4 research outputs found

    袝袩袉小孝袝袦袨袥袨袚袉效袧袉 袟袗小袗袛袠 袙袠袙效袝袧袧携 袟袧袗袧袧携 携袣 小校袘'袆袣孝袠袙袧袨袚袨 校孝袙袨袪袝袧袧携

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    The article concerns the epistemological study of knowledge as the subjective unity viewed by native and abroad investigations. The epistemology as a branch of as well as the manifestation of subjective form of knowledge and knowing are under discussion. Main directions of the abroad epistemological studies are analyzed

    袨小袧袨袙袧袉 袗小袩袝袣孝袠 袨小袙袉孝袧鞋袨袊 袆袙袪袨袉袧孝袝袚袪袗笑袉袊 校袣袪袗袊袧袠

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    The given article is devoted to the analysis of role of education in society. Attention on its anal is is in modern terms is accented, from this industry not only the future of man, citizen but also states depends on the whole. Basic principles of reformation of Ukrainian educational industry in the conditions of eurointegration are considered. In the article is heaved up a question about some disparities of European educational requirements to the traditional postulates of the system Ukrainian education