same titl

    PRETZEL: Opening the Black Box of Machine Learning Prediction Serving Systems

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    Machine Learning models are often composed of pipelines of transformations. While this design allows to efficiently execute single model components at training time, prediction serving has different requirements such as low latency, high throughput and graceful performance degradation under heavy load. Current prediction serving systems consider models as black boxes, whereby prediction-time-specific optimizations are ignored in favor of ease of deployment. In this paper, we present PRETZEL, a prediction serving system introducing a novel white box architecture enabling both end-to-end and multi-model optimizations. Using production-like model pipelines, our experiments show that PRETZEL is able to introduce performance improvements over different dimensions; compared to state-of-the-art approaches PRETZEL is on average able to reduce 99th percentile latency by 5.5x while reducing memory footprint by 25x, and increasing throughput by 4.7x.Comment: 16 pages, 14 figures, 13th USENIX Symposium on Operating Systems Design and Implementation (OSDI), 201

    Optimizing simulation on shared-memory platforms: The smart cities case

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    Modern advancements in computing architectures have been accompanied by new emergent paradigms to run Parallel Discrete Event Simulation models efficiently. Indeed, many new paradigms to effectively use the available underlying hardware have been proposed in the literature. Among these, the Share-Everything paradigm tackles massively-parallel shared-memory machines, in order to support speculative simulation by taking into account the limits and benefits related to this family of architectures. Previous results have shown how this paradigm outperforms traditional speculative strategies (such as data-separated Time Warp systems) whenever the granularity of executed events is small. In this paper, we show performance implications of this simulation-engine organization when the simulation models have a variable granularity. To this end, we have selected a traffic model, tailored for smart cities-oriented simulation. Our assessment illustrates the effects of the various tuning parameters related to the approach, opening to a higher understanding of this innovative paradigm

    Load Balancing and Virtual Machine Allocation in Cloud-based Data Centers

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    As cloud services see an exponential increase in consumers, the demand for faster processing of data and a reliable delivery of services becomes a pressing concern. This puts a lot of pressure on the cloud-based data centers, where the consumers’ data is stored, processed and serviced. The rising demand for high quality services and the constrained environment, make load balancing within the cloud data centers a vital concern. This project aims to achieve load balancing within the data centers by means of implementing a Virtual Machine allocation policy, based on consensus algorithm technique. The cloud-based data center system, consisting of Virtual Machines has been simulated on CloudSim – a Java based cloud simulator
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