4 research outputs found

    Feature Engineering for Knowledge Base Construction

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    Knowledge base construction (KBC) is the process of populating a knowledge base, i.e., a relational database together with inference rules, with information extracted from documents and structured sources. KBC blurs the distinction between two traditional database problems, information extraction and information integration. For the last several years, our group has been building knowledge bases with scientific collaborators. Using our approach, we have built knowledge bases that have comparable and sometimes better quality than those constructed by human volunteers. In contrast to these knowledge bases, which took experts a decade or more human years to construct, many of our projects are constructed by a single graduate student. Our approach to KBC is based on joint probabilistic inference and learning, but we do not see inference as either a panacea or a magic bullet: inference is a tool that allows us to be systematic in how we construct, debug, and improve the quality of such systems. In addition, inference allows us to construct these systems in a more loosely coupled way than traditional approaches. To support this idea, we have built the DeepDive system, which has the design goal of letting the user "think about features---not algorithms." We think of DeepDive as declarative in that one specifies what they want but not how to get it. We describe our approach with a focus on feature engineering, which we argue is an understudied problem relative to its importance to end-to-end quality

    Fonduer: Knowledge Base Construction from Richly Formatted Data

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    We focus on knowledge base construction (KBC) from richly formatted data. In contrast to KBC from text or tabular data, KBC from richly formatted data aims to extract relations conveyed jointly via textual, structural, tabular, and visual expressions. We introduce Fonduer, a machine-learning-based KBC system for richly formatted data. Fonduer presents a new data model that accounts for three challenging characteristics of richly formatted data: (1) prevalent document-level relations, (2) multimodality, and (3) data variety. Fonduer uses a new deep-learning model to automatically capture the representation (i.e., features) needed to learn how to extract relations from richly formatted data. Finally, Fonduer provides a new programming model that enables users to convert domain expertise, based on multiple modalities of information, to meaningful signals of supervision for training a KBC system. Fonduer-based KBC systems are in production for a range of use cases, including at a major online retailer. We compare Fonduer against state-of-the-art KBC approaches in four different domains. We show that Fonduer achieves an average improvement of 41 F1 points on the quality of the output knowledge base---and in some cases produces up to 1.87x the number of correct entries---compared to expert-curated public knowledge bases. We also conduct a user study to assess the usability of Fonduer's new programming model. We show that after using Fonduer for only 30 minutes, non-domain experts are able to design KBC systems that achieve on average 23 F1 points higher quality than traditional machine-learning-based KBC approaches

    Web Table Extraction, Retrieval and Augmentation: A Survey

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    Tables are a powerful and popular tool for organizing and manipulating data. A vast number of tables can be found on the Web, which represents a valuable knowledge resource. The objective of this survey is to synthesize and present two decades of research on web tables. In particular, we organize existing literature into six main categories of information access tasks: table extraction, table interpretation, table search, question answering, knowledge base augmentation, and table augmentation. For each of these tasks, we identify and describe seminal approaches, present relevant resources, and point out interdependencies among the different tasks.Comment: ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology. 11(2): Article 13, January 202

    Understanding Tables in Context Using Standard NLP Toolkits

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    Tabular information in text documents contains a wealth of information, and so tables are a natural candidate for information extraction. There are many cues buried in both a table and its surrounding text that allow us to understand the meaning of the data in a table. We study how natural-language tools, such as part-of-speech tagging, dependency paths, and named-entity recognition, can be used to improve the quality of relation extraction from tables. In three domains we show that (1) a model that performs joint probabilistic inference across tabular and natural language features achieves an F1 score that is twice as high as either a puretable or pure-text system, and (2) using only shallower features or non-joint inference results in lower quality.