326 research outputs found

    On the Limits of Liberalism in Participatory Environmental Governance: Conflict and Conservation in Ukraine\u27s Danube Delta

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    Participatory management techniques are widely promoted in environmental and protected area governance as a means of preventing and mitigating conflict. The World Bank project that created Ukraine’s Danube Biosphere Reserve included such ‘community participation’ components. The Reserve, however, has been involved in conflicts and scandals in which rumour, denunciation and prayer have played a prominent part. The cases described in this article demonstrate that the way conflict is escalated and mitigated differs according to foundational assumptions about what ‘the political’ is and what counts as ‘politics’. The contrasting forms of politics at work in the Danube Delta help to explain why a 2005 World Bank assessment report could only see failure in the Reserve’s implementation of participatory management, and why liberal participatory management approaches may founder when introduced in settings where relationships are based on non-liberal political ontologies. The author argues that environmental management needs to be rethought in ways that take ontological differences seriously rather than assuming the universality of liberal assumptions about the individual, the political and politics

    Biosphere reserves' management effectiveness-A systematic literature review and a research agenda

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    PD/BD/114050/2015 UID/AMB/04085/2019 UIDB/04085/2020 grant number ZN3188Research about biosphere reserves' management effectiveness can contribute to better understanding of the existing gap between the biosphere reserve concept and its implementation. However, there is a limited understanding about where and how research about biosphere reserves' management effectiveness has been conducted, what topics are investigated, and which are the main findings. This study addresses these gaps in the field, building on a systematic literature review of scientific papers. To this end, we investigated characteristics of publications, scope, status and location of biosphere reserves, research methods and management effectiveness. The results indicate that research is conceptually and methodologically diverse, but unevenly distributed. Three groups of papers associated with different goals of biosphere reserves were identified: capacity building, biodiversity conservation and sustainable development. In general, each group is associated with different methodological approaches and different regions of the world. The results indicate the importance of scale dynamics and trade-offs between goals, which are advanced as important leverage points for the success of biosphere reserves. Building on the gaps identified in the literature, a research agenda is proposed, focusing on the need to investigate mechanisms for holistic research, outcomes and trade-offs, transformations for social-ecological fit and institutions for integrated management across scales.publishersversionpublishe

    Commercialization of Holidays in the Protected Natural Areas - Form of the Sustainable Development in Tourism

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    Sustainable development of tourism in the protected areas should be regarded as a continuous improvement process in the management quality of the protected natural areas that are included in the tourist circuit as well as of the ecological tourism products, merchandised by the travel agencies. In Romania, the best-represented types of protected natural areas are the biosphere reservations, our country having three of these areas, followed by 13 national parks and 14 natural parks. The total surface of the protected areas in Romania is of approximately 1.9 million hectares, which represents almost 8% from the total surface of the country. Regarding the structure, we notice the typological diversity and the alignment to the international standards and IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature) category system. The fieldwork done at the 2009 (March 19th – 22nd) Romanian Tourism Fair has shown the fact that, even if they recognize the benefits of the vacations in protected areas, the travel agencies’ preoccupations of creating specialized packages have been reduced, displaying a poor offer, or a special offer created at the tourists’ request. The research was realized within the project called “Dynamics of the implementation of community policies in the valuing of the Romanian protected areas through tourism and designing architecture of integrated management for them”. Consequently, considering, on the one hand, the advantages of the vacations in protected areas and, on the other hand, the tourists’ increasing interest towards this type of vacation is necessary in the future, a more intense involvement of the travel agencies, but also of the protected natural areas administrations in their promotion, fructification and sustainable development.natural protected areas, management, sustainable development, commercialization of tourist products, tourism agencies

    Managing Social-Ecological Systems for People and Nature: Insights from the World Network of Biosphere Reserves

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    Biodiversity loss is a current major environmental problem at a global level. However, given the complexity and interdependency between social-ecological systems, integrated strategies, that combine biodiversity conservation with other environmental and socio-economic goals, are necessary. Biosphere reserves are multifunctional landscapes, designated by UNESCO, that are ideally managed in a participatory way to promote biodiversity conservation and sustainable development. However, despite there are biosphere reserves designated all over the world, their realization has been limited. Research effectiveness has been mainly focused in investigating specific processes or only include the perspectives of experts. This work uses a more holistic approach to investigate the factors that are important for the success of biosphere reserves. Building on a systematic literature review of the scientific literature, I found that factors related with categories context, inputs, processes and outcomes that interact at different scales. Relationships between subcategories were analysed using multivariate statistics, and three groups of papers identified, which are associated with the goals of biosphere reserves: biodiversity conservation, sustainable development and capacity building. There were also identified gaps in the literature, which limit a more comprehensive understanding. In order to determine what lessons for the success of biosphere reserves can be drawn from the implementation of grassroot approaches, a multiple case-study research with 35 semi-structured interviews was conducted in the Paul do Boquilobo Biosphere Reserve, the Janas Ecovillage and Minga Multisector Cooperative. The analysis of how the initiatives started, their governance, management and outcomes allowed to conclude that the initiatives represent different sustainability pathways and to draw recommendations to increase the success of the biosphere reserve. This research provides important contributions for the management of social-ecological systems, including the conservation of biodiversity, and for the success of biosphere reserves: (1) at a conceptual level, the multi-dimensional framework developed allows to identify the trade-offs, synergies and conflicts associated with the management of social-ecological systems; (2) recommendations were developed for the implementation of the MAB Programme, the Paul do Boquilobo Biosphere Reserve, Janas Ecovillage and Minga Multisector Cooperative; and (3) a research agenda is proposed, to contribute to advance inquir

    Use of multiple criteria decision analysis for the development of adaptive fishery management strategies: The case of the Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve.

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    Fishery managers face two problems that are endemic to all renewable resource management: how much of the resource should be extracted, and how should resource users be managed to ensure efficiency and fairness. The predominant fishery management approach addresses these problems through fish stock assessment and resource economics. However, my review of the literature and analysis of the situation in the Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve show that both methodologies face serious difficulties: they deal inadequately with uncertainties about the causes of observed behaviour and the likely effects of different policies; they are too focused on readily measurable objectives; and they do not address the effects of the institutional context on management. In Chapter 3, I examine previous applications of Multiple Criteria Decision Analysis (MCDA) with a view to see if they can be applied to fishery management. My analysis shows that until now MCDA has been used to address only the first two sets of fishery management problems: systematically incorporating uncertainty and multiple objectives into policy development. I also argue that existing proposals for the use of Decision Analysis can be classified as variations of one version of MCDA, namely Multiple Stakeholder Decision Analysis (MSDA). The main problems that remain to be resolved relate to the interaction between experts, stakeholders, and managers when there are conflicting interpretations of evidence, and situations of high institutional inertia. In Chapter 4, I examine these problems within the context of ecological management experience and New Institutional Economics. I argue that for complex problems, such as those in the Danube Delta, management that aims to attain narrowly defined optimal fishing yields through command and control measures is unfeasable and undesirable. A more promising approach would seek to strengthen resilience, promote organisational variety, and increase the leverage of stakeholders over those who provide services for them. When one seeks to achieve such a transformation of management, I argue that the intervention needs to take into account the specific institutional circumstances of the client. In Chapter 5, I show how management procedures, problem perception, and strategy development are influenced by organisational structure and the hierarchical position of managers. That is why decision analysis interventions must address both technical as well as institutional needs of clients. In Chapter 6, I discuss Decision Conferencing, an alternative MCDA approach, and argue that it is more suitable for dealing with management problems such as those of the Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve. Decision Conferences can provide a structure for expert, manager, and stakeholder interaction and can lead to the transformation of social realities. In Chapters 7 and 8, I review the context and concrete environmental and institutional problems that led to the first Decision Conference on an environmental management problem. I report the processes of the Decision Conference, the agreements reached, and anlyse both the short and medium term effects of the intervention. On the basis of that evidence I make claims about the general utility of the approach. The thesis concludes with proposals to improve Decision Conferencing through a framework that provides guidance for context specific process management and helps to ensure that a requisite variety of viewpoints are incorporated into management strategy development

    Eutrophication: Policies, Action, and Strategies to Address Nutrient Pollution

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    Outlines the causes and effects of eutrophication -- nutrient overenrichment of freshwater and coastal ecosystems. Discusses policy options for research, monitoring, and evaluation; education and outreach; regulatory activities; and incentives

    The use of the Ecosystem Services approach in Protected Area management

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    Sustainability, mankind single chance

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    Starting from the conception of Norway’s ex-prime minister Gro Harlem Brundland about “Sustainability” (1987) and from “Rio statement” (1992), the paper analyzes both the complexity of this concept and economy-environment ratio. Starting from the pattern of sustainability, it is presented the strategy of this type of development, as the only chance of mankind evolution, which should assure the balance between the environment preservation  and economic development